
Morsi Wants a Chair

Morsi Wants a Chair

The show is lyrical, exposed to social problems that have a political dimension, including that, with the love of people, we can fulfill all our dreams without the need for a chair or position, and this appears from the "Morsi" figure that Ahmed Badir embodies in a comic framework.

Nataly Fish

8 on a Beach Chair

8 on a Beach Chair

Florence eleve seule ses enfants. La veille du depart en vacances, elle apprend que son contrat a duree determinee ne sera pas renouvele. Elle part pourtant dans un camping dans le Sud. Pierre, veuf inconsolable, se rend dans la meme station balneaire que Florence...

Nataly Fish

Dream for a Chair

Dream for a Chair

Deputy director Koli wishes to replace the pensioned director, but is preoccupied that Vjollca, the chairwoman of the planning branch, will get the promotion instead.

Nataly Fish

In the Director's Chair Sits a Woman

In the Director's Chair Sits a Woman

Twenty six Israeli women directors of narrative features are sharing their personal experiences of sitting in the director's chair. From Ellida Geyra - Israel's first female fiction filmmaker, to contemporary female directors, the film weaves together a conglomerate of women's voices, as they echo each other, clash, and come apart, then culminate i..

Nataly Fish

How My Grandmother Became A Chair

How My Grandmother Became A Chair

Grandmother loses her five senses one after the other until she transforms into a wooden chair.

Nataly Fish

La Méridienne

La Méridienne

Célibataire habitant une vieille maison, "La Méridienne", François demande à ses deux meilleures amies, Marie et Marthe, de l'aider à trouver la femme de sa vie. Il décide d'engager Dubois, un détective chargé de veiller sur lui. Au cours de sa filature, Dubois tombe amoureux de Marie.

Nataly Fish

Le Chemin

Le Chemin

Theo a une vie agréable dans une riche banlieue brésilienne. Médecin, mari et père, il est très pris par sa carrière, jusqu’au jour où son fils de 15 ans, Pedro, disparaît. Il part alors à sa recherche et c’est pendant ce long voyage à travers le Brésil qu’il découvre ce qui compte réellement pour lui.

Nataly Fish

La Chair de sa chair

La Chair de sa chair

Quand les chemins d'un adolescent enlevé, de gangsters sans scrupules et d'une femme ex-agent spécial sans pitié se croisent, le sang ne tarde pas à couler.

Nataly Fish

Green Chair 2013 - Love Conceptually

Green Chair 2013 - Love Conceptually

Moon-hee is an attractive woman who runs an art academy after returning from the States. She lives apart from her husband who won't divorce her and enjoys a free relationship with In-gyu, her lover of long time and Professor Yoon whom she's been privately involved with for a long time. On the other hand, her young student Joo Won only draws her fac..

Nataly Fish

The Empty Chair: Final Exam

The Empty Chair: Final Exam

Dozens of students died gruesomely during the last school exams. It started with one of the students being possessed and harming the others. The devil's power threatens their lives.

Nataly Fish

La Chair et le Sang

La Chair et le Sang

Au XVIème siècle, trahis par le seigneur Arnolfini qui les avait employés, une bande de mercenaires, sans foi ni loi, enlève la jeune Agnès alors fiancée à Stephen, le fils du maître des lieux. Les bandits décident par la même occasion de mettre à sac la région.

Nataly Fish

Chairman of the Board

Chairman of the Board

Surfer Edison isn't able to make ends meet with his inventions or his lifestyle. But then he meets billionaire Armand McMillian, who takes a shine to the young bum — so much so that he leaves his invention company to him upon his death. Unfortunately, Armand's nephew, Bradford, only gets a surfboard. While Edison manages to run the company succes..

Nataly Fish

Take A Seat

Take A Seat

A young man's marriage is put to the test when his wife discovers he is sexually attracted to chairs. In a battle for artistic freedom, and finding one's true self, he must overcome his addiction, all the while crossing paths with a charismatic leader, a kooky counselor, and spiritual visions.

Nataly Fish

La Chaise à porteurs enchantée

La Chaise à porteurs enchantée

A fine magician of the Royal Court materialises an elegant attire from a transparent glass container, and then, a refined dandy appears, as an ornate palanquin is summoned. Now, what does the illusionist have in mind?

Nataly Fish

The Chair

The Chair

After inheriting his father's estate, Cheung Ka-bo leads a life of debauchery after getting know Blackie Yuen, who profits at others' expense, and Yee-Wah, who working at a night club. As the family wealth diminishes, he always squabbles with his wife and finally separates from her. She returns a diamond bracelet, kept by Uncle Chan, to her mother-..

Nataly Fish



The dissolving, balancing and renewing function of the eternal circulation is shown in this film through the "life" of a chair.

Nataly Fish

Quand la chair succombe

Quand la chair succombe

Emilio Brentani, trentenaire célibataire, tombe passionnément amoureux d'Angiolina, une jeune fille aux mœurs légères.

Nataly Fish

Green Chair

Green Chair

Mun Hee a environ la trentaine, et est divorcée. Elle s’entiche d’un jeune lycéen nommé Seo Hyoon, et ce contre la loi. Elle est arrêtée, et une fois ses travaux d’intérêt général terminés, elle rejoint Seo Hyoon. Tous les deux s’enferment dans un motel pendant quelques jours et ne passent leurs journées qu’à faire l’amour. ..

Nataly Fish

Battle of the Chairmanship

Battle of the Chairmanship

A funny comedy about a battle for a chairmanship of condo association. AKA Condo Mishmash

Nataly Fish

12 Chairs

12 Chairs

A former aristocrat Ippolit Vorobyaninov leads a miserable life in Soviet Russia. His mother-in-law reveals a secret to him - she hid family diamonds in one of the twelve chairs they once had. Vorobyaninov in cooperation with a young con artist Ostap Bender start a long search for the diamonds.

Nataly Fish

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