
Pénitencier de femmes

Pénitencier de femmes

A la recherche d'un scoop, la journaliste Emanuelle se fait passer pour une détenue et découvre les tortures et les humiliations perpétrées sur les prisonnières d'un pénitencier de femmes.

Nataly Fish

USA: Life in a High Security Prison

USA: Life in a High Security Prison

In the United States, there are more than 2 million people behind bars. That's more than anywhere else in the world. The Anamosa State Penitentiary, granted us exceptional, round-the-clock access. Here, three quarters of the prisoners have been convicted of violent crimes and serve an average of 27 years. How is the prison managed?

Nataly Fish

Je n'ai pas tué Lincoln

Je n'ai pas tué Lincoln

Après avoir soigné la jambe de l'assassin John Wilkes Booth, responsable de l'assassinat du président Abraham Lincoln le 14 avril 1865, lors d'une représentation au Ford's Theatre de Washington, le Dr Samuel A. Mudd, considéré comme faisant partie de l'odieux complot, est condamné à la prison à vie et envoyé dans la sinistre prison de Sha..

Nataly Fish

Prisoners in Petticoats

Prisoners in Petticoats

Joan Grey is a young pianist that falls for the good manners and nice clothes of a gang of mobsters. She is warned by Mark Hampton, an investigator, that she is associating with gangsters and she is heading for trouble. She refuses to believe him and becomes innocently involved in some robberies and killings.

Nataly Fish

Prisoner X

Prisoner X

A CIA operative interrogates a time-traveling terrorist.

Nataly Fish

De prisons en prisons

De prisons en prisons

De prisons en prisons documente le parcours de différent(e)s ex-détenu(e)s qui tentent de réintégrer la société. Du petit voleur récidiviste à la fraudeuse, du vendeur de drogue à la personne ayant commis un homicide, ce projet documentaire donne l’occasion à différents ex-détenu(e)s de s’exprimer sur leur quotidien précaire, leur ..

Nataly Fish

Against Their Will: Women in Prison

Against Their Will: Women in Prison

Behind prison walls, corruption, sex and power make criminals out of the guards and heroes out of the guarded. For more than a decade, the lawless guards inside a maximum security women's prison have reigned with impunity - rape, sex for money and illegal favors have become the norm until one woman decides to battle the system. Leading a group of i..

Nataly Fish

Mélodie de la rancune

Mélodie de la rancune

Toujours recherchée par la police, Sasori se lie avec un ancien activiste de gauche, traumatisé d'avoir été torturé dans sa jeunesse.

Nataly Fish

Riot in Juvenile Prison

Riot in Juvenile Prison

When the shootings of two juvenile inmates bring public protest, a psychologist is brought in to see if he can do anything to control the problems peacefully.

Nataly Fish

Les Prisonniers de Beckett

Les Prisonniers de Beckett

The meeting of two worlds that never met. One of poetry and freedom, and the other of silence and darkness. A story that begins in a maximum security prison in Sweden where a young actor, Jan Jönson, decides to stage " Waiting for Godot "with five prisoners as actors.

Nataly Fish

Prison sans barreaux

Prison sans barreaux

Yvonne, une jeune femme aux méthodes novatrices, prend la tête d'un établissement pénitentiaire pour jeunes filles dont les pensionnaires étaient jusqu'alors soumises aux sévices de la précédente directrice.

Nataly Fish

Prison of Secrets

Prison of Secrets

Lynn Schaffer is willfully irresponsible once too often, gets fired and refuses a plea-bargain with her employer. She's now convicted and because of this uncooperative attitude gets the maximum sentence, 10 years in a women's jail wing. Model husband Larry, who wasn't informed of her dumb schemes is left running her appeal, the household and spoile..

Nataly Fish

Prisons sans barreaux

Prisons sans barreaux

A foray into the unknown world of an emerging disease: environmental hypersensitivity.

Nataly Fish

Où se trouve le chef de la prison?

Où se trouve le chef de la prison?

Suddenly, Roman asks himself a first question, followed by a multitude of others that nobody can answer.

Nataly Fish

Satan en prison

Satan en prison

The title is vital, since the bulk of the action consists of a well-dressed man magically producing a series of items to furnish a bare room, culminating in his summoning up a charming lady to share his meal. Hearing the guards approaching, the man reverses the process, ending with a bare room when the two men enter.

Nataly Fish

Early Release: From Prison To A Pandemic

Early Release: From Prison To A Pandemic

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, thousands of non-violent offenders released early from their sentences are making the transition from prison to quarantine and into a radically changed outside world. In this short documentary, Newsy follows one man's experience throughout his release, quarantine in the basement of his sister’s home and eventual reuni..

Nataly Fish

Prisons de femmes

Prisons de femmes

Alice a mal débuté dans la vie, mais elle a réussi à se libérer du Milieu. Mariée, elle travaille dans une pharmacie. Le mari d'Alice meurt empoisonné. Tout est contre elle: son passé, son travail qui lui donne accès aux produits toxiques. Elle est condamnée à 10 ans de réclusion.

Nataly Fish



L'univers carcéral féminin : un monde impitoyable. Centrale de Rennes : contraintes à vivre dans la promiscuité, les prisonnières sont des centaines avec, chacune, son histoire, ses errances, ses petites victoires et surtout sa révolte. Ces femmes que l'on tente d'infantiliser, de rendre passives en les poussant à faire de leur cellule leur ..

Nataly Fish

The Prisoner of Five Boulders

The Prisoner of Five Boulders

In the closing years of the Yuan Dynasty in China, the courts were corrupted, natural disasters were rampant, there were uprising everywhere. The people live in fear. Many swordsmen and kung fu masters voiced their complaints, but they were not united. Rather, they fought for supremacy by trying to be the sole owner of the Dragonslayer Sword. Steve..

Nataly Fish

Ceuta, douce prison

Ceuta, douce prison

« Ceuta, Douce Prison » suit les trajectoires de cinq migrants dans l’enclave espagnole de Ceuta, au nord du Maroc. Ils ont tout quitté pour tenter leur chance en Europe et se retrouvent enfermés dans une prison à ciel ouvert, aux portes du vieux continent. Ils vivent partagés entre l’espoir d’obtenir un « laissez-passer » et la crain..

Nataly Fish

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