
3 Bears Christmas

3 Bears Christmas

Baby Bear sneaks out on Christmas morning to find the perfect gift for his parents Mama and Papa Bear only to cross paths with a wicked witch who transforms him into a human.

Nataly Fish

Bear Nation

Bear Nation

Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur la communauté Bear ! Malcom Ingram nous entraîne dans une fascinante exploration de cette communauté dans la communauté gay où on est loin des stéréotypes musclés des pubs pour sous-vêtements au corps totalement épilé. Ici, les hommes s’assument tels qu’ils sont et de témoignage en té..

Nataly Fish

Bears: Spy in the Woods

Bears: Spy in the Woods

Attenborough's team travels the globe for up-close looks at polar bears, grizzlies, pandas and other fascinating bear species.

Nataly Fish

The Berenstain Bears' Christmas Tree

The Berenstain Bears' Christmas Tree

Papa Bear and the cubs search the woods for the perfect Christmas tree, but run afoul of the woodland animals who live in the trees they aim to cut down.

Nataly Fish

A Red Bear

A Red Bear

Bear has never gotten over the separation from his wife and daughter after having been convicted for armed robbery and homicide and sent to prison. Now he is out, to finally get his cut of the money and reunite with his family, or at least avenge the damage done.

Nataly Fish

Revenge Porn: Georgia vs Bear

Revenge Porn: Georgia vs Bear

Revealing doc about how reality star Georgia Harrison fought a revenge porn court case against her ex Stephen Bear and won. Features exclusive access, filmed over two years.

Nataly Fish

The Care Bears Battle the Freeze Machine

The Care Bears Battle the Freeze Machine

The special, a follow-up to the previous installment The Land Without Feelings (from 1983), sees the return of the ten original Bears and the rarely-seen Cloud Keeper, as well as the villain Professor Coldheart. In addition, the special introduces Baby Hugs, Baby Tugs, Grams Bear, and Professor Coldheart's sidekick, Frostbite.

Nataly Fish

Follow Bear to Adventure

Follow Bear to Adventure

Shitu (Bao Beier), a migrant worker, took over a zoo that is on the verge of bankruptcy. He and his employees aim to save the zoo.

Nataly Fish

Bear with Us

Bear with Us

Bear with Us is a crazy romp about a guy who attempts to propose to his girlfriend in the most romantic way possible, but his plan starts to fall apart when a Ravenous bear stumbles on their charming cabin in the woods. Think "Jaws" but much funnier and with a bear instead of a shark. It's a total comedy of errors that takes a comical look at just..

Nataly Fish

The Incredible 25th Year of Mitzi Bearclaw

The Incredible 25th Year of Mitzi Bearclaw

An Indigenous woman reluctantly returns to her isolated reserve to help her father care for her bitter mother.

Nataly Fish

Peter Beard: Scrapbooks from Africa and Beyond

Peter Beard: Scrapbooks from Africa and Beyond

Peter Beard: Scrapbooks From Africa and Beyond is a colorful and definitive portrait of a man of all seasons, a man in love with people and places, a passionate man, an obsessed man constantly passing from one dimension to another.

Nataly Fish

Polar Bears: A Summer Odyssey

Polar Bears: A Summer Odyssey

Les ours polaires de la baie d'Hudson luttent en pleine nature. Gros plan sur leur vie privée, tourné en 3D native.

Nataly Fish

La petite Béarnaise

La petite Béarnaise

Nataly Fish

Maurice Sendak's Little Bear: Feel Better, Little Bear

Maurice Sendak's Little Bear: Feel Better, Little Bear

Between Friends: When Little Bear gets the mumps, his friend Emily cheers him up by making a book for him about all the great times they've had together. After Emily gives it to him, Little Bear feels much better and figures out how to make Emily feel better when she gets the mumps! Pillow Hill: Little Bear can't go to the picnic because he has a ..

Nataly Fish

Une Bonne Recrue

Une Bonne Recrue

Dans un reportage humoristique, le magazine "Strife" suit un ours qui se fait enrôler et passe par les rigueurs de l’entraînement de base de l’armée.

Nataly Fish

Plume et l'île mystérieuse

Plume et l'île mystérieuse

Au Pôle Nord, Plume, le petit ours polaire, s'amuse dans la neige avec ses amis Léna et Filou.Seul Caruso, le pingouin, pense à autre chose. Il se languit du Pôle Sud et rêve de trouver l'âme soeur. Perdu dans ses pensées, il sculpte des pingouines dans la glace, et leur chante des sérénades comme si elles étaient vivantes.Mais son chant ..

Nataly Fish

The Mortician: The Story of Paul Bearer

The Mortician: The Story of Paul Bearer

The documentary will profile The Undertaker’s longtime confidant and manager, looking at “how William Moody went from ordinary mortician to one of the most unique and enduring figures in WWE history.

Nataly Fish

Why the Bears Dance on Christmas Eve

Why the Bears Dance on Christmas Eve

A shy bear named Bashful stops four environmental villains from stopping Santa Claus.

Nataly Fish

Paddington: The Man Behind the Bear

Paddington: The Man Behind the Bear

Featuring specially filmed readings and narration by Hugh Bonneville, this film celebrates how Paddington became such a well-loved character for generations of readers and film fans. It is also the story of his unassuming creator Michael Bond.

Nataly Fish

Karate Bear Fighter

Karate Bear Fighter

Masutatsu Oyama is recruited by his former Army friend to work for a crew of gangsters, but when they kill both his girlfriend and his best friend, Oyama flees away to a small town where he both learns lessons in martial arts philosophy from a wandering master and helps a young boy take on a challenge to fight a ferocious captured bear to win money..

Nataly Fish

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