


"Titanic" is a Punjabi feature film. It is family movie. "Titanic" is based on a young boy's life whose dreams are so high. He wants to join Indian Navy. Unfortunately his life completely changed due to week financial conditions at home. He starts his work at low level driving of Autoriksha. He works so hard and he faces many obstacles in this work..

Nataly Fish

Testament - Titans Of Creation

Testament - Titans Of Creation

Le groupe s'est rendu dans un studio à San Francisco et a filmé des clips pour chaque titre. On y retrouve Gene Hoglan, le batteur sur l'album. Cette édition spéciale comprend un Bluray avec des clips du groupe jouant tous les morceaux sous forme d'"album vidéo".

Nataly Fish

Die letzte Nacht der Titanic

Die letzte Nacht der Titanic

Nataly Fish

Waking The Titanic

Waking The Titanic

L'histoire unique, d'espoir et de perte, vécue par les habitants d'un petit village à l'ouest de l'Irlande, dont les filles et les fils étaient partis en quête d'une vie meilleure, mais n'auront partagé que le destin tragique du plus grand paquebot du monde.

Nataly Fish

Firing Line with William F. Buckley Jr.: Borges: South America's Titan

Firing Line with William F. Buckley Jr.: Borges: South America's Titan

Jorge Luis Borges and William F. Buckley interview

Nataly Fish

Pride 14: Clash Of The Titans

Pride 14: Clash Of The Titans

PRIDE 14: Clash of the Titans was a mixed martial arts event held by the PRIDE Fighting Championships. It took place at the Yokohama Arena in Yokohama, Japan on May 27, 2001.

Nataly Fish

Le syndrome du Titanic

Le syndrome du Titanic

" Ce film est davantage un appel à la raison et un acte politique qu'un documentaire sur la crise écologique. D'ailleurs, la "belle nature sauvage" est la grande absente..." (Nicolas Hulot)

Nataly Fish

Titanic: 100 Years in 3D

Titanic: 100 Years in 3D

100 years after an iceberg defeated the 882-foot luxury liner on its maiden voyage, scientists and historians are still exploring the Titanic. Armed with modern camera technology, submersibles were sent down to the ship's final resting place with the hope of capturing HD 3D visuals of the wreckage, in order to support or even confirm theories about..

Nataly Fish

Titanium White

Titanium White

Dominik, a PhD student of the History of Art, goes to Porto Ercole, to survey the last works of great Michelangelo Caravaggio. Unexpectedly, Dominik deepens into mysterious series of criminal events.

Nataly Fish

Cinematic Titanic: East Meets Watts

Cinematic Titanic: East Meets Watts

Kung Fu hits the streets! Young Larry Chin arrives from China looking for his long-lost brother and stumbles into some shady characters that'd just as soon see him go home - or get dead. He crosses paths with Stud Brown, and the two become an unlikely duo as they fight to clean up the 'hood, and make time for some lady loves they meet along the wa..

Nataly Fish

James Cameron & Buzz Aldrin: Explorers - Von der Titanic bis zum Mond
Cinematic Titanic: Doomsday Machine

Cinematic Titanic: Doomsday Machine

American spies discover the Chinese have built a weapon capable of destroying planet Earth, a "doomsday machine" if you will, and that they plan to use it within a matter of days. Will the human race survive?

Nataly Fish

Save the Titanic With Bob Ballard

Save the Titanic With Bob Ballard

Robert Ballard has been living and breathing the Titanic since he was part of the team that discovered it in 1985. In Save the Titanic With Bob Ballard, he revisits the iconic ship in an entirely different way—from the perspective of those who set sail on it some 100 years ago. Ballard travels to the shipyards of Northern Ireland to retrace the p..

Nataly Fish

Cinematic Titanic: The Oozing Skull

Cinematic Titanic: The Oozing Skull

In the far-off land of Kalid, President Amir lies on his deathbed. If this revered head-of-state dies, the brutal dictatorship that he has so lovingly cultivated will fall into a dark age of uncertainty and chaos. And so, in this moment of crisis, his loyal staff are left with no alternative but to choose the only logical and sensible course of act..

Nataly Fish

Cinematic Titanic: Danger on Tiki Island

Cinematic Titanic: Danger on Tiki Island

An atomic bomb test in the South Pacific creates an isolated world of terror. Strange things are happening on this remote island in the Pacific, where a Peace Corps volunteer, a researcher and his love-starved lady arrive to find that nearby atomic testing has mutated some of the plants. It that weren't bad enough, a monster terrifies the villager..

Nataly Fish

Who Sank the Titanic?

Who Sank the Titanic?

Nataly Fish

Titan FC 76

Titan FC 76

Titan FC 76 takes place Friday, May 6, 2022 with 7 fights at National Guard Armory in Florida.

Nataly Fish

Il naufragio del Titanic - Nuove verità
Le secret nucléaire du Titanic

Le secret nucléaire du Titanic

C'était le plus grand paquebot jamais construit, et son naufrage demeure le plus grand mystère du 20ème siècle. En 1985, Bob Ballard stupéfia le monde en retrouvant l'épave du Titanic. Mais le public ne connaissait pas la vraie raison des recherches de Ballard : il était en mission pour la Navy américaine, afin de retrouver les sous-marins ..

Nataly Fish

L'enfonsament del Titanic

L'enfonsament del Titanic

Nataly Fish

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