
Craig de la crique : Craig avant la crique

Craig de la crique : Craig avant la crique

Craig, jeune garçon nouveau venu en ville, part à l'aventure dans la Crique à la recherche d'un trésor perdu. En proie aux dangers de la nature, il trouve de nouveaux amis, tout en étant poursuivi par une bande de pirates...

Nataly Fish

The Love Potion

The Love Potion

Nikkatsu Roman Porno, the second entry in the Maruhi Oo'oku Gaiden series. Recieving a mysterious foreign love potion, the Shogun's harem (or Oo'oku) becomes disordered; meanwhile a famous woman attempts to enter and seek revenge in the disguise of a male monk.

Nataly Fish

Le défi du Maltais

Le défi du Maltais

Gwenda Milton, la secrétaire de l'avocat Messer, est retrouvée morte dans la Tamise. Ce qu'on pensait un accident est un meurtre. L'autopsie montre qu'elle ne s'est pas noyée, mais a été étranglée. Elle était la sœur d'Arthur Milton, surnommé « le Sorcier. » Parce qu'il a poussé des criminels à se suicider, il fut contraint de quitter..

Nataly Fish

The Host

The Host

À Séoul, Park Hee-bong tient un petit snack au bord de la rivière Han où il vit avec les siens. Il y a son fils aîné, l'immature Gang-du, sa fille Nam-joo, une championne malchanceuse de tir à l'arc, et Nam-il, son fils cadet éternellement au chômage. Tous idolâtrent la petite Hyun-seo, la fille unique de Gang-du. Un jour, un monstre géa..

Nataly Fish

Potato Salad 3 - The Musical

Potato Salad 3 - The Musical

Mia has an idea for a musical. The best thing is that this idea is to save the Leo Weiß School from the impending closure. But the "potato salad" staging about the past zombie apocalypse causes great confusion.

Nataly Fish

Yakusoku no Utsuwa - Arita no Hatsukoi

Yakusoku no Utsuwa - Arita no Hatsukoi

"Yakusoku no Utsuwa - Arita no Hatsukoi" se déroulera dans la ville d'Arita et sera une histoire de jeunesse mettant en valeur les paysages d'Arita. Il mettra en vedette Hiro Shimono dans le rôle de Jun Uchiyama et Saori Hayami dans le rôle de Nao Akiyama.

Nataly Fish

Godzilla II : Roi des Monstres

Godzilla II : Roi des Monstres

L'agence crypto-zoologique Monarch doit faire face à une vague de monstres titanesques, comme Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan et surtout le redoutable roi Ghidorah à trois têtes. Un combat sans précédent entre ces créatures considérées jusque-là comme chimériques menace d'éclater. Alors qu'elles cherchent toutes à dominer la planète, l'avenir ..

Nataly Fish

The Pot

The Pot

A dutiful young fisherboy sets out to catch his grandfather's favorite fish, which leads him into an extraordinary encounter with a magic pot.

Nataly Fish

Alien, le huitième passager

Alien, le huitième passager

En 2122, le Nostromo, vaisseau de commerce, fait route vers la Terre avec à son bord un équipage de sept personnes en hibernation et une cargaison de minerais. Il interrompt soudain sa course suite à la réception d’un mystérieux message provenant d’une planète inexplorée. Réveillé par l’ordinateur de bord, l’équipage se rend sur p..

Nataly Fish

The Pot

The Pot

Pregnancy is the center of middle-eastern Muslim woman's life. Marrying, getting pregnant & raising kids are her reason for being; what would a dream be then? The film is an exploration of 4 ambitious women choices of work and\or family. It is a search of their hidden faces & of the factors effecting their choices & drives. It is a brief approach t..

Nataly Fish

The Feast of the Baked Potato

The Feast of the Baked Potato

Drama about Aleksandra Avramovna Derevskaya (1902-1959), who, between the two wars - the Civil and Great Patriotic War, raised 48 orphan children of different nationalities. After her death, each birthday, her large family gathers at the table, to preserve the tradition of serving baked potatoes, which was a favorite dish of the household head.

Nataly Fish

The Enemies of the Potato: Insects

The Enemies of the Potato: Insects

Presentation of the different insects which ravage the potato (Colorado beetle, flea beetle, white grub, wire worm, leaf hopper) and the most effective means of repression.

Nataly Fish

La fille du potier

La fille du potier

A dark tale about the relegation of women in art history - according to Pliny the Elder.

Nataly Fish

The Secret of the Love Potion

The Secret of the Love Potion

Once upon a time, there was an old man who knew a lot about herbs and magic spells. Many people came to him at night for their happiness, and he helped them all (well, almost all) to find love. What was the secret of his magic potion and why did the old man still remain lonely?

Nataly Fish

The Pot

The Pot

Allegory of a man who leads the people to destruction and then is reborn to recommence the cycle.

Nataly Fish

The Potion

The Potion

A group of animals from the Catazajá Lagoon face the threat of seeing their beautiful lagoon contaminated.

Nataly Fish

The Enemies of the Potato: Bacterial Diseases

The Enemies of the Potato: Bacterial Diseases

Bacterial diseases are caused by infinitely small beings, called microbes or bacteria, and are accompanied by physiological disorders such as hollow heart, black heart, etc. This documentary presents the main characteristics of these diseases as well as means of repression or prevention.

Nataly Fish

The Enemies of the Potato: Fungal Diseases

The Enemies of the Potato: Fungal Diseases

Fungal diseases, discussed in this documentary, are caused by microscopic fungi. The movie gives some data on their characteristics and how to defeat them.

Nataly Fish

The Pot

The Pot

Lieutenant Natee, a young Thai soldier, returned to his hometown in Chiang Mai with his wife, a foreigner named Jones, who was carrying a child with him. But soon Lieutenant Natee was taken back to continue his service. Leave Jones at home alone with neighbors to look after. Until the day she gave birth, she died while giving birth, but she still m..

Nataly Fish

The Enemies of the Potato: Virus Diseases

The Enemies of the Potato: Virus Diseases

Among the various diseases that attack the potato during the growing season, there are first of all the virus diseases such as Mosaic, Leaf Roll, Spindle, Purple Top, etc. Certified seed appears to be the most effective means of combating these diseases.

Nataly Fish

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