
Nature's hunters

Nature's hunters

Who are the hunters out there in the wild? It is not only the large predators that hunt. Almost everyone is hunting in one form or another. Now we will get to know more of them.

Nataly Fish

First Movement: The Degradation of Nature

First Movement: The Degradation of Nature

A man leaves the natural world.

Nataly Fish

Le ski, la vraie nature, le vide

Le ski, la vraie nature, le vide

A young woman becomes enthusiastic about survival after the end of the world. She rediscovers the joys of skiing and the beauty of nature then visits an empty airport (which is not a bad thing).

Nataly Fish

Dark Nature

Dark Nature

A family holiday turns into a fight for survival in the inhospitable wilderness of remote Scotland.

Nataly Fish

Beyond Human Nature

Beyond Human Nature

When a man is murdered by drowning in a paper pulp vat, a small town clamors for justice and his brother comes face to face with the slippery nature of objective truth. 'Beyond Human Nature' chronicles the grisly Tom Monfils homicide investigation of 1992 through the eyes of the people who lived it.

Nataly Fish

Nature Boy Ric Flair - The Definitive Collection

Nature Boy Ric Flair - The Definitive Collection

This is a tremendous documentary recounting a tremendous career. Starting with Flair's original entry into wrestling, the plane crash that nearly ended his career and his eventual rise to being NWA's Travelling Champion.

Nataly Fish

Guy Montgomery By Name, Guy Montgomery By Nature

Guy Montgomery By Name, Guy Montgomery By Nature

Guy Montgomery By Name, Guy Montgomery By Nature is a comedy show by Guy Montgomery about being Guy Montgomery in a world full of people who are not Guy Montgomery.

Nataly Fish

The Wildebeest Migration: Nature's Greatest Journey

The Wildebeest Migration: Nature's Greatest Journey

Every year, on the steppes of the Serengeti, the most spectacular migration of animals on our planet: Around two million wildebeest, Burchell's zebra and Thomson's gazelles begin their tour of nearly 2,000 miles across the almost treeless savannah. For the first time, a documentary captures stunning footage in the midst of this demanding journey. ..

Nataly Fish

C144 Human X Nature

C144 Human X Nature

Jason and Kamal have gathered a group of expeditioners to search the remains of aircraft Dakota C-47B where it was employed by the US military that crash landed in Beruas, Perak during the World War 2 era. Jason and Kamal are 2 amateur campers, they came underprepared which resulted in the expedition group to get lost in the forest. Bizarre events ..

Nataly Fish

Mimie Mathy : Grandeur Nature

Mimie Mathy : Grandeur Nature

Depuis des décennies, Mimie Mathy caracole en tête de tous les sondages de popularité. Entre sa propriété de Vaison-la-Romaine dans les collines de Provence et son appartement parisien, Mimie Mathy ouvre les portes de son quotidien.

Nataly Fish

The Nature of the Beast

The Nature of the Beast

A boy reads about the attacks of a unknown animal on livestock in the town. He plans to run his own investigation. The so called beast however is also used as a metaphor for every day problems the townsfolk face.

Nataly Fish

Shankly: Nature’s Fire

Shankly: Nature’s Fire

SHANKLY: NATURE'S FIRE explores the remarkable life and career of BILL SHANKLY, the legendary Liverpool Football Club manager who came to leave such a legacy in his adopted home city. The film is a nostalgic journey into the origins of the world's favourite game, and how legends are born and transcend generations. Perhaps no one before or since has..

Nataly Fish

One Touch of Nature

One Touch of Nature

An irritable man meets a boy in the woods, and gets a change of attitude.

Nataly Fish

Deck-A-Rep: The True Nature of Rick Deckard

Deck-A-Rep: The True Nature of Rick Deckard

Fans, filmmakers and people involved with the making of Blade Runner debate if main character Rick Deckard is himself in fact a Replicant or not.

Nataly Fish

Ain't Nature Grand!

Ain't Nature Grand!

Bosko fishes, and sings and dances with frogs. But two ladybugs use a wasp as an airplane, and a beehive and tree branch as a machine gun to drive him away.

Nataly Fish

After Nature

After Nature

Four prominent Danish scientists and an artist struggle in their own way to mitigate the man-made mass extinction and understand how humanity’s pursuit of wealth might lead to an ecological collapse.

Nataly Fish

Nature's fairy - always connected

Nature's fairy - always connected

A poetic film about a young woman's life and dreams. A woman who had the courage to change her life and realize her dreams. A movie about Jonna Jinton. Blogger, photographer and artist and nature lover.

Nataly Fish

The Nature of Nicholas

The Nature of Nicholas

The Nature of Nicholas is a surreal story of twelve-year-old Nicholas as he struggles with an attraction to his best friend.

Nataly Fish

The Nature of the Beast

The Nature of the Beast

The Nature of the Beast explores the life and case of a woman, Bonnie Jean Foreshaw, who was subjected to years of abuse, as a child and in three separate marriages. At the age of thirty-eight, Ms Foreshaw was found guilty of first degree murder when, in a moment of panic, she accidentally shot and killed a pregnant woman in an attempt to protect h..

Nataly Fish

Child of Nature

Child of Nature

An epic journey of courage, hope and generosity, filmed in 15 countries. Child of Nature follows 5 connected stories of young people who, against all odds are transforming their lives and the lives of those around them.

Nataly Fish

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