
The Bird Who Stops in the Air

The Bird Who Stops in the Air

KIM serves as a professor of film studies at a rural college, away from his family. Having kept the memories of birds from his childhood, he intends to make a film based on the images of birds that appear in his dreams. In his position as educator, KIM finds himself torn between artistic ideals of the film and the realities of life which his studen..

Nataly Fish

Love in the Air

Love in the Air

Satake Shoji had been a trapeze artist in the Ezaki Circus, but when Shingo, his team mate, slipped and fell to his death, he had felt responsible and, sick at heart, left the circus for a life at sea. On land again Shoji goes to a cabaret where he is soon involved in a brawl. Kasamatsu, the owner of the cabaret, impressed by Shoji's strength, offe..

Nataly Fish

A House in the Air

A House in the Air

Directed by : Samir Al Asfory

Nataly Fish

A Castle in the Air

A Castle in the Air

Sahar and Rady are in love, but when he asks Sahar to marry him, she turns him down because she's really a poor girl. Rady joins the navy, while the musician Aziz discovers Sahar's talent for singing and trains her. She works at the school of Bahr El-Baqar and survives when the Israelis bomb it.

Nataly Fish

A gray in the air

A gray in the air

This here is the four-reel Spanish version of Charley Chase's Looser Than Loose.

Nataly Fish

The intervention in the Buenos Aires province

The intervention in the Buenos Aires province

Animated short about Argentinian president Yrigoyen and Buenos Aires' gobernor Marcelino Ugarte.

Nataly Fish

On Land, at Sea and in the Air

On Land, at Sea and in the Air

Short animation telling three stories - of a man at home, a boat at sea and a bird. All three are seen simultaneously via a split screen and occasionally coincide.

Nataly Fish

Take a Spin in the Air

Take a Spin in the Air

A school boy who excels in math but loves art; a fetishistic businessman; and a compulsive car cleaner whose hobby is to write plays, are attracted, as a siren song, to a large house made into a cultural center. There, a woman, who seems to be a fortune-teller, urges them to look for a centennial tree planted over an ancient indigenous ceremonials ..

Nataly Fish

Male Games in the Open Air

Male Games in the Open Air

Relations of two sportsmen who often forget that they are not the only ones in the stadium.

Nataly Fish

It’s in The Air

It’s in The Air

Sassi and Lintang are close friends who didn’t meet for a long time. After graduation, Lintang decides to stay at Sassi’s house for college enrollment. They spend the night talking about things that have happened in the past. Sassi memorizes back the story about sexual harassment at school that happened to her. The incident caused Lintang was d..

Nataly Fish

Roots in the Air

Roots in the Air

Journalist Ayman loves Tahyia, he gets arrested for his bold political articles. The wife of a big official, convinces Tahyia to meet Saad, as he can release Ayman. Saad assaults Tahyia and after Ayman is released, he hires him in a prestigious position in the paper.

Nataly Fish

Architecture in the Open Air

Architecture in the Open Air

An attempt to talk about death and loss by juxtaposing images of architecture with shots of cemeteries.

Nataly Fish

Le garçon et le héron

Le garçon et le héron

Après la disparition de sa mère dans un incendie, Mahito, un jeune garçon de 11 ans, doit quitter Tokyo pour partir vivre à la campagne dans le village où elle a grandi. Il s’installe avec son père dans un vieux manoir situé sur un immense domaine où il rencontre un héron cendré qui devient petit à petit son guide et l’aide au fil de..

Nataly Fish

Romance with a Twist

Romance with a Twist

Luna is a former dancer, who left that dream behind for a grounded life managing her family’s construction business and gets the opportunity to transform a gymnasium into a studio for aerials. As she sneaks a moment to try dancing in the silks, she is surreptitiously discovered by Bennet, a professional aerialist, who has returned home from perfo..

Nataly Fish

The Giant Mechanical Man

The Giant Mechanical Man

Deux étrangers tombent l'un sur l'autre. L'une est la gardienne d'un zoo, l'autre un artiste de rue incompris. Ils vont être réunis par l'amour.

Nataly Fish

Pilot X

Pilot X

Aircraft are being shot down by a large black plane with a big "X" painted on the wing. The chief suspects are invited for the weekend to an old dark mansion.

Nataly Fish

Air Doll

Air Doll

Tokyo. Une poupée d’air habite l’appartement sordide d’un homme d’une quarantaine d’années. Elle ne peut ni parler, ni bouger, mais elle est la seule compagne de son propriétaire. Il lui parle, prend son bain avec elle, et lui fait l’amour chaque soir, en rentrant du travail. Mais un jour, le fantasme devient réalité : la poupée p..

Nataly Fish

Mode Avion

Mode Avion

Ana devient une influenceuse pour une marque renommée sur les médias sociaux. Rapidement, elle quitte l'université et investit tout son temps sur sa plateforme. Cependant, ce qui semblait être une opportunité incroyable devient progressivement un mode de vie toxique. Enfin, lorsqu'elle plante sa voiture en étant au téléphone, elle est envoy..

Nataly Fish

About air flying in Russia

About air flying in Russia

The provincial Russian town of Nerekhta is celebrating its 775th anniversary. The basis of the holiday is the legend about the local craftsman Krikutny, who was the first in the world in 1731 to fly in a balloon. Was there really the balloonist Krikutny, or was this story invented by the provincial official Sulukadzev? Whom to believe? To the text ..

Nataly Fish

An American Girl in Buenos Aires
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