
Natsume Yuujinchou : Ishi Okoshi to Ayashiki Raihousha

Natsume Yuujinchou : Ishi Okoshi to Ayashiki Raihousha

Le film propose deux histoires : "Ishi Okoshi" (the Waking Rock) et "Ayashiki Raihôsha" (the Strange Visitor). Dans la première histoire, Takashi Natsume croise par hasard la route d'un yôkai prénommé Mitsumi. Ce dernier a pour mission d'éveiller Iwatetsu, un yôkai de rang divin. Dans la seconde histoire, Kaname Tanuma fait la connaissance..

Nataly Fish

My Best Friend's Wife

My Best Friend's Wife

Roberto is a doctor in a small town near Naples. He suffers from a severe heart disease and he is heading toward an American hospital for a dangerous surgery with little or no hope of surviving. Therefore he talks to his best friend since childhood, Michele, a columnist at the local newspaper, explaining his last and long-wanted desire: having sex ..

Nataly Fish

Let's Stay Friends

Let's Stay Friends

Dans cette histoire d'amitié virile surréaliste, trois vieux amis se retrouvent après s'être perdus de vue pour mettre au point une arnaque à l'héritage.

Nataly Fish

Au secours ! J'ai rétréci mes amis

Au secours ! J'ai rétréci mes amis

Pour protéger ses objets magiques, Otto Leonhard a enseigné à Félix l’art secret du rétrécissement. Lorsque les amis de Félix ont failli gâcher son rendez-vous avec Mélanie, il les réduit à un dixième de leur taille !

Nataly Fish

Everything for My Friend

Everything for My Friend

Ania and her best friend Kasia have fallen out. When Kasia destroys her graduation paintings out of frustration, Ania feels guilty and wants to apologise but realises there is more to her friend’s behaviour than meets the eye.

Nataly Fish

Dosti: Friends Forever

Dosti: Friends Forever

Karan (Bobby Deol) was wealthy and a mansion was his habitat. Raj (Akshay Kumar) had empty pockets and the sky was his roof. Karan's jet ensured that he could fly if he wanted. Raj could only depend on his two feet. Karan had a family and yet craved love. Raj had love to share, but craved a family. Karan was the eternal Casanova. Raj was the prover..

Nataly Fish

Meet My Friend

Meet My Friend

Marco Ferretti is an Italian manager who is young and beautiful, but he cannot stand the presence of women after a difficult affair. When Marco goes to London for an appointment, he meets four beautiful girls who disrupt his life with love.

Nataly Fish

My Friends Act III

My Friends Act III

This time the "amici" (friends) are just four: Necchi, Meandri, Mascetti and Sassaroli. Nevertheless they are older they still love to spend their time mainly organizing irresistible jokes to everyone in every kind of situation. Mascetti is hospitalized in a geriatric clinic. Of course the place become immediately the main stage for all their jokes..

Nataly Fish

Farewell, Friend

Farewell, Friend

Wataru and Makoto are two singers and on their way from a performance to an interview when they are ambushed. Their attackers, who identify themselves as the "Noblemen Squad" take Makoto hostage and leave Wataru and their female manager behind. Luckily, the manager's brother (Ren Osugi, here working under the pseudonym Kyoji Saeki) drops by and sta..

Nataly Fish

Big Tits Friend Sisters

Big Tits Friend Sisters

Sexy and bright friend's sister's special service! Whose service should I get tonight? My parents returned to farm and told Minwoo, who lives with her sisters Youngju and Sangmi. One day, my friend Jeongsu from college comes to play. I think it was good to come to see Sang-mi and Yeong-ju, who greet Jeong-su. Yeong-ju, who guided the city on holida..

Nataly Fish

Friends: Naki on Monster Island

Friends: Naki on Monster Island

Offshore, shrouded in fog, there is a mysterious island that is said to be the home of a family of monsters. It is strictly forbidden to approach it. But one day a human child, Mushroom, it loses and coming face to face with the mysterious creatures that live there. The arrival of Mushroom, makes panic on the island because the monsters are actuall..

Nataly Fish

Mes chers amis 2

Mes chers amis 2

Le comte Mascetti, Rambaldo Melandri, architecte, le professeur Sassaroli, médecin et Guido Necchi, restaurateur, se retrouvent sur la tombe de leur compère, le journaliste Perozzi. Ils évoquent le passé et notamment les frasques du défunt dont l'infidélité chronique avait provoqué le départ de sa femme qui lui avait néanmoins laissé la ..

Nataly Fish

Le Brésil et le cas Lula da Silva

Le Brésil et le cas Lula da Silva

Pour quels sombres motifs Lula a-t-il été condamné et emprisonné en 2018 ? Ce documentaire revient sur le procès anticorruption « Lava Jato », orchestré pour discréditer la gauche et aider l’extrême droite de Bolsonaro à accéder au pouvoir.

Nataly Fish

La Femme de mon pote

La Femme de mon pote

Deux copains, Pascal et Micky, travaillent dans une station de sports d'hiver. Pascal a une liaison avec Viviane qui est loin de laisser Micky indifférent, mais c'est la femme de son pote... Jusqu'au jour où Pascal le pousse dans les bras de Viviane. Micky cède et finit par passer quelques jours en compagnie de la jeune femme pendant une absence..

Nataly Fish

My Friends: How It All Began

My Friends: How It All Began

Jacopo, Duccio, Cecco, Manfredo and Filippo are five friends who live in Florence of the fifteenth century, during a plague epidemic.

Nataly Fish

Futari wa Precure Max Heart Movie 2: Friend of Yukizora

Futari wa Precure Max Heart Movie 2: Friend of Yukizora

On his way to visit the Queen of the Garden of Light, the Sage of the Garden of Clouds accidentally drops the egg of the Houhou. The egg lands in the Garden of Rainbows, where it is found by Hikari, attracting the attention of a powerful pair of servants of the Dark Lord.

Nataly Fish

My Friend's Nice Mother 2

My Friend's Nice Mother 2

Nataly Fish

My Tutor Friend 2

My Tutor Friend 2

Junko vient en Corée dans le cadre d'un échange universitaire pour apprendre la langue. A son arrivé, elle trouve un chambre dans une guesthouse et tout allait bien jusqu'à qu'elle découvre que la chambre qu'elle loue est celle de Jong-Man, le fils du propriétaire. Désireux de garder Junko comme locataire, le propriétaire de la guesthouse l..

Nataly Fish



Based on a work of Josep Maria Benet i Jornet entitled "Testament", the film tells the story of an aging professor of medieval literature with the dilemma of deciding who will inherit his essay on "The Book of friend and loved" by Ramon Llull. Feeling near death as a result of illness, he discovers that the ideal person is a young and intelligent s..

Nataly Fish

My Friend

My Friend "A"

Masuda, an aspiring journalist, plans to write an article in order to expose his co-worker Suzuki, who is a psychopathic murderer according to Masuda.

Nataly Fish

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