
Alien Vs. Zombies

Alien Vs. Zombies

Joe Alien fulfills a dream of coming to Earth to find that it's overrun by zombies. Finding an ally in young Parker, he attempts to save the world!

Nataly Fish

État de siège

État de siège

Une race d'extra-terrestres belliqueux demande à ce que des millions de vies humaines soient sacrifiées afin de sauver leur espèce d'un virus mortel. Chaque pays doit fournir quelques citoyens. Refuser reviendrait à affronter la destruction du monde. Ceux qui ont la malchance d'avoir été sélectionnés vont mourir dans les 24 heures, liquéfi..

Nataly Fish

Alien Nation: Dark Horizon

Alien Nation: Dark Horizon

George Francisco est un «nouveau venu», une race extraterrestre esclave qui a survécu au terrible accident de leur vaisseau. Après avoir échappé à leurs tortionnaires, les fuyards trouvent refuge sur la Terre. Mais leur vie est en danger. Un groupe d’extrémistes met au point un virus mortel afin d'exterminer les esclaves.

Nataly Fish

Alien Seed

Alien Seed

An alien impregnates an Earth woman so she can deliver an alien "messiah" that will rule the world. A newspaper reporter finds out what's going on and sets out to stop it.

Nataly Fish

Alien Escape

Alien Escape

Cindy and her beautiful friends are on vacation when they are assaulted by a ruthless gang of aliens attempting to take control of Earth. The friends join forces with Matt, a mysterious man they meet in the woods who turns out to be more than human. Together, Cindy and Matt launch a valiant attack against the alien ship and do battle with the murde..

Nataly Fish

Wooly Booly: My Alien Classmate

Wooly Booly: My Alien Classmate

An alien was stranded on earth. A family took him and he requested to his superior from another planet to grant him with human appearance, but he only have 30 days to stay on earth and need to be back where he really came from.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Esprits sous contrôle

Esprits sous contrôle

Qu’est-ce qui a poussé une femme flic à abattre ses deux collègues et un gangster repenti ? Qu’est-ce qui a poussé un ouvrier sans histoires à prendre une dizaine d’adolescents en otage ? C’est ce que doivent découvrir les inspecteurs George Francisco et Matt Sikes. Rapidement, ils en viennent à démanteler un complot qui les entraî..

Nataly Fish

Fantasmes d'un autre monde

Fantasmes d'un autre monde

Veronica, Tedra et Sheri, trois bonnes amies partageant leurs fantasmes, ne laissent rien à leurs imaginations. Et si elles fantasment sur le même homme, ce n'est pas une coïncidence... En effet, à leur insu, un homme d'un autre monde manipule leurs corps et leurs esprits. À la recherche de cet homme capricieux, elles découvrent qu'elles sont..

Nataly Fish

The Alien Dead

The Alien Dead

A meteor strikes a houseboat in the swamps near a southern town populated by Yankees with fake accents. The people on the houseboat become zombies who feed on the alligators in the swamp. Once they run out of alligators, they start going for the citizens. A local scientist tries to figure out what's happening to people once they start disappearing.

Nataly Fish

The Visit - une rencontre extraterrestre

The Visit - une rencontre extraterrestre

Un événement encore inédit : première rencontre de l’homme avec une forme de vie intelligente venue de l’espace. Avec le "Bureau des affaires spatiales de l’ONU" et des experts d’agences spatiales, le film explore le scénario d’un premier contact. Un voyage au-delà de la perspective terrienne, dévoilant les peurs, les espoirs et le..

Nataly Fish

Alien Tracker

Alien Tracker

In a galaxy far away, alien criminals organize a spectacular prison break. Pursued by their home planet's authorities, their leader Zin decides there's only one place to go: through a wormhole that allows instantaneous travel to Earth. Cole is the Alien Tracker who's in hot pursuit of the escaped convicts.

Nataly Fish

Alien Beach Party Massacre

Alien Beach Party Massacre

In the summer of the year 2000, a peaceful alien race called the Mirusian steals a weapon called the Deathsphere from a hostile alien race called the Ghastorian, and while attempting to transport it to a lab, their ship is shot down by the Ghastorians and they must crash land on Earth. Before they crash they shoot the weapon like a torpedo from the..

Nataly Fish

Alien Implant

Alien Implant

A brilliant female recluse sends a distress signal into outer space from a remote location. When the Aliens arrive, they realize it's not a distress signal, it's an ingenious trap designed to exact revenge on the extraterrestrials who abducted her as a child.

Nataly Fish

Alien Highway

Alien Highway

In the 1990s, rumors of recovered crashed flying saucers emerged from a phantom, top secret air base in a remote corner of Nevada's atomic test range, and the terms 'Area 51,' 'Dreamland' and 'Groom Lake' inspired hordes of UFO believers and researchers to descend on a tiny town on the border of Area 51 to trade stories, whisper secrets and watch t..

Nataly Fish

Alien Terminator

Alien Terminator

Five miles below the Earth's surface, a group of scientists is working in self-imposed isolation, perfecting a series of DNA experiments that could literally change the world. But when one of those experiments goes awry, it unleashes a nearly immortal organism--one capable of instant regeneration, and with an insatiable appetite for living flesh. S..

Nataly Fish

Forbidden Knowledge: Alien Artifacts

Forbidden Knowledge: Alien Artifacts

Shocking new evidence of highly advanced civilizations mounts as previously unexplored regions of the earth reveal mind boggling artifacts that defy all convention and utterly mystify today's academic and scientific factions. It's clear there are massive gaps between our current understanding of the cosmos and the origins of humanity and that of an..

Nataly Fish



Dans un laboratoire secret du gouvernement, le Docteur Woodman conduit une expérience destinée à transformer un alien agressif en redoutable machine de guerre. Mais la créature s'échappe, semant la terreur autour d'elle. Un commando spécial de l'armée, mené par la splendide Rita Talon, reste alors le dernier recours pour traquer la bête.

Nataly Fish

My Uncle the Alien

My Uncle the Alien

When the American president's daughter is abducted while attempting to rescue a Los Angeles children's shelter, a mysterious alien she calls Uncle attempts to rescue her.

Nataly Fish

Alien: Covenant - Prologue: The Audi Lunar Quattro

Alien: Covenant - Prologue: The Audi Lunar Quattro

In the Covenant's Terraforming Bay, the ship's Audi lunar rover detects an unidentified lifeform reading and goes in search of the culprit.

Nataly Fish

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