
John Dunsworth: The Candidate

John Dunsworth: The Candidate

In 1988 John Dunsworth, an actor and theatre director (well-known from his role in the award-winning series, Trailer Park Boys) was asked to run under the progressive New Democratic Party ticket in a provincial election in Nova Scotia, Canada. A political novice and an underdog, we watch Dunsworth as he undertakes his grassroots approach. Seeing th..

Nataly Fish

Candidate for Murder

Candidate for Murder

Amateur film by Sidney B. Shenker, made in the ’50s using an original script by Oswell Blakeston. Not to be confused with another production of the same script, directed by Donald Coleman, this one contains voiceover narration.

Nataly Fish

El candidato

El candidato

Nataly Fish



When young Candide's marriage offer to a baron's daughter backfires, the naïve student of optimism is hurled into an eye-opening journey around the globe, discovering the horrors of existence at every step. Turning Voltaire’s Candide, a stinging blast against tyranny and feigned moralising, into toe-wiggling musical theatre is a crazy idea. Ber..

Nataly Fish

Dr. Cándido Pérez, Sras.

Dr. Cándido Pérez, Sras.

Responsible and composed doctor goes on a spree with a friend with two beautiful women, and his wife finds out.

Nataly Fish

The Lemurian Candidate

The Lemurian Candidate

Three former college buddies who reunite for a backpacking trip on Mount Shasta to heal old wounds and improve their mental health. The weekend descends into madness and a quest for alien contact after one of them introduces hallucinogens into the mix.

Nataly Fish

The Candidates

The Candidates

Since 1996, the students of a Queens public high school have staged an elaborate mock presidential election for an entire semester, simulating the American electoral process against the backdrop of the real one. In 2016, Ukranian-American Daniel hams it up as a cocky Donald Trump, while Pakistani-American Misbah, an observant Muslim, portrays Hilla..

Nataly Fish

La Candidate

La Candidate

«La Candidate» est la suite de «Panique au Ministère!». Amanda Lear, reprend du service. Et cette fois, c'est dans la course à l'Élysée qu'elle nous embarque! En effet, Cécile Bouquigny (Amanda Lear) a pris du grade depuis le premier opus: elle est actuellement Ministre de la Jeunesse et des Sports! Sur un coup de tête, (et à trois moi..

Nataly Fish

Candid Love

Candid Love

Award-winning film director Kurtz Frausun captures a gay couple's relationship struggles and the death of a parent, set in the backdrop of their Plano, TX apartment during a snow storm, in the new documentary, "Candid Love."

Nataly Fish

Los oficios de Cándido

Los oficios de Cándido

Nataly Fish

Candidate for Murder

Candidate for Murder

Professional killer Kersten arrives in England and is hired by Donald Edwards to murder his wife Helene. But Helene's lover Robert Vaughan discovers the plot and he trails Kersten and Edwards to a country cottage.

Nataly Fish

Moi, candidat

Moi, candidat

François Hollande, François Bayrou, Christiane Taubira, Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Arlette Laguiller, Jean-Marie Le Pen… révèlent les ressorts de leur stratégie, racontent leurs joies et leurs doutes, parlent de l’ivresse des liesses populaires et de la rudesse d’un marathon épuisant – l’adrénaline, la mise e..

Nataly Fish

BBC This World - The Mormon Candidate

BBC This World - The Mormon Candidate

John Sweeney investigates the beliefs of Mitt Romney, the man most likely to take on Barack Obama later this year, and asks whether America is ready for a Mormon president. Sweeney travels to Utah to examine the appeal of the world's fastest growing religion. He meets the stars of its expensive ad campaign 'I'm a Mormon', who tell him of their dedi..

Nataly Fish

The Right Candidate for Rosedale

The Right Candidate for Rosedale

This short documentary records Anne Cools’ 1978 run for the Liberal Party nomination in Rosedale, one of Toronto's largest and socially most diverse federal ridings. The film records her bid for political power, and explains the nomination contest, a basic step in the Canadian electoral process. Because she was competing against the Liberal Party..

Nataly Fish

The Candid Candidate

The Candid Candidate

Betty Boop campaigns for Grampy to be the new mayor and he wins. As soon as he takes office, the citizens come out from everywhere to complain and to demand he fix things. Grampy is in his element.

Nataly Fish

Candidats pour du beur ?

Candidats pour du beur ?

Au regard de l’histoire des luttes pour une égalité réelle, nous suivons les filles et fils d’ouvriers immigrés investis comme candidats de la « diversité » dans les différentes campagnes électorales depuis la présidentielle 2007. Sur le terrain, à travers les meetings, les débats et lors de rencontres plus « intimes » avec les ca..

Nataly Fish

Home Movies & Failed Candid-Camera Stunts

Home Movies & Failed Candid-Camera Stunts

Albert Brooks introduces himself to the audience through showing them his home movies from childhood & attempts and fails at doing candid-camera style pranks. Saturday Night Live, Season 1 Episode 2

Nataly Fish

Candidate Kid

Candidate Kid

Candidate Kid chronicles the adventures of Rhea Justice, a twelve-year old girl like many twelve-year-old girls - sharp and precocious at times, shy and awkward at others.

Nataly Fish

The Contestant

The Contestant

Argenis, Yanvaldo, Carlos, Eduardo and Javier have something in common: they will compete in the Miss Gay Venezuela, a trans beauty contest where the man who most resembles a “Miss” wins. For several weeks, we follow them in their preparations for the final night of the contest, seeing how that illusion is built: that of being a beauty queen fo..

Nataly Fish

Cándido López: Los campos de batalla

Cándido López: Los campos de batalla

Documentary about the War of the Triple Alliance based on the paintings by Cándido López.

Nataly Fish

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