
The War Between Men and Women

The War Between Men and Women

A sarcastic near-sighted cartoonist, averse to commitment, falls for a single mother of three — the only woman who can stand his strong anti-feminist opinions.

Nataly Fish

In Praise of Older Women

In Praise of Older Women

Andras Vayda grows up in a turbulent, war-torn Hungary, where he procures local girls for the occupying G.I.'s during World War II. Disappointed by girls of his age, he meets Maya, a married women in her thirties, who tutors him in the lessons of love and romance. Maya is only the first of many mature women that Andras will meet through his teenage..

Nataly Fish

Women from Headquarters

Women from Headquarters

Joyce Harper is an ex-Army nurse who enters police work with the L.A. Police Department, when her friend Ruby gets involved with a petty crook, Max Taylor refuses to listen to Joyce's warnings, and eventually marries the hoodlum. Joyce gets through the detailed trained required to become an L.A. policewoman, and she and her newly-assigned detective..

Nataly Fish

Le Chat, Shozo et ses deux maîtresses

Le Chat, Shozo et ses deux maîtresses

Ne s’enten­dant pas avec sa belle-mère auto­ri­taire, la pre­mière femme de Shôzô finit par le quit­ter. Mais la seconde épouse de cet homme timide et indo­lent enrage de voir son mari mani­fes­ter autant d’amour pour sa petite chatte Lily…

Nataly Fish

Before Women Had Wings

Before Women Had Wings

An adaptation of Connie May Fowler's 1996 novel tracing the unlikely friendship between a young white girl, daughter of an alcoholic mother and a no-good father, and a tender-hearted but reclusive black woman in the rural South of the '60s.

Nataly Fish

Pénitencier de femmes

Pénitencier de femmes

A la recherche d'un scoop, la journaliste Emanuelle se fait passer pour une détenue et découvre les tortures et les humiliations perpétrées sur les prisonnières d'un pénitencier de femmes.

Nataly Fish

Women in Hip-Hop

Women in Hip-Hop

3 women. 3 modern hip-hop legends. Each of them has brought something new to the game. All have fierce individuality and ferocious ambition. In a genre previously only dominated by men, these badass women have flexed their skills and come out on top.

Nataly Fish

End of The Line: The Women of Standing Rock

End of The Line: The Women of Standing Rock

Featuring shocking, never-before-seen law enforcement video surrendered by a disgraced officer, End of the Line: The Women of Standing Rock is the incredible story of the indigenous women who establish a peaceful camp in protest of the $3.8 billion Dakota Access oil pipeline construction that desecrated ancient burial and prayer sites and threatens..

Nataly Fish

Women Who Flirt

Women Who Flirt

When Zhang Hui is told by long-time best friend Xiao Gong that he has a new girlfriend, she is determined to learn new tricks to gain him back. Based on the novel written by Luo Fuman, Everyone Loves Tender Women.

Nataly Fish

Le corps et le fouet

Le corps et le fouet

Un groupe de top modèles est kidnappé et envoyé dans une prison sur une île dirigée par une lesbienne sadique.

Nataly Fish

Women on Top

Women on Top

A quirky, fun and poignant show about the new wave of powerful, embattled women who face the daily professional and personal challenges of running a major television network in today's Hollywood.

Nataly Fish

Kirikou et les hommes et les femmes

Kirikou et les hommes et les femmes

Le grand-père nous accueille dans sa grotte bleue, pour de nouvelles confidences. Il restait encore de beaux souvenirs de l’enfance de Kirikou à évoquer : les moments où il a aidé les hommes et les femmes de son village et d’ailleurs… Il nous raconte alors comment Kirikou, grâce à sa bravoure et son intelligence, est venu au secours d..

Nataly Fish

Jacky au royaume des filles

Jacky au royaume des filles

En république démocratique et populaire de Bubunne, les femmes ont le pouvoir, commandent et font la guerre, et les hommes portent le voile et s’occupent de leur foyer. Parmi eux, Jacky, un garçon de vingt ans, a le même fantasme inaccessible que tous les célibataires de son pays : épouser la Colonelle, fille de la dictatrice, et avoir plei..

Nataly Fish

Radioactive: The Women of Three Mile Island

Radioactive: The Women of Three Mile Island

In this thrilling documentary, indomitable women fight back against the nuclear industry to expose one of the biggest cover-ups in US history: the 1979 Three Mile Island meltdown and its aftermath. The film reveals the never-before-told stories of four intrepid homemakers who take their case all the way to the Supreme Court, and a young female jour..

Nataly Fish

When Women Were Called Virgins

When Women Were Called Virgins

L'action se déroule à Prato au Moyen-Age. Trois jeunes garçons, Gisippo, Ruberto et Tazio arrivent à Prato afin d'assister sur la place, au jugement de Giulia qui risque d'être condamnée au bûcher pour avoir trompé son mari Romildo, impuissant et passif pendant l'acte sexuel. Giulia se montre très convaincante lors de sa défense et arriva..

Nataly Fish

Ten Violent Women

Ten Violent Women

Eight women miners get fed up with their lifestyle and decide to try crime. After successfully pulling off a jewelry store robbery, they are busted by narcs when they try to buy cocaine. The eight get sent to a prison where a butch head guard uses the prisoners for her own deviant pleasures. Two of the women manage to escape and then get mixed up w..

Nataly Fish

Pumping Iron II: The Women

Pumping Iron II: The Women

PUMPING IRON II: THE WOMEN, a film that is changing the way the world views the female physique-creating "a new definition of the female form." Join four women as they prepare for the 1983 Caesars Palace World Cup Championship: the sultry and curvaceous Rachel McLish, the current champion; the super-muscular Bev Francis, Rachel's toughest competiti..

Nataly Fish

Neal Brennan: Women and Black Dudes

Neal Brennan: Women and Black Dudes

"Women and Black Dudes" is the first Comedy Central one-hour stand-up special from comedian Neal Brennan. He delivers bold material that dives deep into issues of race and gender. Brennan brings real talk about women, black dudes, and more.

Nataly Fish

Women of Mafia

Women of Mafia

A former police officer goes under cover in the mafia.

Nataly Fish

Island of Lost Women

Island of Lost Women

A plane crash-lands on a jungle island inhabited by a scientist and his nubile young daughters. Complications ensue.

Nataly Fish

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