
an elegy for the memories

an elegy for the memories

an elegiac rumination on loss of memory. The filmmaker reflects on the experience of seeing his grandmother gradually lose her memory over time by weaving across archives and footages, utilizing the film as a medium for recollections even when they are at their most unsalvageable.

Nataly Fish

Memory of the Camps

Memory of the Camps

In 1945, Allied troops invaded Germany and liberated Nazi death camps. They found unspeakable horrors which still haunt the world’s conscience. A film was made by British and American film crews who were with the troops liberating the camps. It was directed in part by Alfred Hitchcock and was broadcast for the first time in its entirety on PBS FR..

Nataly Fish

Memory Lane

Memory Lane

A bitter-aged man reluctantly drives to Spain to pay a last visit to a dying friend, along with his wife who's suffering from dementia. But as their journey unfolds, he slowly starts to soften up and rediscovers the meaning of love.

Nataly Fish

Drawn from Memory

Drawn from Memory

Fierlinger concentrates his considerable talents as an animator to recount through fragmented memories, vivid recollections, and the occasional evocative photograph his life as the rebellious son of Jan Fierlinger, Czechoslovakian career politician.

Nataly Fish

Some Memory Lost

Some Memory Lost

While on a beach vacation with her husband and kids, a depressed Connie seeks out the company of a male escort.

Nataly Fish

Les voix du 11 septembre

Les voix du 11 septembre

À la suite de la catastrophe du 11 septembre, l'artiste Ruth Sergel a installé une cabine vidéo en contreplaqué dans les villes de New York, et de Shanksville (Pennsylvanie). Des centaines de témoins oculaires y ont partagé leurs souvenirs intimes au lendemain des attentats. Vingt ans plus tard, ils reviennent et nous racontent la façon dont..

Nataly Fish

Memory Dealers

Memory Dealers

Guilty of having allowed greedy businessmen to take over her city and wipe its residents' memories clean, mayor Teo conspires with a motley bunch of outsiders to set things right. Armed with homemade hallucinogens, the gang sets out to free citizens from their painless, amnesiac existence.

Nataly Fish

A Christmas Memory

A Christmas Memory

Narrated by Truman Capote. Emmy Award winning adaptation of Capote's recollection of his youth in the rural South during the Depression. Later released in the anthology film Trilogy (1969) along with two other Capote adaptations by Frank and Eleanor Perry.

Nataly Fish

The Memory Thief

The Memory Thief

A Los Angeles tollbooth clerk becomes obsessed with the Holocaust after meeting a survivor.

Nataly Fish

The Memory of Fish

The Memory of Fish

Dick Goin and his family have been fed by the Elwha River's salmon since migrating to Washington's Olympic Peninsula during the Dust Bowl. Dick has never forgotten his debt to the fish — who have been steadily disappearing. A pulp mill worker and master fisherman turned salmon advocate, Dick uses his memories and persistence to battle for the big..

Nataly Fish

Memory & Desire

Memory & Desire

Sayo and Keiji have eloped to New Zealand to marry, away from the interference of Keiji's disapproving mother in Japan. On their honeymoon, they have the freedom to express their love away from her repressive influence. However, on what should be the happiest of days, Keiji is drowned and Sayo must, by custom, return to live with her cruel and self..

Nataly Fish

The Memory of Justice

The Memory of Justice

This exceptional, disturbing, and thought-provoking two-part documentary compares the atrocities committed by the Nazis as revealed during the Nuremberg trials to those committed by the French in Algeria and those done by the Americans in Vietnam. The four-hour epic questions the right of any country to pass self-righteous moral judgements upon the..

Nataly Fish

Scarred Memory

Scarred Memory

Ivy Yip is a young doctor who’s suffering psychological trauma after being raped. She has an understanding boyfriend and best friend, but the pressure of her sexual frigidity gets to them and she finds them in extra-curricular activity. Due to her shame and alienation, she neglects a bloodied patient, Lung, who arrives at the ER. She’s punished..

Nataly Fish

Memory Xperiment: Kathy Acker

Memory Xperiment: Kathy Acker

A short film based on the literary work of author Kathy Acker. Set in the 60's and 70's, a young female writer explores her identity through sex and writing.

Nataly Fish

Memory Lane

Memory Lane

Un vétéran de guerre, orphelin, voyage entre notre monde et l'au-delà à la recherche du meurtrier de sa fiancée, en stoppant et redémarrant son cœur.

Nataly Fish

BlackJack: Dead Memory

BlackJack: Dead Memory

A young woman goes missing when her car breaks down one rainy night. Her body is later discovered in a national park and for Detective Jack Kempson's offsider Sam, details of the crime mirror the disappearance of her friend Hannah, who vanished without trace some years ago. In Kempson's pursuit of the truth Sam is forced to face the sordid secrets ..

Nataly Fish

La maison des poupées à la mémoire des hommes et de leurs rêves de cendre enterrés sous le regard de minuit pendant que les douces barres du dédale animal couvrent le vrai maître de la cage et des mensonges du bercail

La maison des poupées à la mémoire des hommes et de leurs rêves de cendre enterrés sous le regard de minuit pendant que les douces barres du dédale animal couvrent le vrai maître de la cage et des mensonges du bercail

Un jeune homme, à peine entré dans le monde des adultes, se sent perdu dans la prison moderne des villes, des maisons et des immeubles et leur système de bureaucratie complexe et de fausse méritocratie. Aspirant à une vie plus simple loin de la masse et de sa folie, il va chercher à tout quitter...

Nataly Fish

Memories of Matsuko

Memories of Matsuko

Lorsque Kawajiri-kun se fait larguer par sa copine, il apprend le décès d'une tante dont il n'avait jamais entendue parler. Matsuko de son prénom fut retrouvée morte près de la rivière de son domicile. Sous la demande de son indifférent de père, il se rend sur les lieux pour faire le ménage dans le taudis qui servait d'appartement à la d..

Nataly Fish

Memory for Max, Claire, Ida and Company

Memory for Max, Claire, Ida and Company

At Baycrest, an old-age home in Toronto, we follow a social worker as she talks to residents, particularly Max, Claire, Ida, and Rachel. The film opens on Claire's birthday, she's 89; Max, a tiny cheerful man, is her close friend. Rachel is lonesome, missing her son, complaining he rarely visits. Ida relies on memory for her solace. Helen has no me..

Nataly Fish

Memory Lane

Memory Lane

Août, Hauts de Seine, dans la banlieue Sud-Ouest de Paris, sept amis de 25 ans se retrouvent plus ou moins "fortuitement" à passer quelques jours dans cette ville qui les a vus grandir. Chacun a ses raisons d'être là : certains y vivent encore, d'autres y reviennent pour des raisons familiales, d'autres y cherchent des traces d'une adolescence ..

Nataly Fish

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