
The Quiet Car

The Quiet Car

Inside/out at whisper speed, symmetries in locomotion churn soft and feathery floating like a dream. A nocture before nightfall. -M.M.

Nataly Fish

The Quiet Ones

The Quiet Ones

As the financial crisis hits Europe in 2008, a group of Danish and European men plan to commit the largest robbery ever on Danish soil.

Nataly Fish

The Quiet Ones

The Quiet Ones

A teacher at a Deaf boarding school is brutally murdered and the suspects have been narrowed down to four students. Can Detective Clarke and psychologist Dr Barton reveal the murderer’s identity before it's too late? Which one of the students is a cold blooded killer? It's always The Quiet Ones.

Nataly Fish

The Quiet Country

The Quiet Country

A look around the south west of Scotland.

Nataly Fish

The Art of Sitting Quietly and Doing Nothing

The Art of Sitting Quietly and Doing Nothing

A break up causes an impulsive young man named Carl to reside in the woods. There, he reflects on himself, his past life, and has a psychedelic awakening.

Nataly Fish

The Quiet One

The Quiet One

A Berlinale award nominated short feature.

Nataly Fish

Quiet are the Birds

Quiet are the Birds

Drifter Barrett roams a seemingly endless country road, convinced that those who walk the opposite direction are his enemies. An ambush leads to a meeting with the enigmatic Jane, who will rock his worldview to its core.

Nataly Fish

Ici les aubes sont calmes

Ici les aubes sont calmes

L'Allemagne Nazi vient d’attaquer l’Union Soviétique. Quelque part en Carélie, loin du front, les 5 servantes d’une batterie de D.C.A. et l'adjudant-chef Vaskov, doivent faire face à une situation imprévue : un commando allemand a été parachuté. La liaison avec l’État-major coupée, le petit groupe se retrouve complètement isolé. ..

Nataly Fish

A Reason for Silence: The Visual Effects of 'A Quiet Place'

A Reason for Silence: The Visual Effects of 'A Quiet Place'

Designing the alien creature: influences, evolution, and biological specifics. It also looks at motion capture support.

Nataly Fish

Make the Birds Quiet So I Can Hear Myself Singing

Make the Birds Quiet So I Can Hear Myself Singing

In 'Make the Birds Quiet so I can Hear Myself Singing' a person wears a painted costume of themselves and interacts with a wooden frame. A minimal 'painted world' is introduced. A pre-recorded monotonous glitching voice reflects on an everyday experience of memory, wondering why it is so hard to remember things when we want to, and why memories pop..

Nataly Fish

The Quiet Days of Mrs. Stafford

The Quiet Days of Mrs. Stafford

Mr and Mrs Stafford decide to run an "open" marriage, which, of course, relies on complete honesty.

Nataly Fish

Quiet Comes the Dawn

Quiet Comes the Dawn

Female protagonist’s brother dies under mysterious circumstances. Extremely vivid nightmares begin to haunt her and she decides to turn to the Institute of somnology for help. Along with other patients, they are induced into a «collective lucid dream». But at the dawn, they will awake to a completely different reality that is more horrifying th..

Nataly Fish

Peace and Quiet: Dr Genius & the Secret Agent Formula

Peace and Quiet: Dr Genius & the Secret Agent Formula

When the formula to create a super secret agent is stolen from Dr. Genius, it’s left up to special agents Julian Pearce and Frank Quiet to get it back.

Nataly Fish

Quiet Flows the Don

Quiet Flows the Don

Based on the novel of the same name by Mikhail Sholokhov, about the fate of people broken by the First World War, the October Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War in Russia (1917-1922), about the collapse of the foundations and ideals of the Don Cossacks of Russia at the beginning of the XX century, about the personal tragedy of the protagonist —..

Nataly Fish

The Dog Who Wouldn't Be Quiet

The Dog Who Wouldn't Be Quiet

Sebastian, a man in his thirties, works a series of temporary jobs and he embraces love at every opportunity. He transforms, through a series of short encounters, as the world flirts with possible apocalypse.

Nataly Fish

La ville est tranquille

La ville est tranquille

Michèle est une ouvrière à la criée aux poissons, qui s'est mise en tête de sauver sa fille toxicomane. Paul trahit ses amis dockers en grève pour devenir chauffeur de taxi. Viviane Froment est une musicienne qui ne supporte plus la gauche réaliste que représente son mari. Abderamane, transformé par la prison, cherche à aider ses frères...

Nataly Fish

L'Amour en douce

L'Amour en douce

Marc trompe allègrement sa femme jusqu'à ce que celle-ci fasse de même. Ils vont vivre avec leurs amants respectifs dans le même appartement.

Nataly Fish

L'Année du soleil calme

L'Année du soleil calme

Ouest de la Pologne, 1946. Emilia et sa mère invalide tentent de survivre dans une terre dévastée, autrefois allemande avant d'être intégrée à la Pologne. Emilia rencontre Norman, soldat américain, venu là pour enquêter sur des crimes de guerre. C'est bientôt l'amour, mais le temps est compté et Norman est rappelé à Berlin. Pour perme..

Nataly Fish

All Quiet on the Westlake

All Quiet on the Westlake

The film conveys the theme of love through the life story of a blind-deaf couple. Facing all kinds of dilemma, the couple maintain each other between light and darkness.

Nataly Fish

Quiet Man with Welding Torch: A Portrait of the Sculptor Julio Gonzalez 1876-1942

Quiet Man with Welding Torch: A Portrait of the Sculptor Julio Gonzalez 1876-1942

Friend, instructor and student of Picasso, a welder at Renault, a painter and goldsmith – Julio González was all of these. The Catalonian gained fame as the father of modern iron sculpture and as the creator of linear sculptures. Using a welding torch, he began making sculptures from iron and developed a formal language reduced to basic elements..

Nataly Fish

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