
An Alan Smithee Film

An Alan Smithee Film

A travers les mésaventures d'un réalisateur à Hollywood, "An Alan Smithee Film" est une satire en forme de documentaire sur le tournage d'un film d'action à gros budget. Quand Alan Smithee, surpris de l'attitude de la production, refusa de signer son film, cet épisode anecdotique se transforma en l'un des plus grands scandales hollywoodiens et..

Nataly Fish

Dennis Hopper - Rebelle d'Hollywood

Dennis Hopper - Rebelle d'Hollywood

Un "road-movie" en forme d'hommage au comédien, réalisateur, poète, peintre et photographe américain Dennis Hopper, disparu en 2010. Nourri de témoignages de ses compagnons de route (Wim Wenders, Kris Kristofferson, Frank Gehry...), ce portrait révèle un artiste tourmenté, animé par une soif inextinguible de vivre et de créer.

Nataly Fish

Madame Hollywood

Madame Hollywood

Daisy arrives in Los Angeles full of dreams and aspirations, but when her boyfriend dumps her unceremoniously, she ends up stripping to eke out a living. Soon, her ambition takes over as she unites her fellow strippers and begins a business that caters to a very wealthy and not so discreet clientele. It is not long before the Los Angeles Vice Squad..

Nataly Fish

Kim Novak, l'âme rebelle d'Hollywood

Kim Novak, l'âme rebelle d'Hollywood

Le premier film sur Kim Novak, sa carrière et son émancipation du système hollywoodien, avec la participation exclusive de l'actrice elle-même. Un écho au mouvement #MeToo. Dévoilez l'héroïne inoubliable du chef-d'œuvre d'Alfred Hitchcock, " Vertigo ".

Nataly Fish

North Hollywood

North Hollywood

Michael habite le quartier de North Hollywood, à Los Angeles. Passionné par le skate, il voudrait en faire son métier. Ce choix a un impact négatif sur sa relation avec ses meilleurs amis, qui ne prennent pas ce sport au sérieux. De plus, son père aimerait qu'il suive un chemin professionnel plus classique...

Nataly Fish

Hollywood Vice Squad

Hollywood Vice Squad

Une mère se rend à Hollywood pour retrouver sa fille en fuite. Elle découvre que la jeune fille s'est impliquée dans l'industrie de la pornographie et se rend à la police pour obtenir de l'aide pour la retrouver.

Nataly Fish

Blue Hollywood

Blue Hollywood

Sharing the same dream two young actors embark on a journey filled with desire, determination and disappointment. When reckless Italian Alessandro meets cautious Englishwoman Celeste at a London acting school, they decide to move together to LA in the hope of striking gold in the Hollywood film industry. It tells the story of how dreams crash when ..

Nataly Fish

Monsieur Dodd part pour Hollywood

Monsieur Dodd part pour Hollywood

Un expert en efficacité de la côte est qui mise sa réputation sur sa capacité à redresser un studio hollywoodien en difficulté financière reçoit l'aide d'une ancienne enfant star qui travaille maintenant comme remplaçante pour le studio.

Nataly Fish

Girl Lost: A Hollywood Story

Girl Lost: A Hollywood Story

Interweaving stories of four different women involved in the sex industry offers a glimpse into the dark underbelly of Los Angeles and the taboo lifestyle of a sex worker. A teen runaway, single mother and two career escorts interconnect through their own personal journeys filled with loss, betrayal and the struggle to survive. Written by anonymous

Nataly Fish

A War in Hollywood

A War in Hollywood

The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) caused a great impression on the lives of most of the American artists of that era, so many movies were made in Hollywood about it. The final defeat of the Spanish Republic left an open wound in the hearts of those who sympathized with its cause. The eventful life of screenwriter Alvah Bessie (1904-1985), one of th..

Nataly Fish

Bugs Bunny à Hollywood

Bugs Bunny à Hollywood

Lors de la cérémonie des Oscars, Bugs Bunny tente de convaincre le public qu'il mérite l'Oscar. S'ouvre avec des scènes d'action en direct d'Hollywood.

Nataly Fish

Hollywood Hot Tubs 2: Educating Crystal

Hollywood Hot Tubs 2: Educating Crystal

Valley girl, Crystal, is back.in another superheated frolic through those "Hollywood Hot Tubs." This time Crystal is trying to. keep their uninhibited hot tub business afloat, while her mother is about to marry a conman who's posing as an Arab prince. Meanwhile, their watertight handyman, who just happens to be a retired legendary guitarist, is bei..

Nataly Fish

Mondo Hollywoodland

Mondo Hollywoodland

Homage to the cult classic “Mondo Hollywood”, a groovy mushrooms dealer and a man from the 5th dimension journey through Hollywood to find the meaning of “Mondo.”

Nataly Fish

Live In Hollywood

Live In Hollywood

Live In Hollywood is the second DVD by the Mexican group RBD. Recording of an acoustic concert at the legendary Pantages Theater in Los Angeles, California. The repertoire is focused on the songs from the album Nuestro Amor, also bringing a medley of 3 hits from the previous album. The arrangements are clearly influenced by Latin rhythms such as cu..

Nataly Fish

It Conquered Hollywood! The Story of American International Pictures

It Conquered Hollywood! The Story of American International Pictures

A 60-minute salute to American International Pictures. Entertainment lawyer Samuel Z. Arkoff founded AIP (then called American Releasing Corporation) on a $3000 loan in 1954 with his partner, James H. Nicholson, a former West Coast exhibitor and distributor. The company made its mark by targeting teenagers with quickly produced films that exploited..

Nataly Fish

Orianthi - Live From Hollywood

Orianthi - Live From Hollywood

Enregistré au Bourbon Room d'Hollywood le 8 janvier 2022, Orianthi propose un excellent concert mettant en avant son dernier album en date.

Nataly Fish

Won Ton Ton: The Dog Who Saved Hollywood

Won Ton Ton: The Dog Who Saved Hollywood

A would-be filmmaker and actress shake up the industry with a trick dog who gets discovered by a studio bus driver in the 1920s.

Nataly Fish



Rahul Seth is a dashing young millionaire who believes he is "western" enough to rebel against his mother and grandmother. They are not too keen about his Caucasian girlfriend Kimberly who, to make matters worse, is a pop star. Before you can say "karmic intervention," Kimberly dies in a freak accident and Rahul is devastated. Instead of allowing h..

Nataly Fish

Hitchcock, Selznick and the End of Hollywood

Hitchcock, Selznick and the End of Hollywood

Paying homage to two of Hollywood's central icons, the film creates an unparalleled portrait of two very different personalities amidst the demise of the studio system.

Nataly Fish

Train for Hollywood

Train for Hollywood

A young woman is bitten by the acting bug after seeing Marilyn Monroe in "Some Like It Hot". She patterns herself after MM and after finishing high school goes for screen tests to the Film Academy. Rejected because of her crooked teeth she takes a job of selling beer on a train and starts writing to Billy Wilder, trying to be casted in his next mov..

Nataly Fish

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