
Hercules: Zero to Hero

Hercules: Zero to Hero

The film briefly gives Hercules' history after defeating Hades for good, in which he marries Meg and revisits his teenage years. In particular, it shows an adolescent Hercules's enrollment and the beginning of his adventures at the Prometheus Academy, a school for gods and mortals, which Hercules supposedly attended during the time when he was trai..

Nataly Fish



Hercules is the story of a common man: His actual name is Harakailash, his timid nature and compromising attitude has prompted the local people to call him Hercules in jest.

Nataly Fish

Hercules the Avenger

Hercules the Avenger

Reg Park returns to his antics of old as the man of iron in HERCULES THE AVENGER. The Son of Jove undertakes another journey into the nether realms battling zombies and monsters in order to rescue his son, allowing goddess Gia an opportunity to place her own slacker son in Hercules' sandals. There's something for everyone: ghouls, dragons, sweating..

Nataly Fish

Hercules Recycled 2.0

Hercules Recycled 2.0

It's 2032 AD. All natural resources have been depleted plunging humanity into chaos. Yet one hope remains, a lost energy formula that can restore civilization. The only man for this job is former exercise TV show host, Burt Galaxy.

Nataly Fish



Hercules travels from Krefeld on the Lower Rhine by bicycle to Mount Olympus, the throne of ancient deities. In the process, the Hercules myth, as a primordial myth of male efficacy, is questioned through biographical reflections and stagings of mythological echoes. The dramaturgical structure of the hero's journey disintegrates in a multimaterial ..

Nataly Fish

Black Hercules

Black Hercules

Black Hercules is a soulfully candid pilgrimage into the life and times of street bodybuilder, Craig Monson—and the social dichotomy of Black LA that made him into a legend.

Nataly Fish

Hercules and the Pirates

Hercules and the Pirates

aka Hercules and the Black Pirates. Brave and noble Samson fights pirates as a soldier in the royal army. He wants to marry lovely fair maiden Rosita, but her haughty governor father disapproves. Meanwhile, the cunning and duplicitous Rodrigo Sanchez joins forces with the wicked Black Pirate to thwart Samson.

Nataly Fish

The Birth of Hercules

The Birth of Hercules

Based on the ancient Greek myths about the exploits of Hercules.

Nataly Fish

Maciste et les 100 gladiateurs

Maciste et les 100 gladiateurs

Maciste est un gladiateur spartiate invaincu. Idole de tout l'empire Romain, il sauve une chrétienne et en tombe amoureux. Par la force des choses, il deviendra l'ami des chrétiens et tentera, avec d'autres gladiateurs, de les sortir de prison.

Nataly Fish

The Cave of Hercules

The Cave of Hercules

Despite seeing his film project HERCULES rejected by DEFA Studios in 1983-84, Dammbeck remained fascinated by the Hercules story. He started experimenting with different media combinations, using overpainting, photography, film clips, collage, painting, and movement. These experiments resulted in groundbreaking multimedia collaborations, as well as..

Nataly Fish

Hercules, the River Achelous, and My Grandmother

Hercules, the River Achelous, and My Grandmother

Dimitra Koutsiabassakos is 88 years old and lives alone in the village of Armatoliko in the Pindos mountain range, on the banks of the ancient river Acheloos, named after the mythical river god who fought Heracles for the favors of a woman and who could take on many forms. Dimitra’s home is located near the place where a great dam is being built ..

Nataly Fish

Cavalli: Hercules in Love

Cavalli: Hercules in Love

Francesco Cavalli, a natural successor to Monteverdi, was the most famous and influential Italian opera composer during the mid-17th century. Cardinal Mazarin, chief minister to the king, commissioned Cavalli to create a Parisian spectacle to celebrate the wedding of the ‘Sun King’ Louis XIV and the Infanta of Spain. Ercole amante (‘Hercules ..

Nataly Fish



A long time ago, when monsters and ogres lived around the world, Zeus decided to make his son Hercules immortal so he could rule over Greece. But Hera, Zeus' wife, doesn't like the idea. Now, Hercules must prove he's worthy of being called a hero.

Nataly Fish

Hercules and Admetus

Hercules and Admetus

Admetus, king of Feres, makes an agreement with the Fates to postpone the date of his death, in exchange for someone else taking his place, without knowing that the chosen one will be his beloved wife Alcestis. Desperate, Admetus asks Hercules for help in rescuing Alcestis from death... An animated short film based on the Greek myth of Admetus and..

Nataly Fish

Mr. Hercules Against Karate

Mr. Hercules Against Karate

A skinny troublemaker and his good-natured, bemuscled sidekick find trouble in Hong Kong.

Nataly Fish

Le crime de l'Orient-Express

Le crime de l'Orient-Express

Le luxe et le calme d’un voyage en Orient Express est soudainement bouleversé par un meurtre. Les 13 passagers sont tous suspects et le fameux détective Hercule Poirot se lance dans une course contre la montre pour identifier l’assassin, avant qu’il ne frappe à nouveau. D’après le célèbre roman d’Agatha Christie.

Nataly Fish

Hercules Ventures Into the World
Mystère à Venise

Mystère à Venise

Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale en une sombre veille de Toussaint. Retraité, vivant un exil volontaire dans la resplendissante Venise, en Italie, Poirot assiste à contre-cœur à une séance de spiritisme dans un palazzo hanté en ruines. Quand une invitée est assassinée, le détective est propulsé dans un univers sinistre d'obscurité et de..

Nataly Fish

Mort sur le Nil

Mort sur le Nil

Au cours d’une luxueuse croisière sur le Nil, Hercule Poirot voit ses vacances en Égypte se transformer en chasse au meurtrier lorsqu’une idyllique lune de miel est brutalement interrompue par une série de morts violentes. Sur fond de paysages grandioses mais dans une atmosphère inquiétante empreinte de dangers, cette sombre affaire d’am..

Nataly Fish

Le Crime de l'Orient-Express

Le Crime de l'Orient-Express

En décembre 1935, le célèbre train de l'Orient-Express quitte Istanbul à destination de Calais, qu'il atteindra au terme de trois jours de voyage. Pressé de rentrer à Londres, Hercule Poirot, le détective belge, a pu trouver une place au tout dernier moment. Le train s'ébranle. L'un des passagers, Ratchett, un riche Américain, vient trouve..

Nataly Fish

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