


Deep in the mind of Steven Colin (Daniel Bernhardt) the secret of an ancient martial arts power lay dormant. In a former life, Colin wielded the forceful sword of Alexander the Great. Now in 2003, his enemies are back and are determined to seek the man who would be king and destroy him for all eternity.

Nataly Fish

Sins of Rome

Sins of Rome

74 B.C. Somewhere in the Roman Empire, Spartacus, a young officer, is condemned to be a slave because he hit a superior. Brought back to Roma in a gladiators' school, he escapes and stirs up all the slaves in a revolt against the Roman Empire.

Nataly Fish

Forced to Kill

Forced to Kill

A repo man tries to deliver a repossessed Jaguar. He's captured by a bizarre family, straight out of the backwoods, who force him to fight in an illegal, bare-fist tournament run by an insane sheriff.

Nataly Fish

Seul contre Rome

Seul contre Rome

Un consul romain en chemin pour défendre une frontière attaquée par l'ennemi, décide de laisser une garnison de soldats en base arrière. Les habitants de la ville bien que mécontents décident qu'il est dans leur intérêt de coopérer. Cependant le Tribun laissé en charge de la garnison se révèle cruel et barbare avec la population.

Nataly Fish

Tears Were Falling

Tears Were Falling

A beautiful man, husband, father and worker Pavel Ivanovich Vasin got into the eye with a shard of the mirror of an evil wizard. And the world for him appeared in a gloomy light. He began to insult and offend everyone at home and at work. Anger and suspicion overwhelmed Vasin's heart. Enemies, schemers and thieves are seen everywhere. Everywhere he..

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

The Controller

The Controller

A billionaire has 8 hours to get his wife back, with help from armchair combat professionals.

Nataly Fish

Gladiateur, glaive et fantasmes

Gladiateur, glaive et fantasmes

En plus d’un siècle, le péplum s’est frayé un chemin dans la culture populaire à coups d’épées et de héros bodybuildés. De « Quo Vadis » à "Gladiator" en passant par « Ben Hur » et « Spartacus », décryptage d’un genre à part entière.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

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