
The G Word

The G Word

Daniel's attempts to come out to his parents don't exactly go to plan. With his mother due home any minute its a race to the finish line to break the news to her. But what will she make of this?

Nataly Fish

The P Word

The P Word

A student struggles to find parking in the city

Nataly Fish

The Last Word

The Last Word

A hand hastily tries to open the door as the man on the other side writes his last words.

Nataly Fish

The Word Collector

The Word Collector

Some people collect stamps. Some people collect coins. Some people collect art. However, Jerome collects words after he discovers that words have the power to connect, transform, and empower.

Nataly Fish

The Invisible Word

The Invisible Word

Cesano is a small town in the Roman countryside with an abnormally high incidence of leukaemia and other diseases, especially among children. It is also home to the Vatican Radio’s global transmitter site. Links between the two have lead residents of Cesano to form a committee and engage in a long legal battle against Vatican Radio, which has led..

Nataly Fish

The Living Word

The Living Word

A Biblical film documentary by J. Michael Hooser.

Nataly Fish

The Given Word

The Given Word

Shpend dreams that his mother wishes to see him before she dies...

Nataly Fish

The Season Word

The Season Word

Still but twisting eye From fall’s wither to first snow Where lives my wonder

Nataly Fish

The Z Word

The Z Word

David, a recovered and generally imposed upon zombie, attempts to find himself a normal place in society and in life (after death).

Nataly Fish

The R Word

The R Word

A woman and her new robot boyfriend have dinner with her parents (one more accepting than the other).

Nataly Fish

The Fifth Word

The Fifth Word

This film from the Giants of Peace Collection is the first animated biography of Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Choosing to devote her life to God and help the poor and unfortunate throughout the world, she touched many lives through her remarkable self-sacrifice. Intermixed with the story are interviews with Monsignor Foley and Spanish journalist Palo..

Nataly Fish

The Last Word

The Last Word

This documentary takes the "Innocent Man on Texas Death Row" tale to a dark corner feared by all - - proving that an innocent man has been executed by the State. A clash between good and evil strikes up on the High Plains of Texas when Johnny Frank Garrett, a 17 year old retarded boy is arrested, convicted and ultimately executed for the Halloween ..

Nataly Fish

The S Word

The S Word

A suicide attempt survivor is on a mission to find fellow survivors and document their stories of courage, insight and humor. Along the way, she discovers a rising national movement transforming personal struggles into action.

Nataly Fish

The Last Word

The Last Word

A charismatically verbose writer who befriends the resident bartender on a train ferrying dark secrets. The writer’s sanity begins to unravel as he faces a haunting truth he can’t escape.

Nataly Fish

The 'Ring' Without Words

The 'Ring' Without Words

A unique synthesis of orchestral music from Wagner's Ring cycle, arranged in a free-flowing and chronological cycle by world-famous conductor Lorin Maazel. Comprised of the four operas of the Ring cycle, "The Ring Without Words" manages to capture the musical mind of one of the most exceptional and gifted composers in history in only seventy minute..

Nataly Fish

WordWorld: The Christmas Star

WordWorld: The Christmas Star

It's the night before Christmas and Frog needs a star to hang on his Christmas tree. Duck thinks this will be the perfect present for Frog and tries to lasso one out of the sky for him. Try as he might, Duck is unable to catch a star for Frog and cries himself to sleep

Nataly Fish

WordWorld: The Train Escapade

WordWorld: The Train Escapade

Product Description Welcome to WordWorld, the first preschool series where words are truly the stars of the show! Come along for an adventurous romp into a colorful, vibrant world of words with the lovable, legible WordFriends, animals whose bodies are made up of the letters that spell the word they are! The WordFriends go on comic adventures and f..

Nataly Fish

The Fallen Word

The Fallen Word

In a fantastic quasi Georgian (18th century) world, a fanatical religious sect "The Holy Exaltation" have taken control.

Nataly Fish

Dictionary: The Adventure of Words

Dictionary: The Adventure of Words

Brent Maddock short film.

Nataly Fish

La Parole donnée

La Parole donnée

Zé est un pauvre paysan de la campagne brésilienne. Son bien le plus cher est son âne. Lorsque ce dernier tombe malade, Zé fait une promesse à Sainte Barbara : si son âne se rétablit, il portera une lourde croix - comme Jésus - de son village jusqu'à l'église de Sainte-Barbara dans la capitale. Son voeu ayant été exaucé, Zé tient paro..

Nataly Fish

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