
The Colour of Olives

The Colour of Olives

Like many Palestinian families, the Amers live surrounded by the infamous West Bank Wall where their daily lives are dominated by electrified fences, locks and a constant swarm of armed soldiers. Through director Carolina Rivas' sensitive lens, we discover the private world of all eight members of the family. As their dramas unfold, we catch a glim..

Nataly Fish

Flowers from the Mount of Olives

Flowers from the Mount of Olives

Right alongside Jerusalem, in a Russian Orthodox Convent in the Mount of Olives, in the middle of the Arab quarter, lives the 82-year-old Estonian nun Mother Ksenya.

Nataly Fish

Oliver Dragojević à l'Olympia

Oliver Dragojević à l'Olympia

After he won over the public at home, it was time to use his unique musical style to entertain the international public, who await his concerts with excitement. In 2005, in the Parisian concert hall Olympia, Oliver started making all the dreams he dreamt as a boy come true.

Nataly Fish

Oliver & Hauser - Live in Split 2014
Women picking up olives

Women picking up olives

Recording of two women picking up olives in a park in Palma (Mallorca).

Nataly Fish

Attention capitaine

Attention capitaine

Lorsque son père meurt, une jeune fille aide un jeune homme prendre le commandement du navire pour combattre les Britanniques pendant la guerre de 1812.

Nataly Fish

Ghosn Al-Zaytoun

Ghosn Al-Zaytoun

The film's events revolve around Abdo (Ahmed Mazhar), who works as a teacher in a girls' school instead of his colleague Jamal (Omar Al-Hariri), who has gained wide popularity among the girls, especially Attiyat (Souad Hosni). Abdo marries his student Atiyat, but their marital relationship experiences a lot of tension because of Abdo's constant sus..

Nataly Fish

Le char et l'olivier, une autre histoire de la Palestine

Le char et l'olivier, une autre histoire de la Palestine

L'histoire de la Palestine, de son origine à aujourd'hui, loin de ce que les médias appellent le conflit israélo-palestinien. Experts internationaux, historiens, diplomates des Nations unies, juristes en Droit International mais aussi, témoignages de simples citoyens… Un éclairage primordial basé sur des éléments factuels incontestables, ..

Nataly Fish

Captain Tsubasa: Saikyou no teki! Holland Youth

Captain Tsubasa: Saikyou no teki! Holland Youth

À un an de la Coupe du monde junior, la Fédération japonaise de football organise trois matchs amicaux sur ses terres contre l'équipe hollandaise réputée comme étant l'une des meilleures équipes européennes ! Après deux premiers matchs catastrophiques (et surtout de lourdes défaites !), la Fédération fait appel à ses deux joueurs ..

Nataly Fish

Sanmao: The Desert Bride

Sanmao: The Desert Bride

In 1973, Chinese writer Sanmao (Echo Chen Ping, 1943-91) marries Spanish naval engineer José María Quero while living together in the Spanish Sahara. Sanmao recounts her daily experiences in Tales From the Sahara, a book that is a best-selling phenomenon in Taiwan and China. Sanmao then becomes an icon for independent women and the protagonist of..

Nataly Fish

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