
Un Rêve Chinois

Un Rêve Chinois

Nataly Fish

C'est pas chinois

C'est pas chinois

Nataly Fish

One More Effort, Chinamen, if you want to be revolutionaries!

One More Effort, Chinamen, if you want to be revolutionaries!

Unlike his earlier films "Can Dialectics Break Bricks?" and "The Girls of Kamare", which "detourned" drama films, in this one, Viénet uses a great variety of sources (particularly archive footage of People's Republic of China leaders) to compose a political documentary sharply critical of Mao's legacy in China. The title is a reference to the pamp..

Nataly Fish

Baile de los Chinos

Baile de los Chinos

Sequence filmed at the popular religious festival of the Virgin of Andacollo, Chile.

Nataly Fish

Chinon : la forteresse aux trois châteaux

Chinon : la forteresse aux trois châteaux

Perchée à 80 mètres d'altitude, s'étendant sur plus de 25 000 mètres carrés, la forteresse de Chinon domine fièrement sa vallée et son domaine viticole de renommée internationale depuis des millénaires. Au fil des siècles, trois châteaux distincts ont ici vu le jour, formant un complexe architectural unique et majestueux. A son apogée ..

Nataly Fish

The Chinese Shoe

The Chinese Shoe

A taxi driver finds Marlene, a provincial woman, lost in a brothel. Immediately he decides to help her out and take her at his place. Little by little, his paternal protection turns into a bizarre passion

Nataly Fish

Mon Chinois

Mon Chinois

This short film seeks to identify in a humorous way general stereotypes and archetypes associated with chinese or asian.

Nataly Fish

El famoso Chino

El famoso Chino

Un film de Michel Bonnemaison

Nataly Fish

Ombres Chinoises

Ombres Chinoises

A series of compounding dramatic situations, drawn from Georges Polti's '36 Dramatic Situations' and acted out in shadowplay and voiceover.

Nataly Fish

Silencio Chino

Silencio Chino

Chinese Silence" is the story of Chiung, a young pathologically mute Chinese boy who finds himself in an extreme situation: speak or lose his life.

Nataly Fish

Chinese Stories

Chinese Stories

The history of Chinese migration to Mexico, from its birth at the start of the twentieth century, through the Mexican revolution, the anti-Chinese movement, and up to the current state of Chinese migrants in the country. A documentary about xenophobia in Mexico and the search for identity of a group of people caught between two cultures.

Nataly Fish

Les Chinois et moi

Les Chinois et moi

"En tant que producteur exécutif, parlant couramment le chinois, je m’occupe d’une équipe chinoise venue à Marseille tourner la deuxième saison de la série télévisée la plus populaire de Chine (150 Millions de téléspectateurs, un record absolu). Les Chinois et moi sera, à travers mon regard, le récit sensible et burlesque de la renc..

Nataly Fish

Chinese proverb

Chinese proverb

Sergio, a Cuban immigrant, wants to work as a waiter in a Chinese restaurant, but the world does not seem to be prepared for something like that.

Nataly Fish


Bar "El Chino"

Martina is decided to make a documentary on the legendery Bar El Chino, a place where tango, friendship and love are highly valued. Her first night at Bar El Chino, she meets Jorge, a single father who was making a documentary about Bar El Chino also, but who had to leave it unfinished because of the economic depression. With the aid of Jorge, she ..

Nataly Fish

Ma sœur chinoise

Ma sœur chinoise

En 1977, un an après la mort de Mao, Robert Chantegris revient en Chine accompagné de sa fille. Blanche. Il est envoyé comme instituteur dans une communauté de coopérants français, qui aident les Chinois à construire un complexe pétrochimique à Hangzhou. Malgré l'interdiction pour les Chinois d'entrer en contact avec les étrangers, Chant..

Nataly Fish

Chino y Nacho Festival de Viña del Mar

Chino y Nacho Festival de Viña del Mar

Live performance of Chino y Nacho at Viña del Mar 2013.

Nataly Fish

Le cinéma chinois, hier et aujourd'hui

Le cinéma chinois, hier et aujourd'hui

Point d'étape sur le cinéma chinois continental, dans les années 2000.

Nataly Fish

Tante Chinoise et les autres

Tante Chinoise et les autres

Focuses on the drawings by Marguerite Bonnevay who lived in a village outside Paris at the turn of the century.

Nataly Fish

El Chino

El Chino

Nataly Fish

Les légumes chinois

Les légumes chinois

A young woman is being offered seeds of a vegetable with incredible energetic properties. The care required by the culture of these vegetables opens internal perspectives to the young woman, which transform her step by step. The insipid routine of this young woman takes slowly a direction...

Nataly Fish

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