
DC Showcase: Green Arrow

DC Showcase: Green Arrow

At an airport, the Emerald Archer must protect a young princess from assassins.

Nataly Fish

The Kane Files: Life of Trial

The Kane Files: Life of Trial

Scott Kane (Drew Fuller), a man with a checkered past is trying to live a clean life. When his son Owen falls ill, Kane finds his only option is to turn to Daniel Morgan (William Atherton), the local kingpin of the criminal underworld. Morgan offers to help Kane's family, but double-crosses him. When Morgan tries killing Kane by employing a dirty c..

Nataly Fish

Robin des Bois et ses joyeux compagnons

Robin des Bois et ses joyeux compagnons

Richard Cœur de Lion a laissé son royaume à son frère le prince Jean, pour partir en croisade.Le prince Jean a mandaté un nouveau shérif, celui de Nottingham, pour faire appliquer les nouvelles lois qu'il a promues. Le royaume subit la dictature du prince et croule sous les taxes. Lors d'un tournoi de tir à l'arc, les hommes du shérif assas..

Nataly Fish

Paroles de scouts : Le malaise américain

Paroles de scouts : Le malaise américain

Survivants, lanceurs d'alerte et experts reviennent sur des années de dissimulation de cas d'abus sexuels au sein des Boy Scouts of America et sur leurs conséquences déchirantes.

Nataly Fish

File 253

File 253

In 2013 a psychiatric clinic which served for more than 50 years caring for patients in Mexico City was demolished. A few months before its demolition, four young men came to investigate the clinic, determined to discover the truth about rumors of strange and paranormal events, recording everything with which they encounter. Today, the whereabouts ..

Nataly Fish

The Capote Tapes

The Capote Tapes

Newly discovered interviews with friends of Truman Capote made by Paris Review co-founder George Plimpton invigorate this fascinating documentary on the author (and socialite) behind Breakfast at Tiffany’s and In Cold Blood, while situating Capote in the 20th-century American literary canon.

Nataly Fish

The Architecture of Doom

The Architecture of Doom

Featuring never-before-seen film footage of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime, The Architecture of Doom captures the inner workings of the Third Reich and illuminates the Nazi aesthetic in art, architecture and popular culture. From Nazi party rallies to the final days inside Hitler's bunker, this sensational film shows how Adolf Hitler rose from be..

Nataly Fish

Judge Archer

Judge Archer

The spear signifies political power, the arrow personal ambition. What happens when the two collide?

Nataly Fish

The Architect

The Architect

When a couple sets out to build their dream house, they enlist the services of an uncompromising modernist architect, who proceeds to build HIS dream house instead of theirs.

Nataly Fish

L'archer vert

L'archer vert

Le château d'Abel Bellamy, riche américain, est soit-disant hanté par le fantôme de l'archer vert, sorte de Robin des Bois du 14ème siècle qui terrorisait les propriétaires de la demeure. Se souciant peu de cette légende, Valérie et son père adoptif emménagent dans la demeure voisine, au grand dam de Bellamy. Mais qui est l'archer vert e..

Nataly Fish

Associée avec mon ex

Associée avec mon ex

Hannah présente l'émission de déco «Love in design», qui rencontre du succès. Pour accroître l'audience, Wally, son directeur, décide que dans la prochaine saison, Hannah rénovera un manoir dans sa ville natale, Lewisburg. Elle y retrouve Jeff, son grand amour de jeunesse, qui est consultant pour le comité de préservation des monuments s..

Nataly Fish

The Architects

The Architects

The architect Daniel Brenner is in his late thirties when he receives his first challenging and lucrative commission: to design a cultural center for a satellite town in East-Berlin. He accepts the offer under the condition that he gets to choose who he works with. This way, he reunites with former colleagues and friends - most of them architects o..

Nataly Fish

Eames : The Architect and the Painter

Eames : The Architect and the Painter

L'équipe mari et femme de Charles et Ray Eames étaient les designers industriels les plus influents et les plus importants d'Amérique. Admirés pour leurs créations et fascinants en tant qu'individus, ils ont atteint un statut d'icône dans la culture américaine. Eames : L'architecte et le peintre puise dans un trésor d'archives, ainsi que da..

Nataly Fish

Archimède, le clochard

Archimède, le clochard

Las de la grisaille parisienne, un clochard décide de s'installer sur la côte d'Azur. Archimède n'est pas un clochard ordinaire. Il est instruit, boit du muscadet au petit déjeuner et se refuse à coucher sous les ponts. Il a ainsi élu domicile dans un immeuble dont la construction a été interrompue. Mais, un matin, il est réveillé par le ..

Nataly Fish

Affaire JonBenét : Le journal du crime

Affaire JonBenét : Le journal du crime

Lou Smit révèle des perceptions captivantes d’un des cold cases les plus notoires aux États-Unis : le meurtre de JonBenet Ramsey.

Nataly Fish

Architects of Denial

Architects of Denial

Though both the historical and modern-day persecution of Armenians and other Christians is relatively uncovered in the mainstream media and not on the radar of many average Americans, it is a subject that has gotten far more attention in recent years.

Nataly Fish

On Yoga the Architecture of Peace

On Yoga the Architecture of Peace

Based on Michael O’Neill’s book of the same name, this documentary tells the story of the ten years the author spent photographing yoga’s great masters. Created as a deep extension of the original book, the film poses very human questions from our current perspective, mixing it with elements of movement and experiential sound, resulting in a ..

Nataly Fish

Area 51: The CIA's Secret

Area 51: The CIA's Secret

This true story covers ground-breaking research into the aviation that took place at the Groom Lake Testing Facility, otherwise known as Area 51, which ensured US Aerial supremacy from the Cold War through to the present day. Utilising CIA documents that have recently been declassified this programme identifies specific individuals who worked at t..

Nataly Fish

Inside The X-Files

Inside The X-Files

Inside the X-Files for a behind-the-scenes look at the show. Also included are interviews with the cast and creator Chris Carter, never before seen segments from the show, outtakes and a sneak preview of the upcoming feature film.

Nataly Fish

Chasing the Equinox

Chasing the Equinox

The ancients hid the secrets of their incredible knowledge of astronomy in their temples and palaces, built to align with the sun, on the same day, all over the world. Revealing our species' obsession with the sun, across thousands of years and every continent, this is architectural magic on a cosmic scale.

Nataly Fish

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