
Men of the Night

Men of the Night

"Stake-Out" Kelly, ace detective, meets Mary Higgins at a small Hollywood sandwich shop where he expects to get some information concerning Packey Davis, head of a ring of jewel thieves. His suspicions are confirmed when Mary warns him that Davis is outside - waiting for him. Kelly sets a trap and, in the ensuing battle, one of the gangsters is kil..

Nataly Fish

The Night

The Night

A young man aspires to follow in his father's footsteps and live up to his legacy of resisting the Zionist occupation. He reflects on his father's journey from his arrival in Quneitra in 1936 to his death after the Zionist army captured the city.

Nataly Fish

Les nuits brûlantes de Linda

Les nuits brûlantes de Linda

Une jeune femme est engagée pour prendre soin d'un homme âgé qui vit sur une île au large de la côte grecque. Quand elle y arrive, l'homme l'avertit que ses filles sont mauvaises et dangereuses. La femme découvre que l'une des filles est une nymphomane folle qui poursuit, et séduit, tout le monde dans la maison, y compris sa sœur infirme.

Nataly Fish

All Cats Are Grey in the Dark

All Cats Are Grey in the Dark

He calls himself Catman. Christian lives with his two cats Marmelade and Katjuscha. They are inseparable. As he yearns to become a father, he has his beloved Marmelade fertilized by an exclusive tomcat abroad.

Nataly Fish

The Children of Violent Rome

The Children of Violent Rome

A story of a modern day neo-Nazi youth gang that meets in a place decorated with swastikas and a poster of the "Führer". The members of this gang are all bored teenagers from rich families. One of the gang prefers playing pin pall to getting a girlfriend, because playing pin ball literally gets him off. The leader of the gang indulges in violent s..

Nataly Fish

The Queen Was in the Parlour

The Queen Was in the Parlour

Nataly Fish

Drifters of a shadowy dream

Drifters of a shadowy dream

X, a film location scout, spend his time travelling from place to place looking for filming locations, at the same time that he's looking for funding for the film he wrote himself. In the middle of nowhere, as in the nowhere of his life, he stumbles on Y, the woman for whom he has been waiting all his life.

Nataly Fish

How Dark the Nights Are on the Black Sea

How Dark the Nights Are on the Black Sea

In this farcical dark comedy/melodrama, Lena manages to lose her place at college by virtue of throwing a minor hissy-fit when she catches her erstwhile boyfriend in bed with another girl. Instead of penalizing the boy for his behavior, Lena gets stuck with a court appearance and must pay a small fine, in addition to losing a boyfriend, her college..

Nataly Fish

Edge of Night

Edge of Night

Stella is a beautiful young girl who dreams of becoming one day a famous singer. Her boyfriend Andreas leads a quiet life working at his small store, and doesn't approve Stella's quest for fame. When she decides to leave Athens for a singing job offered to her somewhere in north Greece, Andreas sets off on a quest to find her again and convince her..

Nataly Fish

And After Dusk Comes Darkness

And After Dusk Comes Darkness

A man end up in a spiritual crisis when he discover a genetic mental disease in the family history.

Nataly Fish

A Case for Murder

A Case for Murder

Jack Hammett is an aggressive young defence attorney on the rise up the corporate ladder. In the courtroom he's known as the "Hail Mary Kid" for his ability to win the unwinnable cases. When one of the firm's lawyers, Darren Gaines, is murdered and Gaines' wife is charged, Hammett is assigned as her attorney. Hammett asks Kate Weldon, a recently hi..

Nataly Fish

Cave of the Living Dead

Cave of the Living Dead

The German police cannot solve the mystery of the seven murders which have alarmed the local villagers. They call in Inspector Doren of Interpol, and the only clue the Chief Constable can give the detective is the fact that, each time a murder was committed, the electric lights in the whole neighborhood went out. The locals believe that the killing..

Nataly Fish

Obsession: A Taste for Fear

Obsession: A Taste for Fear

Un policier est chargé d'attraper un tueur en série qui assassine à travers la clandestinité sexuelle de Rome.

Nataly Fish

A Killing Affair

A Killing Affair

Peter Weller stars as Baton Morris, a drifter suspected of murder, in this crime drama. A widow (Kathy Baker) living in West Virginia takes in the man (Weller) whom she believes murdered her husband. As she spends more time with him, she begins to fall for him, but continues to question whether or not she can trust him. Directed by David Saperstein..

Nataly Fish

Le Plus Vieux Métier du monde

Le Plus Vieux Métier du monde

Film à sketchs qui raconte l'histoire de la prostitution à travers les âges.

Nataly Fish

When Night Falls on the Reeperbahn

When Night Falls on the Reeperbahn

A crime reporter (Erik Schumann) uncovers a lurid plot by a Hamburg gang to dose impressionable young girls with LSD in order to enslave them into prostitution. Featuring mad killers, psychedelic acid trips and ladies mud wrestling!

Nataly Fish

Strangers of the Night

Strangers of the Night

A rousing fusion of satire, mystery and action. Aristrocrat Ambrose Applejohn is aching for excitement. He gets more than he bargained for when two Russian thieves, Anna Valeska and her partner Borolsky, arrive at the mansion one dark night.

Nataly Fish

The Wild Party

The Wild Party

An ex-football brute (Anthony Quinn) and his beatnik gang take a rich girl (Carol Ohmart) and her boyfriend hostage (Arthur Franz) at a jazz joint.

Nataly Fish

World by Night

World by Night

Long métrage documentaire tourné dans les boîtes de nuit des principales villes du monde. La voix d'un commentateur guide le public dans les étapes de ce voyage.

Nataly Fish

God's Police Patrol

God's Police Patrol

The Confiscation of Confession and 10 million Marks bring the young accident priest Wolf into an adventurous situation: A deadly injured gobber has entrusted him with the hiding-place of the millions of heavy prey, making him the key figure of dangerous gangster interests. The ice-cold cheeks, the fat Felix, and the sex bomb Roma are placed on him ..

Nataly Fish

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