
Unusually Unusual

Unusually Unusual

Colourful, unpolished portrait of the Rotterdam theatre-maker Paul Röttger, whose work has been all about inclusivity for 30 years. The thread running through the film is rehearsals by Theater Babel Rotterdam, the theatre company of which he is director, that performs some 150 productions a year. Röttger previously headed the Rotterdams Centrum v..

Nataly Fish

Demain tout commence

Demain tout commence

Samuel vit sa vie sans attaches ni responsabilités, au bord de la mer sous le soleil du sud de la France, près des gens qu’il aime et avec qui il travaille sans trop se fatiguer. Jusqu’à ce qu’une de ses anciennes conquêtes lui laisse sur les bras un bébé de quelques mois, Gloria: sa fille! Incapable de s’occuper d’un bébé et bien..

Nataly Fish

The Victims

The Victims

Ten years ago, on a summer night, police officer Yuan Wenshan received a robbery and murder case. During the gradually deepening investigation process, the suspects present that night emerged one by one. However, the truth of the case was far from simple on the surface. Three cases went hand in hand, and a conflict of interests and righteousness in..

Nataly Fish

Angels with Angles

Angels with Angles

An angel wishes to be reunited with his long lost love but they are on different Angel Levels. To get his wish, he's sent on a mission by God to save a man.

Nataly Fish

Le temps (ne) detruit (pas) tout
à propos: philosophie

à propos: philosophie

Nataly Fish

Sinara: antes de tudo

Sinara: antes de tudo

Nataly Fish

Yes, But...

Yes, But...

A young man pushed beyond his endurance remembers his life on the roof of a tall building. He's there to commit suicide.

Nataly Fish

Tutto è qui

Tutto è qui

Nataly Fish

Despite It All!

Despite It All!

October 1918: Karl Liebknecht is released from prison and Berlin workers celebrate his release. Although WWI is almost over, the German Kaiserreich in vain sends its last reserves to the slaughter. The working class is in a rebellious mood; the uprising of Kiel’s sailors against war and militarism sets off a call for revolution led by Liebknecht...

Nataly Fish

Une simple complication

Une simple complication

Quand une ado de 17 ans apprend que le présentateur télé qu'aime est fiancé, elle entraîne sa meilleure dans un stratagème compliqué pour empêcher son mariage.

Nataly Fish

Faut pas pousser

Faut pas pousser

Traqué par l'armée qui veut tout connaître des secrets de H 7.25, son jeune ami de l'espace, le shérif Bud Scott débarque à Maroe, une ville de Géorgie où règne le désordre le plus complet. Comme le poste de shérif est vacant, Scott accepte la place et entreprend de nettoyer la ville. Alors qu'il s'occupe des Hells Angels qui sèment la ..

Nataly Fish

Bago Magbago ang Lahat

Bago Magbago ang Lahat

A listless girl attempts to change herself, only to be stopped by an unknown figure that appeared before her.

Nataly Fish

Todo lo que ves en este lugar es real

Todo lo que ves en este lugar es real

At the Borda psychiatric hospital in Buenos Aires, two patients find a breather in art from their monotonous daily life. Documentary that goes through the contradictions between the field of dreams of the interns and the harsh reality of the hospital.

Nataly Fish

TV Party: Color Show

TV Party: Color Show

TV Party's final season was broadcast live in color on Channel J, a public access "commercial station." TV Party tried to pay the extra expense of going to color by selling ads to downtown clubs and underground record companies. "Everything here is for sale," Glenn announces.

Nataly Fish

All for My Mother

All for My Mother

Après s'être enfuie plusieurs fois de l'orphelinat, une adolescente envoyée en maison de correction sur décision du tribunal tente de retrouver sa mère.

Nataly Fish

Straight A's!

Straight A's!

Lidija is 37, she was born in a small town on the Croatian coast. At the age of 19 she left for Amsterdam, where she was promised a waitressing job, but she ended up in the Red Light District. After 15 years, she returns to her hometown to turn a new page and become a mother. In the film she speaks up for the first time about leaving and returning ..

Nataly Fish

Tears of Blood

Tears of Blood

A story of love between French student Alain and German high school student Christine.

Nataly Fish

Cybermonde - L'avenir c'est maintenant

Cybermonde - L'avenir c'est maintenant

La promesse d'Internet, l'or noir des data, l'intelligence artificielle, la cyberguerre : en quatre tableaux, revue des récents bouleversements causés par l'irruption du cyber dans nos vies.

Nataly Fish

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