
Un président, l'Europe et la guerre

Un président, l'Europe et la guerre

Le 1er janvier 2022, la France prend la présidence du Conseil de l'Union européenne. En entamant son mandat le président français entend pousser de nombreuses réformes auprès de ses partenaires. Mais la guerre en Ukraine bouleverse ses plans. L'Europe, stupéfaite, doit alors affronter sur son sol sa crise la plus grave depuis la Seconde Guer..

Nataly Fish

Président Donald Trump

Président Donald Trump

Qui est Donald Trump ? Pour tenter de répondre, à la lumière d'une foudroyante ascension politique qui a pris de court la plupart des pronostics, Michael Kirk, l'un des investigateurs chevronnés de l'émission documentaire américaine "Frontline", reprend certains éléments de "Quel président pour l'Amérique ?", le documentaire qu'il avait c..

Nataly Fish

The Plot Against the President

The Plot Against the President

Based on Lee Smith's book of the same name, this documentary follows the story of the biggest political scandal in U.S. history.

Nataly Fish

Letters to Jackie: Remembering President Kennedy

Letters to Jackie: Remembering President Kennedy

Revisits President John F. Kennedy's presidential legacy through 21 of the more than 800,000 condolence letters written to Jackie Kennedy after JFK's assassination. Based on a book by Ellen Fitzpatrick

Nataly Fish

Lyndon B. Johnson : un président méconnu

Lyndon B. Johnson : un président méconnu

Après l’assassinat de John F. Kennedy, le 22 novembre 1963, Lyndon B. Johnson, son discret vice-président, se retrouve à la tête du pays. Il sera élu sur son propre nom, en 1964, pour un mandat. Ce documentaire revient sur le parcours politique méconnu de ce président mal-aimé, et cherche à réhabiliter son action à la tête des États-..

Nataly Fish

The 44th President: In His Own Words

The 44th President: In His Own Words

Comprised of two interviews with President Barack Obama conducted both before and after the 2016 Presidential election, The 44th President: In His Own Words is the President’s first-hand account of his time in office–his successes, his failures, his unfinished business–and what he hopes will be his legacy. Including additional interviews with..

Nataly Fish



En juin 1963, le Président John F. Kennedy doit faire face à un conflit explosif : en dépit d'une décision judiciaire fédérale, le Gouverneur George Wallace empêche personnellement deux étudiants noirs d'entrer à l'université «toute blanche» d'Alabama. Kennedy autorise Robert Drew et son équipe -dotés d'une petite caméra portable ave..

Nataly Fish

Slaughter Nick for President

Slaughter Nick for President

A little-known actor discovers that he is hugely popular in Serbia.

Nataly Fish

The Meeting of President Taft and President Díaz at El Paso, Texas

The Meeting of President Taft and President Díaz at El Paso, Texas

The first meeting of a U.S. president and a Mexican president took place when William Howard Taft met Porfirio Díaz on 16 October 1909, in El Paso. The meeting was celebrated in both El Paso and Juárez with parades, elaborate receptions, lavish gifts and large crowds. Shot by the pioneers of Mexican Cinema the brothers Alva. This is a typical exa..

Nataly Fish

I Am President

I Am President

Documentary based on original and personal interviews with Argentine presidents since the return of democracy in 1983 where they speak direct to camera and in the foreground, their mandate, their privacy and country.

Nataly Fish

Atilano, presidente

Atilano, presidente

Atilano Bermejo is a petty crook who gets involved in the scam of his life: to be Prime Minister. His charisma and lack of social concern make him an ideal political candidate for a group of bankers looking for a good public image behind which to hide and disguise their ambitions.

Nataly Fish

Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election

Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election

Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election is the riveting story about the battle for the presidency in Florida and the undermining of democracy in America. Filmmakers Richard Ray Perez and Joan Sekler examine modern America’s most controversial political contest: the 2000 election of George W. Bush. What emerges is a disturbing picture of an ..

Nataly Fish

La Vache et le Président

La Vache et le Président

Depuis la mort de sa mère, Lucas, 8 ans, est élevé par son père, Romain, dans la campagne bretonne. Celui-ci, agriculteur, possède un troupeau d'une vingtaine de bêtes. Lucas s'est fait deux amies : sa voisine Sarah, écrivain, qui vient de s'installer dans la région, et Maéva, une génisse orpheline de mère, comme lui. Hélas, une bête d..

Nataly Fish

The Campaign – The Making of a President

The Campaign – The Making of a President

Follows the (successful) presidential campaign of Sauli Niinistö from inside of the campaign office.

Nataly Fish

The President's Mistress

The President's Mistress

A government courier is caught in a deadly cover-up after discovering that his murdered sister was not only the mistress of a U.S. president, but also a Soviet spy.

Nataly Fish

Wonderboy For President

Wonderboy For President

"Wonder Boy for President," tells a story of a charismatic young man from the Eastern Cape who is coerced into running for president by two corrupt characters. It is a political satire that delves into political dynamics and challenges that arise.

Nataly Fish

Il presidente del Borgorosso Football Club

Il presidente del Borgorosso Football Club

Benito Fornaciari, a pale, devoutly Catholic, Upper Middleclass Italian inherits a minor-league football club from a long-lost uncle. He decides to visit the club to sell it, but the local population has other ideas: through an almost-armed uprising they "force" him not to sell the club but lead it to other glories on the football field.

Nataly Fish

Farewell, Mr. President

Farewell, Mr. President

Asko Mertanen is a waiter who is very interested in shooting. He gets fed up how the things are run in Finland, so he thinks that the best way to change them is to shoot the Finnish president.

Nataly Fish

President Trump: Tweets from the White House

President Trump: Tweets from the White House

The engrossing one-hour special uses evocative archive and a cast of charismatic political experts and former members of Trump's administration, to unpick how, in just 140 characters, Twitter has changed the way political communication takes place in the US. It is the story of a social medium platform and the first social media president, which rev..

Nataly Fish

President Kennedy's Birthday Salute

President Kennedy's Birthday Salute

President Kennedy's birthday celebration was held at the third Madison Square Garden on May 19, 1962, and more than 15,000 people attended, including numerous celebrities. The event was a fundraising gala for the Democratic Party. Features Marilyn Monroe singing to JFK.

Nataly Fish

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