
Walking Across Egypt

Walking Across Egypt

An elderly widow befriends an orphaned juvenile delinquent.

Nataly Fish

La mémoire

La mémoire

Alors qu'il subit une opération de chirurgie cardiaque à Londres, Yehia vit une expérience étrange qui transforme sa cavité cardiaque en tribunal de ses erreurs.

Nataly Fish

Ancient Gods of Egypt

Ancient Gods of Egypt

"Gods of Egypt" was a huge box office success but the true Gods were more ancient and mysterious than fiction. Powerful and deadly, all knowing, and all seeing, they were the original Masters of the Universe. They originated many thousands of years ago in a land far away from Egypt. From the Gods of the underworld, Osiris and Anubis; to the Gods of..

Nataly Fish

Ultras of Egypt

Ultras of Egypt

The Ultras of local football clubs become leaders of the Arab Spring protests in Tahrir Square. But, they pay a high price for being so visible. English title is 'Ultras of Egypt'

Nataly Fish

Coptic Egypt: 2000 Years of Christianity

Coptic Egypt: 2000 Years of Christianity

Meet the Christian community that survived Roman persecution, Byzantine rule, and has successfully co-existed with Islam for 14 centuries.

Nataly Fish

Le Papyrus oublié de la Grande Pyramide

Le Papyrus oublié de la Grande Pyramide

Depuis des millénaires, la pyramide de Gizeh fascine et suscite de nombreuses interrogations chez les archéologues. La découverte du plus ancien papyrus jamais retrouvé en Égypte a permis d'étancher leur soif de connaissance. Écrit par un homme de confiance du pharaon Khéops, un certain Merer, ce journal de bord est une mine d'information p..

Nataly Fish

Egypt's Great Mummies: Unwrapped with Bettany Hughes

Egypt's Great Mummies: Unwrapped with Bettany Hughes

Professor Bettany Hughes takes viewers on a journey of discovery as she investigates 10 of the greatest and most intriguing Egyptian mummies - and the secrets that lie beneath the bandages. Having remained in their tombs for thousands of years, wrapped, embalmed and buried with treasure, each mummy tells the story of the criminals, priests, childre..

Nataly Fish

Les heures sombres de l'Égypte antique

Les heures sombres de l'Égypte antique

Il y a 4 000 ans, l'Égypte des pharaons a connu une crise sans précédent et qui n'a pas encore révélé tous ses secrets. Il aura fallu près d'un siècle au royaume égyptien pour recouvrer sa grandeur. Les équipes de l'émission ont suivi des archéologues français, anglais et égyptiens qui enquêtent sur cette période de transition méc..

Nataly Fish

Scribes of Ancient Egypt

Scribes of Ancient Egypt

The graphic art of ancient Egypt is very familiar to us, since it was so widely used. We find extraordinary graphic representations on sarcophagi, papyrus scrolls, the walls of tombs and other buildings. They are testimony to a lasting taste for "the art of the contour", and allow us to understand this ancient civilization like no other.

Nataly Fish

II. La fuite en Égypte

II. La fuite en Égypte

La Passion du Christ : Joseph, conduisant dans le désert l’âne qui porte la Vierge et l’enfant Jésus, s’arrête au pied du Sphinx pour y passer la nuit. Après avoir installé la Vierge, il s’enroule dans son manteau et s’endort. Les soldats romains se précipitent pour s’emparer de la Vierge, mais apercevant tout à coup le Sphinx, ..

Nataly Fish

Egypt's Treasure Guardians

Egypt's Treasure Guardians

L'Égypte abrite de nombreux trésors archéologiques parmi les plus célèbres de la planète, mais au cours des cinq dernières années, l'Égypte a subi une révolution tumultueuse et le nombre de touristes a chuté. Ce programme suit une sélection d'individus, déterminés à ramener l'Égypte au bord du désastre : découvrir davantage de l'h..

Nataly Fish

Saving Egypt's Oldest Pyramid

Saving Egypt's Oldest Pyramid

Ravaged by looters, earthquakes and erosion, the Step Pyramid of Saqqara is falling apart. Can experts win the race to save this precious pyramid and preserve its treasures?

Nataly Fish

The Beans of Egypt, Maine

The Beans of Egypt, Maine

The Beans are poor, proud, hated by all, but alive in the sense that they struggle against their lot and support each other in time of trouble. Earlene lives across the street from the Bean's trailer, and the view from her window is better than any daytime television soap opera; especially Beal Bean, and especially Beal Bean shirtless. When Reuben ..

Nataly Fish

Pharaoh's Revenge: Egypt's Lost Treasure
Engineering Egypt

Engineering Egypt

Egypt's two greatest Pharaohs, Khufu and Ramesses II, built their way to immortality through architectural marvels including the temples of Abu Simbel and the Great Pyramid of Giza

Nataly Fish

Egypt: Quest for Eternity

Egypt: Quest for Eternity

Documentary about ancient Egypt, its temples, paintings and art, and how these old treasures are being endangered by modern civilization. Also shown are the Nile river, the Luxor and Karnak temples, the Sphynx, the Great Pyramids of Giza, the river path to the Land of the Dead, the pharaohs and queens' tombs, as well as egyptologysts' interpretatio..

Nataly Fish

Nasser's Republic: The Making of Modern Egypt

Nasser's Republic: The Making of Modern Egypt

In 1952 a young Egyptian colonel named Gamal Abdel Nasser led a coup that became a revolution, winning the support of millions of his countrymen. Over the next 18 years he challenged Western hegemony abroad, confronted Islamism at home, established the region’s first military authoritarian regime, and faced deep divisions among the Arabs.

Nataly Fish

Engineering the Impossible: Egypt

Engineering the Impossible: Egypt

The ancient Egyptians were prolific builders creating some of the world's greatest structures. But how did they do it? Engineering the Impossible challenges a team of experts to walk in the 'footsteps' of ancient Egypt's master builders. Headed up by world renowned British structural engineer Steve Burrows and US based Egyptologist Dr Melinda Hartw..

Nataly Fish

The Surprising History of Egypt

The Surprising History of Egypt

Bringing to life the everyday details of the ancients Egyptians - bizarre, hilarious or shocking - this wonderfully entertaining and factually revealing film is packed full of surprises. With Jones throwing informed yet sometimes crazed light on the subject, a previously hidden world of the ancient Egyptians is wonderfully brought to life.

Nataly Fish

Egypt's Ten Greatest Discoveries

Egypt's Ten Greatest Discoveries

Dr. Zahi Hawass and a team of archaeologists use Egypt's 10 most important discoveries to paint a picture of Ancient Egyptian civilization and reveal the people who developed many of the disciplines that rule the world today.

Nataly Fish

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