
La caverne maudite

La caverne maudite

A young woman stumbles across a cave that is populated by the spirits and skeletons of people who died there under mysterious circumstances.

Nataly Fish

Cave In: Planets of Old

Cave In: Planets of Old

Live performance from Cave In's reunion show on July 19, 2009. Released with Planets of Old EP.

Nataly Fish

Sigui 1969: The Cave of Bongo

Sigui 1969: The Cave of Bongo

The third year of the Sigui ceremonies, celebrated every sixty years by the Dogons of the Bandiagara cliffs, Mali, takes place in the village of Bongo.

Nataly Fish

The Infernal Cave

The Infernal Cave

In the caves of hell, Satan stokes the eternal flames and evokes the souls of the damned, whom he turns to dust and plunges into the infernal depths.

Nataly Fish

La collection Cousteau N°43-1 | Cavernes englouties

La collection Cousteau N°43-1 | Cavernes englouties

Les plongeurs de la Calypso s'enfoncent dans un gouffre mystérieux. Tunnels et galeries étroites s'entrecroisent dans un labyrinthe impénétrable. Bravant tous les dangers, ils descendent jusqu'au cœur de l'abîme, une caverne sous-marine encore jamais explorée. De cette plongée, ils ramèneront de nombreux fossiles, seuls témoins de la loin..

Nataly Fish

Living Dark: The Story of Ted the Caver

Living Dark: The Story of Ted the Caver

Two brothers, reunited for their father's funeral, stumble upon the entrance to a nearby cave. Here, they are slowly forced to confront the true, nightmarish cause of their father's death. Based on the popular Ted the Caver internet legend.

Nataly Fish

Nurse Edith Cavell

Nurse Edith Cavell

British nurse Edith Cavell is stationed at a hospital in Brussels during World War I. When the son of a former patient escapes from a German prisoner-of-war camp, she helps him flee to Holland. Outraged at the number of soldiers detained in the camps, Edith, along with a group of sympathizers, devises a plan to help the prisoners escape. As the gro..

Nataly Fish



A party of tourists -- including a state senator, a park ranger who was her one-time lover, a cantankerous professor, and an escaped convict -- are trapped deep inside the caverns of an unnamed national park, rescued briefly, and then caught in a second cave-in.

Nataly Fish

La sorcière noire

La sorcière noire

Fantaghiro and Romualdo are preparing their marriage when the Black Queen disgusted by their deep love captures Fantaghiro's father. Romualdo and his soldiers go on their journey to free him. But the insidious Black Queen transforms herself into Fantaghiro, makes Romualdo her slave by kissing him and captures the rest of his army. Fantaghiro follow..

Nataly Fish

La Princesse rebelle

La Princesse rebelle

In the middle of a war between two kingdoms queen died tragically while giving birth to her third daughter. The king wanted a male heir to his throne and torn by the death of his wife, decides to sacrifice the girl and leads to the Cave of the Golden Rose to give her to the monster. The child is saved by the White Witch who promises her a wonderful..

Nataly Fish

Le Retour de Fantagaro

Le Retour de Fantagaro

In this last episode princess Fantaghirò ends up in a parallel dimension fairy land full of kids. Here the princess must fight against a villain called "Nameless".

Nataly Fish

L'Empereur du mal

L'Empereur du mal

A black cloud travels across country, kills animals and plants and dries up the rivers. When the cloud reaches Fantaghiro's kingdom she meets Prince Parsel who follows the cloud to get his stolen castle back. After her castle vanishes, too, Fantaghiro joins Parsel on his journey to find her home, her people, her family and her love.

Nataly Fish

Ongoing Cave

Ongoing Cave

In his previous films, Hacerme feriante (2010) and Embodied Letters (2015), Julián D’Angiolillo managed to go deep inside two universes that, even though they take place in front of everyone, remained invisible and inscrutable, as though they were subterranean—that of La Salada fair and of the authors of political graffiti in walls. For Ongoin..

Nataly Fish

Le Chien jaune de Mongolie

Le Chien jaune de Mongolie

Nansal, une gamine de six ans, est l'aînée d'une famille de nomades du Nord de la Mongolie. Un jour, elle ramène chez elle un chien abandonné, mais son père pense qu'il va leur porter malheur et veut qu'elle s'en débarrasse. Nansal tente de le cacher, mais le jour où la famille déménage, elle doit abandonner le chien...

Nataly Fish

The Chosen: Forbidden Cave

The Chosen: Forbidden Cave

Jin-Myung is a psychiatrist and exorcist. With his assistant, Ji-Kwang, they attempt an exorcism on Geum-Joo. She suffers from a bizarre phenomenon. They then face a powerful existence within Geum-Joo. Extreme horror arises out of her.

Nataly Fish

Sur la terre de nos ancêtres

Sur la terre de nos ancêtres

Après sur la Terre des dinosaures et sur la Terre des monstres disparus, la BBC nous entraîne à nouveau dans un voyage à travers le temps. Cette aventure nous fait revivre l’évolution de l’espèce humaine et remonter sur les traces de nos ancêtres. Cette grande odyssée débute avec les grands singes pour se terminer il y a 30 000 ans a..

Nataly Fish

Visions in Meditation #3: Plato's Cave

Visions in Meditation #3: Plato's Cave

Brakhage begins here with Carlsbad Caverns as a stand-in for Plato's Cave and then responds to the philosopher's notion of inaccessible ideal forms by seeking out imagery that evokes worlds we cannot see.

Nataly Fish

The Westward: The Fantasy Cave

The Westward: The Fantasy Cave

The westbound team went to the other side to get the eternal fire. When they passed through Renjian Town, they were attracted by the fantastic and beautiful scenery of Qiongqi Cave and accidentally entered the cave. As a result, they accidentally learned the conspiracy of the great demon Bai-Eyed Demon King of Qiongqi Cave. In order to prevent the ..

Nataly Fish

Cave In

Cave In

When a cave in threatens the lives of four miners, including a father and son, it becomes a fight for survival. The superintendent (Mimi Rogers) struggles against the ticking clock to save her crew and family from impending doom.

Nataly Fish

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds 'The Jam' (One More Time With Feeling)

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds 'The Jam' (One More Time With Feeling)

'The Jam' recorded during the filming of One More Time With Feeling in 2016.

Nataly Fish

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