
La Tête contre les murs

La Tête contre les murs

Un jeune homme passionné et idéaliste, dont l'équilibre est précaire, s'oppose à son père, avocat autoritaire qui le fait enfermer dans un asile.

Nataly Fish

Des murmures derrière le mur

Des murmures derrière le mur

Une liaison passionnée voit le jour entre un jeune étudiant en droit et sa logeuse. Très vite, il découvre qu'elle a peut-être tué le précédent locataire.

Nataly Fish

Par-dessus le mur

Par-dessus le mur

Simone et Jean viennent de se marier et, à la recherche d’un logement en région parisienne, ont la chance de trouver une maison avec jardin dans un quartier résidentiel de banlieue. Le jeune couple attend son premier enfant et se met à observer comment les parents des familles voisines élèvent les leurs.

Nataly Fish

The Wall

The Wall

La Pared, explores the nature of human instinct and the concept of action and reaction. Miguel finds himself struggling against the gossip he hears about his wife, Dolores. Both will realize, they have to be honest of who they are and what they want as husband and wife.

Nataly Fish

Les Murs de Sanaa

Les Murs de Sanaa

Ce documentaire constitue un appel à l'Unesco pour préserver la vieille ville de Sanaa et sa forteresse.

Nataly Fish

The Wall

The Wall

A documentary about the deconstruction of the Berlin Wall which makes no use of vocal commentary but instead focuses on visual elements. From the Potsdamer Platz to the Brandenburg Gate, the camera captures the historic events from all sides and different angles: on the one hand there are news reporters and tourists from all over the world taking p..

Nataly Fish

Voyeur pervers

Voyeur pervers

Arturo a des pulsions meurtrières le poussant à étrangler des femmes. Il loue un studio à Ivano, un écrvain en fauteuil roulant et sa jeune femme Olga . Il ne se doute pas que les propriétaires des lieux épient ses moindres faits et gestes au moyen d'un télescope camouflé dans un mur de l'appartement. Cet acte de voyeurisme permettrait à ..

Nataly Fish

La Grande Muraille

La Grande Muraille

En 221 avant JC, Qin Shihuang a conquis le reste de la Chine. Les grandes réalisations de Qin ainsi que ses graves erreurs sont mises en lumière dans ce film. Qin a adopté la dictature autocratique et a mené une vie luxueuse, centralisé le pouvoir sous la forme d'une bureaucratie désormais héréditaire fidèle à lui-même ; brûlé des livr..

Nataly Fish

Le wall

Le wall

Deux personnages érigent un mur entre eux pour mettre fin à leur discorde. De chaque côté, la vie s'organise différemment, jusqu'aux retrouvailles... ailleurs !

Nataly Fish

Behind the Wall

Behind the Wall

Jan is a young assistant professor in chemistry and a workaholic, Anna is an unsuccessful science writer who turns to Jan for advice and human compassion, but Jan, absorbed with his career, remains immune to Anna's clumsy efforts to pierce his defenses.

Nataly Fish

Cat in the wall

Cat in the wall

Un chat coincé dans un mur affecte la vie de ses voisins : émigrés aspirant à une vie meilleure, fraudeurs et brexiteurs embourgeoisés.

Nataly Fish

Writing on the Wall

Writing on the Wall

Irving Lawrence owns some of the most decrepit tenements in town and is an all-around bad guy. He won't cooperate with the efforts of his wife, Barbara, to help the poor and sees other women behind her back. Muriel, one of his cast-offs, meets and marries Barbara's brother, Payne. Lawrence makes trouble for Muriel and fabricates a scandal involving..

Nataly Fish

A Breach in the Wall

A Breach in the Wall

Lars interrupts his studies in mathematics at Uppsala University. Instead he takes a job as a teacher in an industrial community. When he discovers that one of his students is a mathematical genius, his desire for studies awakens.

Nataly Fish

The Wall

The Wall

In the early 1950s, even the small villages in Taiwan were bathed in the atmosphere of White Terror. It was a difficult time for all. There was a beautiful young woman called A-zhen. She always felt that there was something weird in her house since she got married to her husband, A-yi, the village glassblower. A-zhen was very curious about the myst..

Nataly Fish

The Four Walls

The Four Walls

Kurdish composer Boran is no longer able to see the ocean, obstructed by a new building, and a tragedy befalls him…

Nataly Fish

Le Mur

Le Mur

This is a surrealistic film about a local small town 'hot chips' owner who finds his store cut in half by a newly erected wall in Belgium that is meant to separate the Flemish speakers from the Walloons (French Speakers) . Unfortunately for Albert, he finds himself on the wrong side of the wall after a long night of new millennium partying and the ..

Nataly Fish

It Can Pass Through the Wall

It Can Pass Through the Wall

An old man tries to play backgammon with friends while babysitting his granddaughter, who's terrified of the young suicide in their building.

Nataly Fish

The Shadow on the Wall

The Shadow on the Wall

A blind woman suspects that something isn’t right about the reappeared wife of her brother after she was missing for 6 months. Soon things take a sinister turn.

Nataly Fish

Kowloon Walled City

Kowloon Walled City

The film tells the story of the Northeast Street Fighter A Neng who lives in Hong Kong. He was interrogated by the police as soon as he sneaked ashore. Fortunately, Jia Hui, who returned from studying abroad, rescued him. However, Jia Hui's father died of a serious illness, and the southern part of the walled city he was in charge of was watched by..

Nataly Fish

A Boy, A Wall, and A Donkey

A Boy, A Wall, and A Donkey

Intent on making a film, a group of resourceful young boys don't let limited resources stand in their way.

Nataly Fish

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