
Le silence des églises

Le silence des églises

Gabriel, 27 ans, est un homme à la dérive, rongé par un mal intérieur que ses proches ne comprennent pas. Son secret, Gabriel n’en a jamais parlé à personne. A 12 ans, il a été entraîné dans une relation amoureuse et sexuelle avec un prêtre, le directeur de son école religieuse.

Nataly Fish

A Certain Kind of Silence

A Certain Kind of Silence

Une jeune Tchèque, fille au pair, débarque dans une famille étrange et glauque du Nord de l’Europe. Fascinée, elle participe à une opération aussi mystérieuse que malsaine, dont elle ne prend vraiment conscience que lors de son interrogatoire par la police.

Nataly Fish

House of Silence

House of Silence

One author has retreated to a secluded estate in the Lüneburg Heath to write her new novel, which is based on autobiographical, traumatic experiences. Strange incidents occur more and more and soon it is clear that she is being stalked by a man. He seems to know his way around her memories and pushes her to the edge of her physical and psychologic..

Nataly Fish

Silence Is Welcome

Silence Is Welcome

Au cours d'un road trip monotone, une adolescente découvre les difficultés rencontrées par ses parents et la crise latente qui menace son pays.

Nataly Fish

The Rest Is Silence

The Rest Is Silence

In 1911-12, the Romanian movie director Grigore Brezianu and the financial tycoon Leon Popescu made together the 2 hours long movie "Romania's Independence" - an as faithful as possible screen adaptation of the real Independence War that had been fought in 1877. Now, "Restul e tacere" tells us, in a loose and half-fictionalized way, the story of th..

Nataly Fish

Schlingensief – A Voice That Shook the Silence

Schlingensief – A Voice That Shook the Silence

Using unpublished and newly digitalised archive footage and film material, Bettina Böhler has brilliantly assembled this film about the life and work of the exceptional artist Christoph Schlingensief, who died in 2010.

Nataly Fish

The Great Silence

The Great Silence

Villa Primic was once a luxurious home. Now in disrepair, the Primic family home is up for sale by the owner, Rose, and her two heirs, Massimiliano and Adele. The head of the family, Valerio, is vehemently opposed to this. The reunion is going to be complicated...

Nataly Fish

The Girl of Silence

The Girl of Silence

14 year old Nakamura is sexually abused by her stepfather. She invents a friend who is coming to her rescue when she really needs it.

Nataly Fish

Dule Savić and the Silence in London

Dule Savić and the Silence in London

The end of the match was being played when Dusan Savic ran onto the ball and sent it into Arsenal's goal with his left foot. For the silence at "Highbury" that the English had never recorded before. Over 40,000 people who came to the "Highbury" stadium had the opportunity to see the fearless Red Star and saw her off with well-deserved applause. The..

Nataly Fish

Broken Silence

Broken Silence

Winter, 1944. Lucía at 21 returns to her small village in the mountains. She again meets Manuel, a young iron-smith who helps "those in the mountain", the "maquis", the anti-Franco resistance. Lucía is attracted to Manual, because of his smile and the bravery of those men who continue fighting for their ideas, even at the cost of their own lives...

Nataly Fish

Three Minutes of Silence

Three Minutes of Silence

When two spoiled hipsters embark on the rusty trawler for a summer internship, they get much more than what they bargained for. This shabby boat is the floating home of a dozen weary and irritable sailors, whose only priority is making money and not getting killed in the process. Ice-cold waves, incredibly beautiful but severe seascapes, hard labou..

Nataly Fish

Silence of the Sushi Rolls

Silence of the Sushi Rolls

Red alert! A pervert is hanging out in the Tokyo subway and using a hi-tech brain manipulation device in order to molest sexy women! But not to worry, detective Claire is on the case! With the help of world-famous nutty professor and horndog Dr. Honeybar Nectar, Claire will uncover an intricate plot of epic proportions, leading all the way up to th..

Nataly Fish

Sicarivs: The Night and the Silence

Sicarivs: The Night and the Silence

Un soir, au moment d’agir, un tueur à gages refuse d’exécuter une de ses victimes. Il le sait, s’il ne fait pas son travail, on le tuera. A moins qu’il ne soit plus rapide. Il va alors devoir remonter jusqu’à son commanditaire pour sauver sa peau.

Nataly Fish

The Beckoning Silence

The Beckoning Silence

Après les graves blessures et l'accident mortel d'un alpiniste, on lui dit qu'il ne grimpera plus jamais. Son rétablissement l'a laissé face à la question suivante : pourquoi, après avoir été si près de la mort, s'est-il senti obligé de continuer à grimper ?

Nataly Fish

Silence of Sirens

Silence of Sirens

A police officer steals some money from an international judge of a special court in Kosovo. The money was a bribe for the judge. Now the officer faces a dilemma – whether to keep the money and deny everything or figure out a way to return the money for his own family’s safety.

Nataly Fish

Rêve et silence

Rêve et silence

Oriol et Yolanda vivent à Paris avec leurs deux filles. Il est architecte, elle est professeur de lycée. Au cours de vacances dans le delta de l'Ebre, au sud de la Catalogne, un accident bouleverse leur existence.

Nataly Fish

Le Silence sans ailes

Le Silence sans ailes

Un jeune gar­çon cap­ture un papillon de Nagasaki alors qu’il est à Hokkaidô, à l’autre bout du Japon. Le film revient sur le long tra­jet effec­tué par l’insecte, s’attar­dant sur les hom­mes et les fem­mes qu’il a obser­vés durant son voyage. Le Silence sans ailes, qui raconte à des niveaux per­son­nels et socio­lo­gi..

Nataly Fish

The Silence Before Bach

The Silence Before Bach

This latest feature from the eccentrically experimental Catalan director Portabella is a beautiful, sometimes faintly bonkers celebration and contemplation of the role Bach’s music plays in the world today. Blending historical reconstruction with very loosely linked ‘dramatic’ scenes and documentary sequences, the film constitutes a playful, ..

Nataly Fish

Cry of Silence

Cry of Silence

A Russian investigator and a Buryat policeman are investigating the murder of a truth-seeking huntsman in the Baikal taiga.

Nataly Fish

The Long Silence

The Long Silence

Carla Aldrovandi, a gynecologist, and her husband Marco Canova, a magistrate live on the front line of criminal and political powers in Italy. She is surrounded by terror and threats.

Nataly Fish

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