
Un coin tranquille à la campagne

Un coin tranquille à la campagne

Leonardo Ferri, jeune peintre en vogue, décide de quitter sa maîtresse et Milan. Il part à la campagne où il a acheté une vieille maison. Mais cette demeure appartenait en 1944 à Wanda, une comtesse nymphomane. Et depuis cet endroit est hanté par son souvenir. Leonardo va vivre en imaginant la jeune fille...

Nataly Fish

Quiet Masters - The History and Relevance of the Black Magical Artist

Quiet Masters - The History and Relevance of the Black Magical Artist

This documentary contains important historical facts about the black magicians. An unprecedented cast and dynamic interviews from black magicians from around the world. Witness their journey as they tell stories of the struggles and triumphs of being a black magician from the early 1800's, 1900's and 2000's.

Nataly Fish

Kevin: Roche The Quiet Architect

Kevin: Roche The Quiet Architect

Kevin Roche: The Quiet Architect is a feature documentary film that considers many of the key architectural questions through the 70 year career of Pritzker Prize winning Irish-American architect Kevin Roche, including the relationship between architects and the public they serve. Still working at age 94, Kevin Roche is an enigma, a man with no int..

Nataly Fish

Jim Clark: The Quiet Champion

Jim Clark: The Quiet Champion

The story of an enigmatic Scottish sheep farmer who, in his day, became the greatest racing driver of all time, before being tragically killed in a race.

Nataly Fish

Quietness- A The House Tale

Quietness- A The House Tale

A Man will have a face to face with Death, in this cryptic horror-drama short film

Nataly Fish

Quietus: To the New World

Quietus: To the New World

An eerie, apocalyptic look at our planet thousands of years in the future. All life is extinct. Various remnants of our cities are still standing. Amidst all of this are two alien visitors who roam the planet, studying it, collecting samples, recording data. Something cataclysmic must have happened to render the planet lifeless, and soon the alien..

Nataly Fish

What is The Quiet Earth?

What is The Quiet Earth?

A new video essay on the 1985 film The Quiet Earth by New York arts journalist and critic Bryan Reesman. He provides an overview of the science fiction film with his thoughts on its themes, lingering questions, and longevity.

Nataly Fish

Until the Quiet Comes

Until the Quiet Comes

During the war between Abkhazia and Georgia in the early nineties, 87-year-old Toro fled to Georgia with his cousin and his cousin's wife. Since then they have been living together in a remote village. Despite Toro's endless positivity, humour and resilience, the harsh reality starts kicking in. Until the quiet comes is a story about dependency and..

Nataly Fish

The End of Quiet

The End of Quiet

In a remote, isolated area, one of the largest telescopes on earth is used to unlock the mysteries of the universe, while the locals live without cell phones and WiFi, cutting themselves off from the world.

Nataly Fish

The Quiet American Gardener

The Quiet American Gardener

Although Lawrence Johnston was an American he created a seminally English garden at Hidcote Manor in Gloucestershire. He was passionate about design, architecture and plants and travelled all around the world finding unusual varieties of flora and fauna that would bring colour, scent, shape and texture to his garden. Hidcote was the first property ..

Nataly Fish

The Very Quiet Cricket

The Very Quiet Cricket

A little cricket has lost his song - he rubs his wings together and nothing happens. He sets off to find his voice and meets all kinds of creatures who make all kinds of noises, but still he can make no sound at all. One day he meets a special friend, another cricket and this time, when he rubs his wings together, he makes "the most beautiful sound..

Nataly Fish

Until the Quiet Comes

Until the Quiet Comes

Set to a track from Flying Lotus’s album and shot primarily in Nickerson Gardens, this short features the astonishingly beautiful dancing of Storyboard P. Winner of Sundance’s Special Jury Award for short film.

Nataly Fish

The House Was Quiet

The House Was Quiet

A portrait of an old school house on the tidal island of Eilean Seòna within Scotland's Inner Hebrides, accompanied by the Wallace Stevens poem 'The House Was Quiet.

Nataly Fish

Love Infinity - When The Sun Goes Quiet

Love Infinity - When The Sun Goes Quiet

Oscar-winning artist and costume designer for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Tim Yip turns his lens on a dream of East London, bringing together iconic artists like Gilbert and George, Vivienne Westwood, Jonny Woo, Pandemonia, Andrew Logan, and Daniel Lismore.

Nataly Fish

Rx: The Quiet Revolution

Rx: The Quiet Revolution

How a patient-centered philosophy can improve outcomes and enrich the lives of patients.

Nataly Fish

The Quiet Maid

The Quiet Maid

Ana has just arrived from Colombia and is the maid of a luxurious mansion on the Costa Brava, where a family of wealthy art dealers spends their summers. The young woman works tirelessly and without a contract, under the promise of decent conditions at the end of the summer, if she remains obedient and discreet.

Nataly Fish

Randy Rhoads: The Quiet Riot Years

Randy Rhoads: The Quiet Riot Years

Randy Rhoads, The Quiet Riot Years, a 90-minute documentary film, explores the enduring friendship of Quiet Riot bandmates Randy Rhoads and Kevin DuBrow. Narrated by Quiet Riot photographer, lighting designer, lyricist and friend, Ron Sobol, the film offers a behind-the-scenes portrait of two close friends as they embark on an uphill quest for star..

Nataly Fish

Nick Lowe: Quiet Please... The Videos

Nick Lowe: Quiet Please... The Videos

Companion DVD to the 2-Disc "New Best of Nick Lowe" collection. All the classic videos are represented, as well as an entre 2007 concert from Belgium.

Nataly Fish

The Quiet Power of Introverts

The Quiet Power of Introverts

Introversion is often misunderstood. Introverts are seen as shy and antisocial, but these are misconceptions. There is so much power in being quiet and listening in a world that can't stop talking. This is a personal story, with an aim to empower, inform and inspire.

Nataly Fish

Say the Quiet Part Loud

Say the Quiet Part Loud

Second short film in a three-part, episodic trilogy about an alcoholic woman named Kore. "Say the Quiet Part Loud", accompanies Kore as she heads towards a dissociative fugue state.

Nataly Fish

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