
Milky Way Liberation Front

Milky Way Liberation Front

Yeong-jae est un jeune réalisateur en herbe. Plein de bonnes intentions, il n'arrive pourtant à faire aboutir son projet d'un long-métrage, car son scénario n'avance pas, aucun producteur ne semble croire en son talent et l'acteur principal fait des siennes. Son rêve devient un véritable cauchemar...

Nataly Fish

Liberal Wife '81

Liberal Wife '81

After 10 years of marriage, Sun-young and Tae-yeon save up a significant amount of money. Tae-yeon runs a food processing company and works hard to expand business but Sun-young wants to enjoy the fruits of their labor. While partying with her friends, she meets fashion designer Pierre Kang and has an affair with him. When her infidelity is found o..

Nataly Fish

The Price of Our Liberty

The Price of Our Liberty

The film is about the Winter War 1939-40 in Uusimaa, Turku, Pori and Vyborg.

Nataly Fish

CAM: Liberated a nation

CAM: Liberated a nation

Nataly Fish

FC Dinamo: FC Red Star – The War of Liberation Began at Maksimir Stadium

FC Dinamo: FC Red Star – The War of Liberation Began at Maksimir Stadium

A documentary that explores the events of the disrupted football match between Dinamo (Zagreb) and Crvena Zvezda (Beograd) on May 13th 1990. As fighting broke out the match was cancelled and the events are explored with testimonies from members of Bad Blue Boys and the police of the time. The event is considered by many as the start of the Croatian..

Nataly Fish

The Libertarian

The Libertarian

Amidst fireflies and mangroves, the musician Papámarimba narrates the legend of El Libertario. A story about a ghost ship, a slave rebellion and the eternal struggle for freedom. But his son Canchimalo no longer believes in these stories. He thinks they are just superstitions, keeping his people in backwardness. A challenge that will bring him fac..

Nataly Fish



Makoto of the Japanese Imperial Army decided to go into hiding after the Japanese soldiers were defeated in 1945. In the dread of the forest, he decides to struggle despite efforts for him to surrender, thinking the war is not yet over. For a span of almost 20 years, he encounters different situations that will test his persona and his strength to ..

Nataly Fish

Mouvement de Libération des Femmes Iraniennes, Année Zéro

Mouvement de Libération des Femmes Iraniennes, Année Zéro

In 1979, Iranian Women invite the American feminist Kate Millett to celebrate March 8, the International Women's Day, in Tehran. On March 7, the religious leaders announce that women have to wear the Islamic veil. From March 8 to March 13, women and liberals demonstrate in the streets against the veil. A crew of four French feminists filmed these h..

Nataly Fish

My Liberated Country

My Liberated Country

Nataly Fish

Phantom of Liberty II

Phantom of Liberty II

In the so-called global age, a man is caught in the trap of time that he has set for himself and got stuck in it together with his freedom. Film about the nature of time that explores its physical quantity as well as its crucial impact on our actions, behaviour, perception, social rituals and our outlook on the world.

Nataly Fish

Study No. 4: Liberation

Study No. 4: Liberation

'Studie IV' (1955) by Peter Weiss portrays a liberation process. The main character moves between different rooms, rooms of significance for him, dragging something that constantly changes form but eventually turns out to be himself. It is an old and consumed I that disappears from him.

Nataly Fish

Liberation Struggle In Namibia

Liberation Struggle In Namibia

The only film about SWAPO, the liberation movement in Namibia. About its civilian and armed struggle against South African occupation and economic oppression. Historical footage depicts the mechanics of colonialism, earlier resistance struggles, and the origins of the current situation. The film has caused a stir internationally. The footage is uni..

Nataly Fish

Liberty Avenue

Liberty Avenue

Nataly Fish

The Second Liberation

The Second Liberation

The Soviet occupation of Bulgaria (1944-1947) causing the greatest political, financial and moral turning point in the new Bulgarian history.

Nataly Fish

Long Cheng Liberation

Long Cheng Liberation

Nataly Fish

Liberation in 26 Pictures

Liberation in 26 Pictures

Forgotten old partisan leads a lonely life. His only interests are watching neighbors and sumo. One day something he sees with his WW2 binoculars makes him set out on the last guerilla mission.

Nataly Fish

Front de libération du Japon - L'été à Sanrizuka

Front de libération du Japon - L'été à Sanrizuka

En 1968, les membres du jeune collectif Ogawa Pro suivent une brigade d’étudiants militants dans la région rurale de Sanrizuka, près de Tokyo, et se joignent au mouvement de résistance grandissant mené par des agriculteurs – ainsi que leurs soutiens – menacés d’éviction par le projet de construction d’un nouvel aéroport internatio..

Nataly Fish

Hilversum Occupied and Liberated, 1940-1945

Hilversum Occupied and Liberated, 1940-1945

Hilversum Occupied and Liberated, 1940-1945 is a film that gives an impressive look at the daily life of Hilversumers during the German occupation. Special attention is given to the exuberant way in which the inhabitants welcomed their liberators in May 1945.

Nataly Fish

Liberators Take Liberties

Liberators Take Liberties

Helke Sander interviews multiple German women who were raped in Berlin by Soviet soldiers in May 1945. Most women never spoke of their experience to anyone, due largely to the shame attached to rape in German culture at that time.

Nataly Fish

To Liberate Shanghai

To Liberate Shanghai

Nataly Fish

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