
I Was a Prisoner in Siberia

I Was a Prisoner in Siberia

Nataly Fish

Bienvenue en Sibérie

Bienvenue en Sibérie

Matthias Bleuel, expert en logistique de mode récemment divorcé, est amené à se rendre à Kemerovo, en Sibérie, pour promouvoir les employés locaux de son entreprise. Mais une fois sur place, il s'y déplaît, n'arrivant pas à s'adapter aux coutumes locales. Alors que tout semblait bon pour le ramener en Allemagne, il découvre par hasard, l..

Nataly Fish

Lost in Siberia

Lost in Siberia

The political drama is set in the Stalin's Soviet Union after the Second World War. A British archaeologist Andrei Miller is working in Iran. He is mistakenly kidnapped and arrested by the KGB. He is falsely accused of spying and wrongfully sentenced to a Gulag prison-camp in Siberia.

Nataly Fish

Siberian Express

Siberian Express

On the last leg of of a train ride from Moscow to Manchuria during the early years of World War Two, one of the passengers suddenly disappears. All of the other passengers, including military personnel and civilians from both the Axis powers and Allied nations, have reasons to be suspected. As the remaining passengers investigate, more murders are ..

Nataly Fish

Siberian Exile

Siberian Exile

Les déportations massives vers la Sibérie des années 1940 vues à travers les yeux d'un jeune garçon appelé Staszek Dolina. Les membres de sa famille font partie des 2 millions de citoyens polonais envoyés dans les cruels camps de travail sibériens.

Nataly Fish

The Siberian Ripper

The Siberian Ripper

Nataly Fish

Les Sibériens

Les Sibériens

La veille du Nouvel an, un vieux chasseur bouriate raconte à Serioja et Petia comment selon une une croyance populaire, Staline, avec l'aide d'un chasseur a pu s'enfuir d'exil. Pour remercier le chasseur, Staline lui a offert sa pipe. Le chasseur est mort pendant la guerre civile et la pipe a été conservée par un autre chasseur. Les garçons on..

Nataly Fish



A film about the lives of Chinese businessmen in Russia.

Nataly Fish

Trans-Siberian Express

Trans-Siberian Express

An espionage thriller set aboard the train of the title. A group of agents try to thwart the Japanese-Soviet trade agreement by assassinating a Japanese businessman.

Nataly Fish

Siberian Grandfather

Siberian Grandfather

Story about one of the leaders of the partisan movement Nestor Kalandarishvili during Russian Civil War in Siberia.

Nataly Fish

Tigre de Sibérie, seigneur sans frontières

Tigre de Sibérie, seigneur sans frontières

Aux confins du nord-est de la Chine, une montagne sauvage jusqu’alors inexplorée s’étend à perte de vue. C’est au cœur de la réserve naturelle de Hunchun que vit le tigre de l’Amour. Voilà l’un des derniers bastions qui abrite ce félin, vivant aux côtés d’autres animaux sauvages tels que la panthère des neiges, l’ours noir d..

Nataly Fish

Tundra Survival: The Siberian Jumping Bread Roll
Siberian Summer

Siberian Summer

A Hungarian girl's dreams of fairy-tale happiness clash with the grim routine of her life.

Nataly Fish

One Day in the Coldest Village on Earth - Yakutia, Siberia

One Day in the Coldest Village on Earth - Yakutia, Siberia

Documentary movie about life in Yakutia, the coldest inhabited region on Earth with the lowest recorded temperature -71°C (-95°F) and the average winter temperature -50°C (-58°F). -- Un film documentaire sur la vie en Yakoutie (Sibérie), la région habitée la plus froide de notre planète avec la température la plus froide enregistrée (-7..

Nataly Fish

Le lac Baïkal, perle de la Sibérie

Le lac Baïkal, perle de la Sibérie

Le lac Baikal, aux frontières de la Sibérie et de la Mongolie extérieure, est un véritable océan d'eau douce. C'est le plus volumineux, le plus profond et le plus ancien lac de la planète. Les plongeurs filment le grand Esturgeon, les Phoques du Baïkal, mais aussi la vie des cavaliers Mongols qui perpétuent leurs traditions dans l'ombre.

Nataly Fish

Siberian Express 2

Siberian Express 2

Nataly Fish

Tale of the Siberian Land

Tale of the Siberian Land

His right hand having been wounded during the war, concert pianist Andrei Balashov is unable to perform his art. As a result, the young man feels so depressed that he considers his life wasted. One day, he decides to leave the capital and flee from the woman he loves, Natasha, a rising singing star. Andrei takes refuge in Siberia, his native land. ..

Nataly Fish

Siberian Love

Siberian Love

After 20 years of living in Berlin, the director Olga Delane goes back to her roots in a small Siberian village, where she is confronted with traditional views of relationships, life and love. The man is the master in the home; the woman’s task is to beget children and take care of the household (and everything else, too). Siberian Love provides ..

Nataly Fish

Siberian Express 3

Siberian Express 3

Nataly Fish

Remember Siberia I

Remember Siberia I

An emotional, figurative and historical study of the memories of people who were deported to Siberia as children on June 14, 1941. The suffering of these victims is presented in contrast to the beautiful landscapes of Siberia. On June 14, 2009, the film crew, some of the deported children who survived and returned to Latvia, and their children, go ..

Nataly Fish

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