
Marvel Renaissance

Marvel Renaissance

A la fin des années 90, Marvel est en faillite et le groupe manque de mettre la clé sous la porte. Pourtant, la célèbre maison d'édition américaine a depuis redressé la barre, via notamment sa filière cinématographique. Comment passer de la ruine aux sommets du box-office cinématographique ? C'est ce que va décrypter Marvel Renaissance.

Nataly Fish

The Dawn of the Renaissance - Florence Cathedral

The Dawn of the Renaissance - Florence Cathedral

The Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore is the main church of Florence, Italy. It was one of the most impressive projects of the Renaissance. Il Duomo di Firenze, as it is ordinarily called, was begun in 1296 in the Gothic style to the design of Arnolfo di Cambio and completed in 1436 with the dome engineered by Filippo Brunelleschi. The exterior o..

Nataly Fish

Donatello : génie de la Renaissance

Donatello : génie de la Renaissance

Portrait du sculpteur Donatello, père de la Haute Renaissance qui influença considérablement l'art sculptural par sa façon novatrice de concevoir l'espace.

Nataly Fish

Bellini et Mantegna, peintres rivaux de la Renaissance

Bellini et Mantegna, peintres rivaux de la Renaissance

Résonances entre deux figures révolutionnaires et rivales de l’art de la Renaissance italienne, Andrea Mantegna et son beau-frère Giovanni Bellini.

Nataly Fish

The Rebirth

The Rebirth

Coincidence and the aftermath of violence. A man's middle-school daughter has been murdered. His wife is already deceased. He tells a counselor he wants to live in anonymity, working with his hands. He moves away and gets a job in a factory. The woman who is the mother of the killer wants to apologize to the father, although she knows it would chan..

Nataly Fish

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