
La Traque

La Traque

Une nuit, plusieurs cerfs se jettent inexplicablement sur la clôture électrique d'une exploitation agricole. Apercevant de profondes traces de morsures sur les cadavres des bêtes, les propriétaires de l'exploitation comprennent qu'un prédateur sévit dans les bois alentours. Décidée à le chasser, la famille d'agriculteurs s'enfonce au cœur..

Nataly Fish



Après avoir retrouvé les corps d’une famille de fermiers sauvagement mutilés par ce qui semblerait être un animal, la police fait appel à Lizzy, une vétérinaire du zoo d’Amsterdam, afin de tenter de trouver une explication. Son constat est sans appel : l’auteur de ces mutilations ne peut être qu’un lion mangeur d’hommes, de taille..

Nataly Fish

Birds of Prey

Birds of Prey

A homicide detective finds himself being stalked by a killer responsible for a series of mob style executions.

Nataly Fish

A Dangerous Prey

A Dangerous Prey

Keisha flees urban gentrification for a fresh start, only to be targeted by racists in her new home. She fights to survive as she turns the tables on her predators in a battle for survival as she herself becomes a dangerous prey.

Nataly Fish

Innocent Prey

Innocent Prey

A woman living in Dallas discovers that her husband, from New Zealand, is actually a crazed serial killer who murders prostitutes.

Nataly Fish

Birds of Prey

Birds of Prey

Harry Walker, a former military pilot, works as a helicopter pilot and traffic reporter for a Salt Lake City radio station. One day while working he observes a bank robbery in progress and the kidnapping of a young woman who worked at the bank. Harry goes into pursuit which leads to an exciting conclusion.

Nataly Fish

Prey for the Beast

Prey for the Beast

A horrible creature with an insatiable appetite for human flesh feasts on a group of terrified campers.

Nataly Fish

Falco Terror

Falco Terror

Vanessa, une reporter à la télévision couvre la nouvelle d'un fermier attaqué par ses poulets mais découvre que cet incident n'est pas un cas isolé...

Nataly Fish

Mind Prey

Mind Prey

Mind Prey is an adaptation of the John Sandford mystery novel of the same name, featuring Sandford's famous detective Lucas Davenport. Andi Manette (Sheila Helley), a well respected psychiatrist, and her two daughters have been kidnapped and detective Lucas Davenport (Eriq La Salle) is about to meet his ultimate nemesis in their sadistic captor, Jo..

Nataly Fish

Prey for Death

Prey for Death

Baron Emerson uses his vast wealth to travel the world and hunt. He does not hunt animals, he hunts warriors. The Baron arrives at the American frontier and is looking for his next prey. An outlaw gunslinger named Chamberlin who is in jail and set to be hanged. The Baron arranges for Chamberlin to be freed so that he can hunt him like and animal in..

Nataly Fish

Easy Prey

Easy Prey

Based on a true story, a serial killer abducts his latest victim from a mall and assaults her. Confused by her atypical reaction, he doesn't kill her, but instead takes her along as he continues on his killing spree. Meanwhile, the authorities debate whether she's a victim or a willing participant.

Nataly Fish

Birds of Prey

Birds of Prey

At a reception given by Arthur Hilton at his Sussex home the conversation turns to the subject of danger, with Hilton recalling a case in which he was involved as a Natal police commissioner. In it there were three guilty persons, but only one of them was hanged; the other two were sentenced to long terms, vowing vengeance on Hilton. Unknown to him..

Nataly Fish

Cupid's Prey

Cupid's Prey

Rebecca Swain is a beautiful, intellectual young woman. Life is good to her. Her new boyfriend Matt's family is rich and socially prominent. The idea of a romantic weekend with him at his parents' palatial estate sounds inviting. The visit to paradise brings her face to face with Matt's family for the first time. His father, Jeremy, is dashingly ha..

Nataly Fish

Les Proies du caméléon

Les Proies du caméléon

J.D. retourne dans sa petite ville natale du Texas, où il avait laissé autrefois Carrie, devenue maintenant Shérif, et peu heureuse de le revoir. Un soir, tard, il aide une inconnue dont la voiture est tombée en panne. Rapidement, il devient son amant, sans réaliser qu'elle est une dangereuse patiente échappée d'un hôpital psychiatrique, u..

Nataly Fish

Hamza: Strictly Birds of Prey

Hamza: Strictly Birds of Prey

Hamza Yassin’s true passion is for nature, and he regularly roams the outdoors to capture its beauty on film as a wildlife cameraman. In this special film for BBC One and iPlayer, he is on a quest to film his favourite birds of prey – and no corner of the UK is too remote for him to find them.

Nataly Fish

La proie du collectionneur

La proie du collectionneur

A former Texas Ranger is recruited by a Houston police captain to assist a homicide detective in the search for an elusive serial killer who collects antique dolls.

Nataly Fish

Birds of Prey

Birds of Prey

An eccentric old man takes bizarre revenge on a couple preying on the elderly.

Nataly Fish

Prey, in Cold Blood

Prey, in Cold Blood

A group of friends spend a weekend in a remote mountain cabin and discover something that will change their lives. Now they must fight to stay alive.

Nataly Fish

Silent Prey

Silent Prey

NYPD detective Carol Shaya is assigned to pose as the new student at a Catholic girls’ school in order to catch a serial rapist.

Nataly Fish

Birds of Prey

Birds of Prey

Helen Wayne and Archie Crossley, two clever pickpockets, rob J. Hamilton Smith, a well-known metropolitan banker, and he is later recognized by one of their gang as a former prisonmate; they demand a price for their silence, and he is forced to accede.

Nataly Fish

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