
Golden Globe - Indien - der Süden
Last Call Indien

Last Call Indien

This documentary takes a look at the reality that faces a last generation status Indian as she tries to hold on to her culture after the recent passing of her main native reference, her Grand-father. « Because of the Indian Act I am forced into letting go of who I am and accepting that I am probably the last Indian in my family lineage. Although ..

Nataly Fish

Faszination Wüste: Thar - Die schönste Wüste Indiens 3D
Ile Maurice, la douceur de l'océan Indien
India's Wild Beauty

India's Wild Beauty

India - unique in its diversity and breathtakingly beautiful. The subcontinent is characterized by scenic, cultural and ethnic diversity. After China, India is the second most populous country in the world. Despite growing space needs, there are efforts to preserve the wilderness through nature reserves and protected areas. So India still provides ..

Nataly Fish

La fortune maudite des indiens d'Amérique

La fortune maudite des indiens d'Amérique

In March 2007, the famous restaurant chain "Hard Rock Café" was bought for over a billion dollars by the Indian tribe Seminoles. It turns out that some American Indians have become powerful businessmen. The secret of their success: money from casinos built on their land since 1988. Today there are more than 425 gaming establishments on Indian rese..

Nataly Fish

Armée indienne

Armée indienne

Funérailles de la reine d'Angleterre : des officiers marchent à la tête de bataillons de fantassins indiens.

Nataly Fish

Le chemin des indiens morts

Le chemin des indiens morts

Intimate chronicle of Guajiro life, rites and myths.

Nataly Fish

Îles... Était une Fois : Océan Indien

Îles... Était une Fois : Océan Indien

C'est à l'occasion d'un tournage aux Seychelles qu'est née en 1992 notre série "Îles... était une fois". Vingt ans plus tard, Antoine vous invite à redécouvrir avec lui les plus belles îles de l'océan indien : - La Réunion, si magnifique, de ses rivages à ses forêts, ses "cirques" de montagnes et son volcan, qu'on l'appelle souvent "l'..

Nataly Fish

München in Indien

München in Indien

MUNICH IN INDIA tells about the German painter Fritz-Munich. As the Nazis seized power in Germany he was traveling through colonial India between 1932 and 1937, and became the only German court painter of the Maharajas. Konstantin Fritz, the artist's grandson, searches for clues of his grandfather's paintings and of his fairytale adventures. Accomp..

Nataly Fish

L'été indien

L'été indien

Nataly Fish

Le voyage indien

Le voyage indien

In this film, shots from two voyages unfold in parallel. First, 8mm images made at the beginning of the seventies by an unknown traveler: this 20-minute film was found at a flea market. A handwritten text described an itinerary, while the boxes indicated the years 1973 and 1975. These shots, left as they are, punctuate super8 images filmed by me du..

Nataly Fish

Le Speelberg Indien

Le Speelberg Indien

Après Burano (1979), Le Speelberg Indien développe l’utilisation de procédures sérielles au cinéma. Mais en réintroduisant une dimension dramatique là où Burano, par la répétition systématique du motif l’évacuait, ‘Le Speelberg indien’ entend casser le formalisme inhérent à ce type de pratique. A cette fin, les 150 diapositive..

Nataly Fish

Indien 1

Indien 1

Nataly Fish

Indien 2

Indien 2

Nataly Fish

Prahlad - Ein Junge in Indien

Prahlad - Ein Junge in Indien

Short film about the daily routine of eleven-year-old Prahlad from the northern Indian village of Manikpur in the province of Uttar Pradesh, one of the poorest areas in India.

Nataly Fish

Chez les Indiens Sorciers

Chez les Indiens Sorciers

During a trip to Colombia (1932-1933), Marquis de Wavrin met various ethnic groups of Indians (Guahibo, Choco, Arawak, Motilón…). They allow him to film rituals that no foreigner had been able to attend before.

Nataly Fish

Reisebilder aus Indien

Reisebilder aus Indien

Documentary about India

Nataly Fish

L'Astronome et l'Indien

L'Astronome et l'Indien

4 of the world biggest astronomical observatories have been built in the Atacama desert (Chili). A new observatory, the ALMA, is going to be constructed close to an Indian village established in the same Cordillera for centuries. The film questions the co-existence on the same territory of two visions of the sky: scientists’ "rational" view and t..

Nataly Fish

3 histoires d'indiens

3 histoires d'indiens

Three stories of young people unfold over the course of a year in this drama that illuminates a new generation of American Indians. The tales involve a contemplative young man, three girls who worship a sacred spirit and a found-object artist.

Nataly Fish

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