
Le Dernier Trappeur

Le Dernier Trappeur

Au coeur des Montagnes Rocheuses, Norman vit avec Nebraska, une indienne Nahanni, et ses chiens de traîneaux. Déconnectés des besoins créés par la société moderne, ils se nourrissent des produits de la chasse et de la pêche. Norman fabrique ses raquettes, son traîneau, son canoë avec le bois et l'écorce prélevés en forêt. Une fois par..

Nataly Fish



Animé par un béguin pour sa collègue, un homme se retrouve enfermé dans un appartement d’un gratte-ciel à l’abandon, sans nourriture, eau ou électricité.

Nataly Fish

Os Trapalhões no Reino da Fantasia

Os Trapalhões no Reino da Fantasia

The Bunglers do a show for the benefit of an orphanage run by Sister Maria (Xuxa Meneghel), facing financial difficulties. While performing the show, 'money is stolen tickets. Didi, and Sister Maria Dede pursue the bandits, while Mussum Zechariah and continue with the show. The three go at Beto Carrero World, where the scene is recreated from the o..

Nataly Fish

Les Affaires organisées 2

Les Affaires organisées 2

Quand sa fille et son gendre sont victimes d'une arnaque, un malfrat d'Istanbul se retrouve impliqué dans une guerre d'influence au sein de la pègre locale.

Nataly Fish

La Ronde de l'aube

La Ronde de l'aube

Dans les années 30, le pilote Roger Shumannn, ancien as de l'aviation militaire, s'exhibe dans des meetings aériens itinérants où il retrouve brièvement son statut de héros bravant la mort. Aigri, il entraîne dans son existence misérable son fils et sa femme, Laverne, qu'il délaisse mais qui se sacrifie pour lui en s'exhibant légèrement ..

Nataly Fish

The Trap

The Trap

Uncle and nephew try to recover their lands from a corrupt casino owner. A farmer is pressured to pay his gambling son's huge debt. Both problems have the same source, and will come together.

Nataly Fish

The Trap

The Trap

A woman becomes obsessed with a man she can't have, and carries the torch for more than 15 years.

Nataly Fish

Maigret tend un piège

Maigret tend un piège

Paris, 1957. La police ne parvient pas à élucider le meurtre de quatre femmes, retrouvées poignardées, leurs vêtements lacérés. Le commissaire divisionnaire Jules Maigret prend l'enquête en main.

Nataly Fish



Yu Higashi, a high school girl, aims to be an idol. To achieve her dream, she sets four rules for herself: she will not be active on social media, she will not have a boyfriend, she will not stand out in school, and she will make friends with beautiful girls from the north, south, east, and west.

Nataly Fish

Les Révoltés de l'an 2000

Les Révoltés de l'an 2000

Un couple de touristes anglais arrive sur l'île d'Almanzora, au large de la côte méditerranéenne espagnole, où ils découvrent que dans un petit village de pêcheurs, il n'y a pas d'adultes, seulement des enfants qui les regardent fixement et sourient mystérieusement.

Nataly Fish

The Trap

The Trap

Many years ago, grandfather Noé built a fish trap. Hidden in the jungle, it is a lost legacy for the hunters of the Indigenous Okaina community. With the arrival of a mysterious jaguar, Noé’s ancestors take this signal and strive to rebuild what was lost.

Nataly Fish

Ambush at Devil's Gap

Ambush at Devil's Gap

Whilst on a winter sports holiday in the Highlands, five children encounter an eccentric Professor, and find themselves involved in a web of industrial espionage.

Nataly Fish

The Cone Layer

The Cone Layer

A capstone film building upon Jonni Peppers's "The Blindfold" series that will focus on a mythic sci-fi story mentioned in passing in the previous projects.

Nataly Fish

Mary Chapin Carpenter: Jubilee: Live at Wolf Trap

Mary Chapin Carpenter: Jubilee: Live at Wolf Trap

Mary Chapin Carpenter, one of the most intelligent and soulful voices in contemporary country music, is captured onstage in this 1995 concert video that features duets with Shawn Colvin and Joan Baez. Interviews with Chapin and other artists complement her music. Songs include "I Feel Lucky," "Passionate Kisses," "He Thinks He'll Keep Her," "Why Wa..

Nataly Fish

The Trap

The Trap

When a hooded stranger appears in private eye 'Mike' Hama's office with the cryptic challenge "I want you to look for me," Hama is drawn into a string of bizarre serial murders that have Yokohama's police baffled and the city terrified.

Nataly Fish



Tim est assis sur une chaise. Son souffle s’intensifie, ses yeux se ferment, il tente de survivre. Angoisse : Douleur violente / Malaise psychique et physique, né du sentiment de l'imminence d'un danger, caractérisé par une crainte diffuse pouvant aller jusqu'à la panique.

Nataly Fish

Hunters in Siberia

Hunters in Siberia

Egorov, a young hunter, dreams of catching a tiger. Traveling through the remote corners of the Soviet Union, Egorov comprehends the difficult profession of a trapper.

Nataly Fish

Hell's Trap

Hell's Trap

Seven young people go to a desolated forest looking for a bear, what they don't know is that a crazy Vietnam vet lives there and he is waiting for fresh blood.

Nataly Fish

The King of Minami: Business Loans - The Guarantor's Trap

The King of Minami: Business Loans - The Guarantor's Trap

#33 in the King of Minami series. The CEO of a health food start-up borrows money from Manda using his fiancee's house as collateral, but when his American supplier demands more money than expected, he turns to a business loan company to make up the difference. Meanwhile, a hapless festival merchant turns to Manda when a run-in with the yakuza thre..

Nataly Fish

Davy Crockett: Rainbow in the Thunder

Davy Crockett: Rainbow in the Thunder

In a well received addition to the Disney original, Johnny Cash and Tim Dunigan play Davy Crockett. Crockett and Andrew Jackson, now old men, share their memories (and differences) about an Indian uprising they put down 25 years prior.

Nataly Fish

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