
Quartier chinois

Quartier chinois

Trafic d'opium en Extrême-Orient, Tong du Dragon Vert, vols, documents compromettants, rapt d'une chanteuse dont un trafiquant est épris en même temps qu'elle est aimée par un policier. Toute la bande coiffée par l'impassible Monsieur Tchang est enfin arrêtée en dépit de l'habileté bien connue de son chef.

Nataly Fish

Stage to Chino

Stage to Chino

To investigate a gold-shipping scam, a postal inspector goes undercover and tries to infiltrate the gang he believes is responsible.

Nataly Fish

Wang Bing, Tendre Cinéaste Du Chaos Chinois

Wang Bing, Tendre Cinéaste Du Chaos Chinois

Wang Bing is one of the greatest documentary-makers alive today, and his films offer a very insightful overview of the transformations occurring in Chinese society. Here, Dominique Auvray conducts an interview that, in addition to the biographical information, focuses above all on the relationship with things unsaid: Wang Bing attempts to do justic..

Nataly Fish

Les ombres chinoises

Les ombres chinoises

At the beginning of this film two women come onstage dressed in Oriental fashion. They present a shadow play theatre.

Nataly Fish

La fllière chinoise

La fllière chinoise

Wang, ancien gangster, mène une existence paisible dans une superbe villa de la Côte d'Azur. Marcos, son employeur attitré, vient lui rendre visite et l'oblige à reprendre du service dans son réseau de trafiquants de drogue.

Nataly Fish

Les Chinois dépannent

Les Chinois dépannent

Nataly Fish

Café de chinos

Café de chinos

Naive Chinese immigrant has feelings for a young woman of loose morals whom he hires at his restaurant.

Nataly Fish

Ein Pâté Chinois mit Käse

Ein Pâté Chinois mit Käse

The recipe for one of the most famous and boring dishes in Quebec (Canada).

Nataly Fish

Victoria para Chino

Victoria para Chino

In May 2003 a refrigerated truck carrying more than 80 illegal immigrants from the Mexican border drove into the heartland of Texas. A deadly combination of heat and overcrowding lead to tragedy. This is a story of that journey.

Nataly Fish

Está en chino

Está en chino

Nataly Fish

Pâté chinois

Pâté chinois

Fable documentaire qui bouscule les stéréotypes, ce road movie à l'humour ravageur part à l'assaut d'un continent désincarné sur les traces de l'immigration chinoise au Canada. (ONF)

Nataly Fish

La Mort du Chinois

La Mort du Chinois

Michel, auteur de livres pour enfant, a toujours été gâté par l'existence, jusqu'au jour où sa femme le quitte pour un Chinois. Il se lance a leur recherche afin d'achever son rival.

Nataly Fish

Une petite robe chinoise

Une petite robe chinoise

A lonely and vulnerable young man begins a silent and unexpected relationship with his neighbor, a Chinese woman.

Nataly Fish

Les Sentiers de la Memoire Chinoise
Cantando en Chino

Cantando en Chino

When Ana's favorite K-pop group releases a music video, all her friends go to a party organized for the fans. Ana is 13 years old and her father will only let her go if she is accompanied, but her older sister has better things to do than seeing "these Chinese girls ...".

Nataly Fish

Cuento Chino

Cuento Chino

Pili is a middle-age woman. She owns a tabacco shop in a working class neighberhood of Madrid, and she is a gambler. Enraged by the prize of a slot machine, she will chase Ying and Li-Sung throughout the neighborhood. How far will she be willing to go?

Nataly Fish

El ruiseñor chino

El ruiseñor chino

Mexican feature film

Nataly Fish

Barrio Chino Havana

Barrio Chino Havana

Explores the rich, but forgotten, history of the Chinese in Cuba through the stories of four elders: Pedro, Mauro, Caridad, and Georgina—and their descendants. Barrio Chino, Havana’s once-vibrant Chinatown, is one of the oldest and largest in Latin America, now turning to dust along with its history.

Nataly Fish

Les Chinois ont inventé la poudre
Mano Po 7: Chinoy

Mano Po 7: Chinoy

It shows the lives and relationship issues among the modern generation of Chinoys and how it isn't as perfect as it seems.

Nataly Fish

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