
My Schoolmate, the Barbarian

My Schoolmate, the Barbarian

A brainy private school student is transferred to a far less elite institution, where he must fend off classmates who settle scores with fistfights.

Nataly Fish

L'Enfer de Gengis Khan

L'Enfer de Gengis Khan

Au XIIéme siècle, le cruel mongol Gengis Khan envahit la pologne après avoir massacré la famille royale. Le roi et sa fille, la princesse Clara, réussissent à s'enfuir. Lui, se cache sous l'identité d'un berger, tandis qu'elle est recueillie par une famille de paysans. Mais un jour, par un concours de circonstances, Clara est enlevée et se ..

Nataly Fish

The Demon Suppressors: West Barbarian Beast

The Demon Suppressors: West Barbarian Beast

For forty years, the people of the Zhao Dynasty have known peace. But that peace is threatened when ominous whispers from the West, of the appearance of a barbarian Beast Lord, begin to spread across the land. Setting off for the West, Wu Chang, Xiao Zhen, and the rest of the Suppression Team know that failure in this mission is not an option. Faci..

Nataly Fish

Kalidor : La Légende du talisman

Kalidor : La Légende du talisman

Faisant équipe avec Kalidor, un valeureux guerrier, Red Sonja souhaite venger la mort de ses parents tués par la reine Gedren et mettre fin à son désir de conquérir le monde grâce aux pouvoirs d’un talisman.

Nataly Fish

Anna Sedokova's Santa Barbara

Anna Sedokova's Santa Barbara

Anna Sedokova explore subtilement un thème qu'elle affectionne: le sexe bien hard et les désirs de la chair. Son thriller psycho-sexuel se concentre sur les fausses apparences des couples mariés.

Nataly Fish

The Gentle Barbarian

The Gentle Barbarian

A commemorative and essayistic meditative piece on the Prague quarter Libeň during the 1950s.

Nataly Fish

Barbara Wood - Caribbean Secret

Barbara Wood - Caribbean Secret

The daugther of a UUSS magnate celebrates her wedding in a Caribean hotel. The hotel's director finds a journalist investigating her past. A murder makes worst the situation.

Nataly Fish

Kill Barbara with Panic

Kill Barbara with Panic

Barbara has always been overly indulgent of her little sister, Ruth's every whim. Her past comes back to haunt her when Barbara receives news that her younger sister has killed herself and was witnessed by Ruth's only daughter Karen. Barbara immediately returns to the Philippines to mourn her sister and comfort her unstable niece. Upon Barbara's re..

Nataly Fish

The Barbarians

The Barbarians

18-year-old Nacho shows up at the cow-breeding ranch of his father, Marcos, whom he barely knows. His father is worried because, as the ranch’s yearly auction is approaching, several cows are dying without explanation. When Nacho finds out who is killing the cows and why, he understands the magnitude of the problem. Cornered by distress and confu..

Nataly Fish

Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara

Barbara is a Bolivian woman who has been in Barcelona for twelve years. She works as a maid and lives with her girlfriend Maribel. One day, her mother informs her that they have arrested Ulises, her eldest son, and Barbara decides to bring him to live with her.

Nataly Fish

Waiting for the Barbarians

Waiting for the Barbarians

Un magistrat bon et juste gère un fort d'une ville frontalière de l'Empire. Le pouvoir central s’inquiète d’une invasion barbare et dépêche sur les lieux le colonel Joll, un tortionnaire de la pire espèce. Son arrivée marque le début de l'oppression du peuple indigène. Une jeune fille blessée attire l'attention du magistrat qui décid..

Nataly Fish

Barbarian Invasion

Barbarian Invasion

Moon Lee, a celebrated award-winning actress, has become a full-time mom and divorcée since retiring. Desperate to regain her sense of self, she jumps at the chance to work with her long-time collaborator, director Roger Woo, again. Only this time, he casts her as the lead in a do-your-own stunts martial arts film. The role requires extensive tra..

Nataly Fish



Aldo e Pino two layers go to Barbara to find out new sexual experiences.

Nataly Fish

An Epitaph for Barbara Radziwill

An Epitaph for Barbara Radziwill

Drama about historical figure Barbara Radziwiłł, her romance with King Sigismund II August, her death and her posthumous return to Vilnius.

Nataly Fish

Utopia and Barbarism

Utopia and Barbarism

The world post-World War II and its transformations; the utopias that were created and the barbarity that have marked it. The dismantling of the dreaming generation of 1968 and the creation of new prospects in a globalized world.

Nataly Fish

The Revolt of the Barbarians

The Revolt of the Barbarians

A roman consul is sent to Gaul to investigate the theft of gold shipments. He discovers that the gold is being stolen by a tribe of barbarians--whose leader is the governor of Gaul.

Nataly Fish

Desmond et la créature du marais

Desmond et la créature du marais

Desmond le cochon et ses amis de la forêt des framboisiers en ont assez : l'abominable créature du marais leur la vie impossible. Enfin... si elle existe vraiment ! Mais qui d'autre aurait pu chiper les pommes de Desmond, la collection de rouge à ongles de Léna l'Elan, la guitare électrique de Willie Le Putois ou encore les gants de boxe de S�..

Nataly Fish

Let's Go, Barbara

Let's Go, Barbara

Ana is Catalan, daughter of a bourgeois family and works in a studio in advertising. She is 38 years old and has only lived with her husband, with whom she has a relationship cold but accepted by both. Although his family is opposed, decides to leave her husband and takes a vacation with her daughter Barbara, of 12 years, in order to leave behind a..

Nataly Fish

Revenge of the Barbarians

Revenge of the Barbarians

408 AD. The Visigoths led by Alaric invade northern Italy. At Ravenna, they have to battle, and they are stopped by the power of the Roman legions and the cunning of the emperor's sister, Galla Placidia. As the Goths lose many warriors in the cruel battle, Alaric vows bloody revenge.

Nataly Fish

Otto the Barbarian

Otto the Barbarian

Otto, a seventeen-year-old punk, becomes involved in the social services investigation of his girlfriend Laura’s death. He is caught up in a vicious circle created by his parents, his mute grandpa and Laura’s mother. Laura is still part of his life through video recordings that he edits constantly, trying to make sense of the events. Through th..

Nataly Fish

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