


Nataly Fish

The Governor of Chakerbakerben Island

The Governor of Chakerbakerben Island

L'Gharbi works in a newspaper's telex booth to classify dispatches. One day while reading a dispatch relating to an island whose governor had disappeared, Al Gharbi identified with the character of the governor of the island of “Chakerbakerben”

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Fritz Bauer, un procureur contre le nazisme

Fritz Bauer, un procureur contre le nazisme

Francfort-sur-le-Main, 20 décembre 1963. Pour la première fois depuis la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, une cour fédérale allemande s'apprête à juger d'anciens criminels nazis. Au terme d'une instruction dirigée pendant cinq ans par Fritz Bauer, 22 prévenus sont sur le banc des accusés. En poste au camp d'extermination d'Auschwitz, ils..

Nataly Fish

Koxinga : l'héritage d'un héros

Koxinga : l'héritage d'un héros

Koxinga, de son vrai nom Zheng Chenggong, est né en 1624 à Hirato, au Japon. Son père, Zheng Zhilong, pirate et marchand, a rencontré sa mère, une Japonaise, au cours d'échanges commerciaux. A 7 ans, Zheng Chenggong est envoyé en Chine, où il reçoit l'enseignement des érudits confucéens. Mais en 1644, les Mandchous renversent les Ming et..

Nataly Fish

Kanji Ishiwara: The Man Who Triggered the War

Kanji Ishiwara: The Man Who Triggered the War

Most people think that World War II started on September 1st, 1939, when the Germans invaded Poland, and then spread to Asia on September 7th 1941, after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. However, World War II actually started ten years earlier, when Manchuria was invaded by a now-forgotten Japanese general: Kanji Ishiwara. This is the little kno..

Nataly Fish

The Story of Heroine Fan Lei-fa

The Story of Heroine Fan Lei-fa

Centring on the legend of the four ancient Chinese heroines, the film was a novelty for audiences at the time, as the singing performance was in Cantonese and used huangmei operatic rhythms—a popular trend in the 1960s, yet it retained traditional flavours by using operatic luogu percussion in the battle scenes. ‘Movie-fan princess' Connie Chan..

Nataly Fish

Soldier of Victory

Soldier of Victory

Two-part biopic about General Karol Świerczewski, living embodiment of the party line, and the group of party members from his hometown fighting the fascist forces towards the socialist state of affairs.

Nataly Fish

Washington's Armor: The Journey

Washington's Armor: The Journey

Follows the trajectory of George Washington as a boy and a young man as he develops his relationships and ideals.

Nataly Fish

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