
The Science And Technology Behind 'Frequency'

The Science And Technology Behind 'Frequency'

A deep dive exploration of the science and creativity in the making of 'Frequency'

Nataly Fish

Technology Series

Technology Series

Nataly Fish

UFO Chronicles: Alien Technology

UFO Chronicles: Alien Technology

UFO Chronicles is an unprecedented and uncensored film series featuring the top authorities on the UFO enigma. Pilots, Astronauts, Government Officials, Military Officials, Medical Experts, Scientists, Religious Leaders and more reveal in never before seen interviews the ramifications of the Alien Presence on planet Earth.

Nataly Fish

End Game: Technology

End Game: Technology

They can either enhance our lives and make the world a better place to live, or we may find ourselves in a dystopian future where we are ruled and controlled by the very technologies we rely on. "Shocking insight into the possibilities that lie ahead." - Philip Gardiner, best selling author "Well researched and highly captivating." - Phenomenon Mag..

Nataly Fish

Man and Technology

Man and Technology

In 1967, Jan Švankmajer participated in the Terre des Hommes competition of the Montreal International Film Festival by submitting "L'homme et la technique." The rules of this international competition stipulated that the films should last 50 seconds, contain no dialogue and be inspired by the themes of Expo 67. This very rare film, which does not..

Nataly Fish

Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology

Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology

Short educational film by Vladimir Kobrin.

Nataly Fish

From Turfhouses to Technology

From Turfhouses to Technology

When the first Icelandic engineer returned to Iceland from his studies in Denmark a hundred years ago most Icelanders lived in great poverty in dark turf houses as thet had done for centuries. One could hardly speak of any roads, only some trails formed through the centuries by man and animals. There where no bridges over the rivers, only one light..

Nataly Fish

Alvar Aalto: Technology and Nature

Alvar Aalto: Technology and Nature

The Finnish architect Alvar Aalto (1898–1976) is one of the great figures of modern architecture, ranked alongside Gropius, Le Corbusier and Mies van der Rohe. This film analyses Aalto’s uniquely successful resolution of the demands and possibilities created by new technology and construction materials with the need to make his buildings sympat..

Nataly Fish

Kanibaru Primitivism in the Mud of Technology

Kanibaru Primitivism in the Mud of Technology

In the future, metanoia erupts from the filth of the world. The monstrous primate that roars out of the mud, imposes itself before the erratic and alienated human being, molding its violence against the cathodic domain.

Nataly Fish

Technology of the Self-Touching of the Eye

Technology of the Self-Touching of the Eye

The film made by the artistic duo of Lucie Rosenfeldová and Matěj Pavlík deals with the phenomenon of phosphene - the phenomenon when variously coloured lights appear in our vision when pressure is applied to our eyes. Based on this remarkable phenomenon, often called inner sight, which has fascinated philosophers, physicians and scientists sinc..

Nataly Fish

New Technology, Educated People

New Technology, Educated People

One of the most ingenious documentaries of a period not at all devoid of fanciful and provocative attempts in the history of the "Alexandru Sahia" studio.

Nataly Fish

The Betrayal by Technology: A Portrait of Jacques Ellul

The Betrayal by Technology: A Portrait of Jacques Ellul

A portrait of Jacques Ellul, a French theologian/sociologist & anarchist who first became well-known to American readers with the English publishing of his book The Technological Society in 1964. For Ellul, technique represented an entire way of life characterized by life fragmented so that efficiency ultimately rules over all ethical decision..

Nataly Fish



Гениальный ученый изобретает лекарство от всех болезней — «Каротин-6», а затем становится случайной жертвой бандитской разборки и погибает прямо на глазах 12-летнего внука Севы и его друга Ко..

Nataly Fish

Venise : le défi technologique

Venise : le défi technologique

Venise est une prouesse de technologie : une ville de pierre qui semble posée sur l’eau. Mais, aujourd’hui, elle doit faire face au plus grand défi depuis sa création : la menace de sa disparition. Pour la sauver, une armée de scientifiques lutte sans relâche contre les ennemis qui l’assaillent : le sel, le réchauffement climatique, l�..

Nataly Fish

Touch Technologies

Touch Technologies

A young entrepreneur from St. Petersburg sells his restaurant business to create a device for communication among the deaf-blind community. However, he faces misunderstanding and resistance when trying to introduce this innovation into the established system of communication using tactile cards. His determination and willpower eventually lead to th..

Nataly Fish

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