
The Occult Philosophy

The Occult Philosophy

An attempt to visualize a secret knowledge about the nature of man —a philo-clip—, through the use of structures of dissociated geometry and laser beams, with direct references to the Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci and the work of Agrippa von Nettesheim.

Nataly Fish

The Philosophy of Horror: A Symphony of Film Theory

The Philosophy of Horror: A Symphony of Film Theory

The Philosophy of Horror – A Symphony of Film Theory is an abstract adaptation of Noël Carroll’s influential film theoretical book of the same title (published in 1990), which is a close examination of the horror genre. Our film uses hand painted and decayed 35 mm film strips of the classic slasher movie A Nightmare on Elm Street (Wes Craven, ..

Nataly Fish

Dress Philosophy

Dress Philosophy

Experimental work by Isao Yamada (Color, 8mm).

Nataly Fish

Hauser and Žižek: Theoreticians of Postmarxist Philosophy

Hauser and Žižek: Theoreticians of Postmarxist Philosophy

Aren't the deformed images of Marx which we often come across in the Czech Republic, a manifestation of the fact that we have not yet come to terms with the communist regime, asks Michael Hauser, philosophy lecturer from the Charles University in Prague. Filmmakers took his question and transformed it into a film. They followed a protest with their..

Nataly Fish

My Life Is My Philosophy

My Life Is My Philosophy

A story about the different lives of a philosopher and a small restaurant owner. Through this contrasting fusion, the film considers the connection between philosophy and life.

Nataly Fish

How to Make a Philosophy Class Movie

How to Make a Philosophy Class Movie

A philosophy teacher assigns a class to make a short film, but one of the groups has difficuty finding the ideal theme.

Nataly Fish



An introductory trip into the world of philosophy for what it is and why it is.

Nataly Fish

Les Inassouvies

Les Inassouvies

Mistival, un aristocrate décadent, confie pour le week-end sa fille Eugénie à sa maîtresse, la perverse Madame de Saint-Ange. La jeune ingénue arrive sur l’île où Madame de Saint-Ange et son frère Mirvel, avec lequel elle entretien une relation incestueuse, vont l’initier aux plaisirs de la chair, et aux différentes formes de débauch..

Nataly Fish



Miné par des envies suicidaires, un dentiste décide de venir à la rencontre des amis et de la famille d'un de ses patients, mort récemment...

Nataly Fish

Diana Kennedy: Nothing Fancy

Diana Kennedy: Nothing Fancy

Cookbook author and environmental activist Diana Kennedy reflects on an unconventional life spent mastering Mexican cuisine.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

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