
The Polite Burglar

The Polite Burglar

A comedy full of continuity, editing, script and direction errors, produced for a meeting of the London Amateur Cinematographers' Association and the basis of a competition for the club members. A married woman, her husband, a pianist and a burglar have a "money-go-round" as they steal, hide and return the husband's cash.

Nataly Fish

Burglarius Billy

Burglarius Billy

Finding that his attentions to Nellie are undesirable in the eyes of Jenkins, her father. Billy tries to elope with the girl, but the young people's plans are overheard by the old gentleman, who disguises himself in Nellie's cloak and veil and attends the meeting place himself. Father beats Billy up and chases him away from the place after ordering..

Nataly Fish

The Silk Lined Burglar

The Silk Lined Burglar

Gentleman crook Boston Blackie answers a want ad for an expert safecracker placed by Doris Macon, who claims a moral right to the safe's contents. She hires Blackie, and they break into the house where the safe is kept. Blackie blows up the safe just as owner Captain von Hoffmeier returns home. Doris disappears with papers from inside the safe, whi..

Nataly Fish

A Deaf Burglar

A Deaf Burglar

The misfortunes of a deaf burglar.

Nataly Fish

His Last Burglary

His Last Burglary

Mired in poverty and no longer able to endure the hardships that this situation brings upon their baby, a young man chooses, with his wife, to give up the child by abandoning it in a rich household. A burglar who himself has just lost a child, breaks into this house and decides to ease the mourning of his wife by stealing the abandoned baby. Soon a..

Nataly Fish

The Baffled Burglar

The Baffled Burglar

A small dog thwarts burglars in this British short film.

Nataly Fish

A Daring Daylight Burglary

A Daring Daylight Burglary

A thief jumps a fence and removes the shutter from a house. He enters, but a lad who's witnessed the crime runs off to hail the coppers. The first officer on the scene climbs the fence, enters the house, and is soon fighting with the thief on the roof. Falling from the roof, the officer is injured and requires an ambulance. Meanwhile, the thief fle..

Nataly Fish

Subub Surprises the Burglar

Subub Surprises the Burglar

Shows a bedroom and a man asleep in bed. A burglar cautiously raises the window, climbs in, and proceeds to go through the man's clothes...

Nataly Fish

An Eccentric Burglary

An Eccentric Burglary

Trick film about second-story men and bobbies.

Nataly Fish

The Burglar Alarm

The Burglar Alarm

Greek Contractor Lou installs a burglar alarm for a client. Poor Costa is the first to try it out.

Nataly Fish

The Burglar From Out Of The Dishwasher

The Burglar From Out Of The Dishwasher

A burglar is after bubble gum.

Nataly Fish

The Burglar

The Burglar

With a brother dedicated to punk rock stardom at any cost and a drunken father who chases skirt between robotic dancing lessons from the TV, young Senka stands as much chance of nurture as the hero of Truffaut's 400 Blows. The amazing thing about Ogorodnikov's film is that it was made in Russia. Clearly, plenty of Soviet teenies share the nihilisti..

Nataly Fish

The Burglary: Part II

The Burglary: Part II

Two men are tied down in a murky cellar. They are not alone.

Nataly Fish

The Burglar

The Burglar

Alex, a young woman aged 18, lives with her mother in Arad, a small town in the middle of the desert near the Dead Sea. One day her mother disappears without a word of explanation. Abandoned, Alex must now get by alone. But when she creeps into the houses at night, it's not so much to steal money but to appropriate the intimacy of others and their ..

Nataly Fish

Cat Burglars

Cat Burglars

Two catnip drug peddlers scam a pimp and now they must escape his thugs.

Nataly Fish

Colonel Heeza Liar's Burglar

Colonel Heeza Liar's Burglar

a Colonel Heeza Liar cartoon

Nataly Fish

Bab's Burglar

Bab's Burglar

When Bab Archibald's father gives her $1,000 with the proviso that the gift will serve as her allowance for the year, our heroine proceeds to blow the dough on a brand new car. The car is subsequently totaled when Babs runs afoul of a milk truck, and paying for the damages leaves her with a measly 16 cents. Frustrated yet undeterred, Babs takes a j..

Nataly Fish

The Ghostly Burglar

The Ghostly Burglar

Comic short film in which a colonel is troubled by a burglar who comes dressed as a ghost. A colonel shows his guests his burglar trap. When the burglar sneaks into the house at night and secretly hides in a suit of armour, it is not he but the colonel's housekeeper, also in a suit of armour, who is caught in the trap. Great consternation!

Nataly Fish

The Burglar and the Lady

The Burglar and the Lady

A gentleman burglar is a detective, which acts as a shield to his more shady pastime.

Nataly Fish

Burglar Burger

Burglar Burger

Will and Bobby rob a burglary themed burger joint.

Nataly Fish

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