
Smoke and Mirrors

Smoke and Mirrors

This video takes us all over the world featuring breakout parts from Chula Vista’s proudest son Tommy Sandoval, the incredible talents of Long Beach’s Kevin Romar. Coming with huge pop from “Down Unda” is Australia’s Kurt Winter. A must see part from Vancouver Canada’s Magnus Hanson eh! And a lone star state part from Houston Texas madm..

Nataly Fish

I Rap: Smoke Mardeljano

I Rap: Smoke Mardeljano

A biographical documentary about the true life and the real rap music of Smoki Mardeljano.

Nataly Fish

Sweet Smoke of the Fatherland

Sweet Smoke of the Fatherland

This film is a triptych with three stories, involving three characters. They live in different parts of Europe: Western Europe -Catalonia (Spain); Eastern Europe -Lithuania; and in the new Europe -Georgia (Akhazia). They have experienced, in different parts of the 20Th century, civil wars and dictatorships. They share the same fate: they stayed whe..

Nataly Fish

Chillekothar Shepai - The Smoker

Chillekothar Shepai - The Smoker

A young bachelor living in a garage tries to light up a cigarette but fails to do so due to various reasons. At times, they seemed natural while sometimes they were just bad luck. Although he tried hard and kept running back and forth, he failed miserably on numerous occasions. Eventually at the end of the day, after several tries surprisingly he m..

Nataly Fish

The Smokestack Wager

The Smokestack Wager

The film follows a day in the life of a man named Bob Favor, sent to Canada in search of a young girl who may or may not want to be found. As the film unfolds, the audience witnesses the fragmenting psyche of a man who chose a very bad day to quit smoking.

Nataly Fish



SMOKED is a controversial dark comedy about the misadventures of three gutter punk stoners whose housewarming party ends in flames. In their desperation, they create a half baked plan to rob an Oakland Cannabis Club. The stoners rob the club without knowing that the clubs owner is notorious crack kingpin Tyrone Shank. In retribution, Shank unleash..

Nataly Fish

Century of Smoke

Century of Smoke

Laosan, a young family man, spends all his time smoking opium. For his community, lost in the heart of the Laotian jungle, opium farming is the only way to survive. But opium is also the poison that puts men to sleep and kills their desires.

Nataly Fish

La cabane à cigarettes

La cabane à cigarettes

Un regard teinté d’humour sur la journée désespérément vide d’une vendeuse de cigarettes dans une réserve indienne.

Nataly Fish

Les Guerriers du feu

Les Guerriers du feu

Don MacKay est responsable d'une équipe de pompiers d'élite et vit une merveilleuse histoire d'amour avec Renée, elle aussi soldat du feu. Alors qu'une gigantesque bouffée d'air brûlant accompagnée de gaz mortels encercle une brigade de pompiers, Don est prêt à risquer sa vie pour sauver ses coéquipiers. Mais lorsqu'il se relève après qu..

Nataly Fish

The Ruby in the Smoke

The Ruby in the Smoke

Sally Lockhart has struck a man dead with just three words, sent to her in a message from her father just before he drowned in the South China Seas. But unfortunately, Sally has no idea what the words The Seven Blessings mean. Before long, she is drawn into a mystery filled with opium, secrets from her own past and, at the heart of it all, the Ruby..

Nataly Fish

Smoke and Mirrors: The Story of Tom Savini

Smoke and Mirrors: The Story of Tom Savini

Tom Savini is one of the greatest special effects legends in the history of cinema, but little is known about his personal life until now. For the first time ever a feature length film has covered not only Tom's amazing career spanning over four decades, but his personal life as well.

Nataly Fish

Smokey Journey

Smokey Journey

When the backbone of the family loses his job, a clumsy yet hardworking father decides to open a carinderia business, filling their home and lives with a thick cloud of smoke.

Nataly Fish

Le Fleuve de la dernière chance

Le Fleuve de la dernière chance

Défenseur de la paix entre les Blancs et les Indiens, l'ex-officier Bret Halliday est capturé par l'armée après sa désertion. Les indiens Utes tendent alors une embuscade au détachement et ne laissent que quelques survivants dont Halliday et Laura, la fille du major Evans. Le danger imminent de l'arrivée des renforts Sioux les oblige à fuir..

Nataly Fish

La Dernière route

La Dernière route

John Howard (Henry Fonda) est un chauffeur de camion qui est atteint d'une maladie incurable. Lors de son hospitalisation, la société de crédit qui a financé l'acquisition du véhicule récupère le véhicule alors qu'il ne reste à payer qu'une seule et dernière traite. Écœuré par cette situation, il s'enfuit de l'hôpital durant une nuit ..

Nataly Fish

Tiger in the Smoke

Tiger in the Smoke

In wartime, a young officer is killed during a raid to kill a German general at the house that used to belong to his grandmother. Before he dies he talks about a treasure that was hidden there. Several years later, the members of that group are still together as a street band living in a cellar. The last of the gang, who was chosen for his skills a..

Nataly Fish

Stale Smoke

Stale Smoke

Can we say that we were sexually assaulted by our brother to our own mother? The obvious answer should be yes. However, few come out of the silence. The question we ask ourselves is "Why are't we talking about it?"

Nataly Fish

The Smokers

The Smokers

Tired of being used and abused by the opposite sex, three girlfriends decide to turn the tables on the guys who cross them by teaching them a sex-ed lesson they'll never forget! But their little scheme backfires when their secret gets out, and when one of the school's jocks goes too far, he sets into motion a chain of events that could change all t..

Nataly Fish

Up In Smoke

Up In Smoke

The Bowery Boys: In order to be able to get the names of winning horses at the track, Sach agrees to sell his soul to the devil.

Nataly Fish

I Still Hide to Smoke

I Still Hide to Smoke

Au cœur du hammam loin du regard accusateur des hommes, mères, amantes, vierges ou exaltées islamistes, des fesses et des foulards de Dieu se confrontent, s’interpellent entre fous rires, pleurs et colères, bible et coran… avant le sifflement d’un poignard et le silence de Dieu.

Nataly Fish

Smoke Over London

Smoke Over London

Dante Fontana is an antique dealer from Perugia infatuated with the culture of the British upper classes. His wife and relatives mock him and snub him, seeing him as a silly daydreamer doing no serious work. Unfussed, Dante plans a vacation to London to learn more about the culture he so admires. However, once in London, he struggles to fit in, is ..

Nataly Fish

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