
Nelly, the Tamer

Nelly, the Tamer

A melodrama about a female lion tamer who has an extramarital relationship with a distinguished gentleman, and then moves in with him. When she later comes to regret her actions, her husband has already died of sorrow.

Nataly Fish

Nelly the Fast Girl

Nelly the Fast Girl

Directed by Emilio Ghione. Lost film.

Nataly Fish

Nelly’s Memory

Nelly’s Memory

The cliché has it that a picture is worth a thousand words. But is that true? Now in his thirties, Nicolas Wouters tries to find out what his grandparents’ photos do not reveal about their life as colonials in the former Belgian Congo (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo) in the period 1946-1958.

Nataly Fish

L'Enfer de Gengis Khan

L'Enfer de Gengis Khan

Au XIIéme siècle, le cruel mongol Gengis Khan envahit la pologne après avoir massacré la famille royale. Le roi et sa fille, la princesse Clara, réussissent à s'enfuir. Lui, se cache sous l'identité d'un berger, tandis qu'elle est recueillie par une famille de paysans. Mais un jour, par un concours de circonstances, Clara est enlevée et se ..

Nataly Fish

Maciste contre le Cyclope

Maciste contre le Cyclope

Le colosse MAciste est sur tout les fronts afin de sauver les humains : la reine des Capys, descendante de Circé, nourrit des plans diaboliques afin de détruire l'humanité. Parallèlement, l'horrible cyclope ravage le pays....

Nataly Fish

Don Franco and Don Ciccio in a Year of Protest

Don Franco and Don Ciccio in a Year of Protest

Italy's best loved comedy duo play rival priests in the neighboring towns of Roccapizzone and San Antonio. Did Franco crash his bike through Ciccio's new stained glass window on purpose or was he just in town for their mutual confession? Their main beef with each other concerns their opposing football teams and this feud takes up a great deal of th..

Nataly Fish

2001 : L'Odyssée de l'Espace

2001 : L'Odyssée de l'Espace

Aux temps préhistoriques, une petite tribu d’hommes‐singes installée au milieu de rochers arides lutte difficilement pour la vie. Un matin, ils trouvent devant eux une mystérieuse dalle noire monolithique. L’un des singes touche la pierre et apprend alors à se servir d’un os de quadrupède pour tuer ses ennemis. Quatre millions d’ann�..

Nataly Fish

Islands in the Lagoon

Islands in the Lagoon

A documentary about the Venetian lagoon, with the words of Diego Fabbri narrating scenes of strips of land swallowed up by the sea, of small boats sailing on the water, of men and women concentrating on their work in a world which is "a false sea and a false land."

Nataly Fish

Star Odyssey

Star Odyssey

2312. La Terre est vendue aux enchères au terrible Kess de la planète Kobur. Le tyran fait alors des terriens ses esclaves. Seul le professeur Maurice et une bande de hors-la-loi aidée de deux androïdes peuvent éviter le pire...

Nataly Fish

Summer Affair

Summer Affair

A very young Ornella Muti plays a rich girl who falls for an older hippie boy. Her parents don't approve and try to stop her from seeing him so they run away to a villa (Her parents') by the sea. Later they are shipwrecked on a deserted island. The plot focuses on the efforts of the police to figure out where the girl is, which is set against the d..

Nataly Fish

Cuori nella tormenta

Cuori nella tormenta

Walter is a non-commissioned officer of the Navy, while Raf is a ship's cook. They become great friends but unfortunately they fall in love, without knowing it, with the same girl Sonia.

Nataly Fish

Almeno tu nell'universo

Almeno tu nell'universo

Nataly Fish



Devenue auteure de talent, Nelly Arcan n’arrive pas pour autant à trouver un équilibre. Entre écriture, amour, célébrité et sexe, elle se laisse submerger par ses émotions au point de perdre petit à petit le fil de sa vie. Confrontée à des démons intérieurs de plus en plus destructeurs, Nelly est au bord du gouffre.

Nataly Fish



Set in 1970s Naples, bullied nine year-old Peppino is watching the world around him as his extended dysfunctional family change. Psychedelic flower power and hippie love is threatening the old traditional southern Italian family. Dad is having an affair and Mom has taken to her bed with depression. Super-mod brother and sister Titina and Salvatore ..

Nataly Fish

Horror Cannibal

Horror Cannibal

Des explorateurs en expédition s'aventurent trop loin dans la forêt amazonienne et tombent entre les mains d'une tribu isolée de cannibales qui s'empare d'eux. Le groupe comprend également la fille d'un sénateur américain ; elle réussit à contacter son père qui envoie dans la jungle un groupe de soldats expérimentés pour tenter de sauver..

Nataly Fish

Dans les replis de la chair

Dans les replis de la chair

Un homme est décapité dans le salon d’une grande demeure espagnole. Une femme enterre le cadavre dans le jardin sous les yeux d’un couple d’enfants. Treize ans plus tard, les enfants sont désormais adultes. Le garçon est le fils de cette femme, la gouvernante de la maison. Quant à la fille, elle est l’héritière de l’homme qui fut t..

Nataly Fish

The Devil In The Flesh

The Devil In The Flesh

Dough-crazed mercenaries Sammy and Klaus are on a mission to escort the seriously ill prime minister of a South American country that has just been taken over by the rebels to his buddies over the border. Chased by the rebels, and with the politician's health rapidly deteriorating, they stumble onto an infirmary staffed by a quartet of nurses and t..

Nataly Fish

L'energia elettrica nell'agricoltura
Fistful of Knuckles

Fistful of Knuckles

Franco and Ciccio mosey into the Mexican border town of Santa Genoviefa. Both are dressed in ponchos, one rides a small mule, one a large one. They are gun salesmen, peddling their wares from town to town.

Nataly Fish

In the Jungle: The Making Of Cannibal Holocaust

In the Jungle: The Making Of Cannibal Holocaust

An Italian documentary that gives an inside look at the making of Ruggero Deodato's controversial horror film "Cannibal Holocaust".

Nataly Fish

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