
My Brother's Wife

My Brother's Wife

Barney is a guy who comes home for his father's funeral. Eleanor, his brother's wife who is Barney first love meets him and they go to the club where they first met. And Barney recalls how things kept them apart like his need to act out at his father. And his fear of commitment.

Nataly Fish

My Brother's Keeper

My Brother's Keeper

Identical twin brothers Lou and Eric plan to compete together in the National Rowing Championships. But when Eric leaves their small town to attend an Ivy League University, the brother's bond is torn apart.

Nataly Fish



me with and without my brother is a short experimental video exploring isolation and separation between brothers using original, real-time Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Bros. 3 audiovisual corruptions. Luigi repeatedly tackles Mario, jumping off his head, the eternal wisdom “boys will be boys” ringing in both their ears. Perhaps it is this to..

Nataly Fish

My Brother's Keeper

My Brother's Keeper

War hero turned villain George Martin escapes from the police, but he is handcuffed to a naive young crook Willie Stannard. After using a clever plan to obtain railway tickets, and with the police and the press in hot pursuit, George has to find a way of breaking loose from Willie, and to make his escape.

Nataly Fish

My Brothers' Crossing

My Brothers' Crossing

L'histoire vraie d'un tragique accident survenu en août 2015. Dans le sud-ouest reculé de la Virginie, à l'époque où l’État était emprunt à des émeutes et des crimes de haine raciale, un homme afro-américain fut impliqué dans un horrible accident qui prit les vies de Bobby et Pam Clark, un couple caucasien. À la suite de cette tragéd..

Nataly Fish

Sergeant Slaughter, My Big Brother

Sergeant Slaughter, My Big Brother

Dan's decision to run away and join the French Foreign Legion has far reaching implications for his younger brother, Keith.

Nataly Fish

Mon frère chasse les dinosaures

Mon frère chasse les dinosaures

Dans son enfance, Jack a cru au tendre mensonge que ses parents lui avaient dit, à savoir que Gio était un être spécial doté de superpuissances, comme dans une bande dessinée. Maintenant qu'il est sur le point d'aller au lycée, cependant, Jack ne croit plus que son frère est un super-héros. En fait, il a presque honte de lui, surtout depui..

Nataly Fish

My Brother's Keeper

My Brother's Keeper

A Former Guantánamo detainee and best-selling author and his one-time American guard form an unlikely friendship.

Nataly Fish

My Brother... Nikhil

My Brother... Nikhil

Nikhil, a bright young swimmer, finds his life falling apart after getting diagnosed with HIV. In his troubled times, he finds the support of his sister, Anamika, and his boyfriend, Nigel.

Nataly Fish

My Brothers

My Brothers

Set over Halloween weekend of 1987, My Brothers is the story of three young brothers' epic quest to replace their dying father's watch. Noel, 17, serious, weighed down by responsibility; Paudie: 11, cocky, not so bright and dreams of playing in goals for Liverpool and Scwally: 7, naive and obsessed with Star Wars (despite never actually having seen..

Nataly Fish

Mon petit frère

Mon petit frère

Trois frères et sœurs découvrent l'existence d'un quatrième petit frère le jour de la mort de leur père.

Nataly Fish

Mon père, ma mère, mes frères et mes sœurs

Mon père, ma mère, mes frères et mes sœurs

Anne, jeune femme épanouie, est mère de trois enfants qu'elle a eus avec trois hommes différents. Les enfants ne connaissent pas leur père et les pères ignorent qu'ils ont eu un enfant avec Anne. Or un jour, Victor, onze ans, décide qu'il est temps pour lui de rencontrer son père. C'est alors que la grand-mère entre en jeu et organise un s�..

Nataly Fish

My Brother’s Keeper

My Brother’s Keeper

A poetic meditation on family and its interaction with incarceration.

Nataly Fish

My Father’s Brothers

My Father’s Brothers

Jack Kelley volunteered for Vietnam. As an army captain, he routinely led his company of 140 men on patrols in the jungles near Biên Hòa. Ill-conceived orders came down from higher command: On June 29, 1966, Capt. Kelley was to spread his platoons 1,000 meters apart in order to cover more area while looking for Vietcong forces. During the patrol..

Nataly Fish

My Brother Ted

My Brother Ted

For Ted, music and creation are the most important things in life. And around him he has a small group of friends who never hesitate to do everything they can to help him. My Brother Ted is a touching declaration of love from a big brother to his little brother.

Nataly Fish

My Brother's Wife

My Brother's Wife

A man's wife starts having an affair with her brother-in-law, who is temporarily staying at their apartment.

Nataly Fish

My Brother 2

My Brother 2

Two famous brothers, Hakan and Ozan's friends Tato died. Two days later, Hakan's wedding was held, but they went to a friend's house to fulfill their last duties. Hakan will marry Didem, the daughter of Muzaffer, one of Rize's leading tea merchants. Muzaffer is a reaction to this marriage because Hakan is a famous singer. They find themselves in th..

Nataly Fish

My Brother, the Alien

My Brother, the Alien

Nataly Fish

My Brother-in-law Is Looking For Me Only

My Brother-in-law Is Looking For Me Only

An erotic film about a younger sister whose job and everything, including men, are being controlled, as her older sister said. A younger sister will do everything her older sister says, even if it is pretending to die. Everything, from her job to men and sex, is controlled by her sister. The older sister has already married and wanted to start a f..

Nataly Fish

My Brother's War

My Brother's War

Civil War drama directed by Whitney Hamilton. Grace Kieler disguises herself as a man and takes her brother's place in the Confederate army in an effort to protect him from the horrors of the war. When she meets young war widow Virginia Klaising (Dana Bennison), the two form a bond that may get complicated once Grace reveals her true identity. My B..

Nataly Fish

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