
Jonesboro Storytelling Festival: Kathryn Windham Telling Ghost Stories (The Jumbo Light)

Jonesboro Storytelling Festival: Kathryn Windham Telling Ghost Stories (The Jumbo Light)

This tape features Kathryn Windham, a noted children's author and librarian from Selma, Alabama, relating a ghost story about "The Jumbo Light" at the 1974 Jonesboro Storytelling Festival.

Nataly Fish

Kowabana J: After School Ghost Stories 4

Kowabana J: After School Ghost Stories 4

A number of terrifying experiences take place in a school! In "Toilet Hair", a girl in a school uniform talks to a stranger in the school bathroom. When she goes to school one day, she sees a girl who looks exactly like the girl she saw in her dream in "MAGIC" and 4 other stories.

Nataly Fish

Company Ghost Stories

Company Ghost Stories

A spine-chilling horror story set in a company, not a school. The film dramatically recreates a bizarre story that occurred in an office. Miki, a temporary worker, feels a spirit when she heads to her new office. On the 13th floor of the building, there used to be a red crack...

Nataly Fish

Chinese Erotic Ghost Story

Chinese Erotic Ghost Story

Chu is a lowly debt collector for the local strongman Wang. Problem is that Chu is too nice/honest/dopey to be very good at the grubby collections job. Chu is treated badly by his boss Wang. Eventually Wang catches one of his twin daughters in the act of seducing the hapless bumpkin Chu. Wang naturally blames Chu rather than the daughter. For punis..

Nataly Fish

Internet Ghost Stories

Internet Ghost Stories

There is a rumor that floats around the web. If someone surfs the website www.990714.com, during the Chinese Ghost Festival, they can communicate with the people of the underworld. Seven students succeed in communicating, and reap the consequences. One by one, they each mysterious die. While Han is surfing the website, he hears a knock on the door...

Nataly Fish

Urban Ghost Stories: School of Killing

Urban Ghost Stories: School of Killing

Siu-Man and Kar-Wai enroll into the university and hear a rumor that a female student disappeared five years ago, seemingly related to Chi-Ming, an introverted weirdo who has been on the campus for a long time.

Nataly Fish

Erotic Ghost Story: Perfect Match

Erotic Ghost Story: Perfect Match

The soon-to-be Monk Talkative does his best to understand when Fairy Yeh explains what must be done. Rabbit spirits have escaped from the heavenly garden, and must be recaptured. These bunnies can assume human female form, and gorgeous forms at that. One is played by Pang Dan, who happens to be the soon-to-be Monk Talkative's wife. Talkative finds ..

Nataly Fish

100 Ghost Stories

100 Ghost Stories

"It really happened!! The definitive version of the mysterious document released by the staff of "Urban Legend"! Practice the fear of a hundred stories handed down from ancient times.

Nataly Fish

Ghost Stories of Wanderer at Honjo

Ghost Stories of Wanderer at Honjo

A samurai rescues a mischievous tanuki from hunters and sets it free. When the samurai's wastrel son hatches a plot to kill his father for his fortune, the magical tanuki is determined to protect its rescuer.

Nataly Fish

Yotsuya Ghost Stories

Yotsuya Ghost Stories

Nataly Fish

Spine-Chilling Short Stories Kowabana: Ghost Hotel

Spine-Chilling Short Stories Kowabana: Ghost Hotel

A new type of horror omnibus drama that focuses on the fears that creep into the crevices of the mind that sprout in everyday life. A letter from his grandmother arrives for Hiroshi, a prep school student, asking him to find a place that holds memories of his deceased friend.

Nataly Fish

Chang Chen Ghost Stories

Chang Chen Ghost Stories

Chang Chen Ghost Stories is a 2016 Chinese romance horror thriller film directed by Zhan Yue.

Nataly Fish

Chang Chen Ghost Stories: Be Possessed by Ghosts

Chang Chen Ghost Stories: Be Possessed by Ghosts

Chang Chen Ghost Stories (Chinese: 张震讲故事之鬼迷心窍) is a 2015 Chinese suspense thriller film directed by Zhengchao Xu. It was released on July 3, 2015.

Nataly Fish

Company Ghost Stories 2

Company Ghost Stories 2

This is the second omnibus horror film describing a terrifying experience that takes place in an office where dead and living spirits are stirring. Miki has a psychic vision of the ghost of a woman shedding tears of blood at her new temporary workplace.

Nataly Fish

Collection of Bizarre Ghost Stories:

Collection of Bizarre Ghost Stories: "Ghost Story: Nail Madness" "Ghost Story: Ghost Newspaper"

The True Horror Unleashed by Human Love and Hate: A vengeful spirit, once murdered and transformed into a grudge-bearing ghost, emerges from the darkness of the night! in "Ghost Story: Nail Madness" the twisted entanglement of a love triangle leads to a woman continuously nailing curses onto a straw doll in resentment until her death. In "Ghost Sto..

Nataly Fish

Ghost Stories III: School Ghost Stories

Ghost Stories III: School Ghost Stories

Who walks around the school at night? What happens when people die? Why did his classmates choose to die? When a boy's "thoughts" encounter a spirit, he is pulled into the story! A Ghost Story in the House "I can't go home anymore. Is this a dream or reality?

Nataly Fish

Ghost Stories I: Hospital Ghost Stories

Ghost Stories I: Hospital Ghost Stories

At first glance, it was an ordinary old hospital. Today, the nursing staff was going about their day as usual. But that day was different. As the night falls, the things lurking in the darkness begin to stir as if they have been waiting for it all at once...

Nataly Fish

Ghost Stories II: Workplace Ghost Stories

Ghost Stories II: Workplace Ghost Stories

The second installment in the "ghost story" series by Kiyoshi Yamamoto, a film crew visits an abandoned house to record a TV program called "The Ghost Special Investigation Headquarters". The crew plans to create a bizarre phenomenon and invites a beautiful young horror novelist to join them, but...

Nataly Fish

Ghost Stories of Extreme Taoist

Ghost Stories of Extreme Taoist

Nataly Fish

School Ghost Story F

School Ghost Story F

A made-for-TV anthology horror film composed of three stories : Rei Video & Hoken-shitsu by Hideo Nakata and Haiko Kidan by Kiyoshi Kurosawa.

Nataly Fish

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