
Eyes Beyond Seeing

Eyes Beyond Seeing

An enigmatic mental patient who claims to be the second coming of Jesus Christ changes the life of a psychiatrist who has lost his faith.

Nataly Fish

Windows to Europe With Sergei Shnurov

Windows to Europe With Sergei Shnurov

Windows to Europe With Sergei Shnurov is a 2017 documentary film.

Nataly Fish

Trained Hoofs

Trained Hoofs

This short film focuses on how racehorses are trained.

Nataly Fish

A Glitch in the Matrix

A Glitch in the Matrix

In 'A Glitch in the Matrix', journalist David Fuller analyzes and assesses Dr. Jordan B Peterson's recent viral interview with Cathy Newman, unpacking the deeper political, psychological and archetypal levels of the clash.

Nataly Fish

Behind the Bull

Behind the Bull

Documentary about the making of Forgotten Silver.

Nataly Fish

West of Singapore

West of Singapore

Tropical "heat" drives a man into the arms of a disreputable tramp, making things tough for the woman who really loves him.

Nataly Fish

MacLeod 2: Libéré sur parole

MacLeod 2: Libéré sur parole

Plus de 100 000 personnes ont apprécié son premier spectacle. Son humour grinçant, parfois vulgaire, volontairement macho ne laisse personne indifferent. Dans son spectacle Libere sur Parole, Peter partage son vecu avec ses spectateurs à sa façon, sans détours, ni chichis. Il aborde des sujets tels que le vieillissement, les ruptures amo..

Nataly Fish

Mourning Rock

Mourning Rock

A documentary about Eleusina. The past and the present, in complete antithesis, coexist in a place spoiled by modern industry but which long ago hosted the Eleusinian Mysteries, the secret ceremonies that initiated the ancient Greeks into the miracles of life, death and the afterlife.

Nataly Fish

Zöld Stand-Up – Est a fenntarthatóságról

Zöld Stand-Up – Est a fenntarthatóságról

Péter Janklovics, Gergely Litkai and Máté Balázs Szabó pass the humor ball between them in the Green stand-up theme. In the evening about sustainability, it will be revealed, among other things, whether we should discuss the topics of climate change and biodiversity at a family lunch? Máté Balázs Szabó highlights the benefits of a vegan di..

Nataly Fish



Two young friends reveal their hidden desires by a theatrical presentation of Dionysus. The myth as well as the girl, initiating and redemptive becomes the catalyst of the hidden inner desires.’

Nataly Fish

Le Bossu

Le Bossu

Lagardère protège Aurore, la petite-fille du duc de Nevers dont le fourbe Philippe de Gonzague convoite l'héritage. Première version sonore du célèbre roman de cape et d'épée.

Nataly Fish

Little Hamlet

Little Hamlet

Hamlet suspects his uncle has murdered his father to claim the throne of Denmark and the hand of Hamlet's mother, but the prince cannot decide whether or not he should take vengeance.

Nataly Fish

Animals in Action

Animals in Action

The profession of capturing animals in action on celluloid is both an art and science. Some of the most exciting footage can be obtained in different ways. Examples are: a large herd, such as of reindeer, moving as one; slow motion footage of fast moving animals, such as racing greyhounds, especially when they do something unexpected; mothers and t..

Nataly Fish

Little Girls and High Finance

Little Girls and High Finance

A low level official and a prostitute both try to commit suicide and fail, afterwards he becomes a pimp and the prostitutes take over the country.

Nataly Fish

Grandfather and grandson

Grandfather and grandson

The grandfather tries to explain the family history, the traditions, privileges and duties of the eldest son to his grandson, who agrees to stay on in the village, unlike others of his generation who have left for the city.

Nataly Fish

Un chose

Un chose

L’ huile, l’or et le feu sont les trésors cachés dans le ventre des grandes montagnes. Pour la petite montagne, il est impossible de rivaliser… Elle a juste en sa possession une toute petite chose étrange et inutile…

Nataly Fish

5 Million Witnesses

5 Million Witnesses

Nataly Fish

Days of the Turquoise Sky

Days of the Turquoise Sky

Follows the everyday life of Ali, a 15-year-old boy who has to come to terms with growing up with a single father and a nosey neighbour, seemingly eyeing for his affection. With the arrival of a new teacher, Miss Liew, Ali finds himself developing a crush on her. At the same time, he and his best friend, Hassan experience the awkward stage of being..

Nataly Fish

Time and Tide

Time and Tide

Peter Hutton’s meditation on the Hudson River.

Nataly Fish

Guardatele ma non toccatele

Guardatele ma non toccatele

An American military aircraft with some female soldiers crash lands in an Italian air base to the delight of the Italian soldiers.

Nataly Fish

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