
Snuff Video: Volume Red

Snuff Video: Volume Red

Hosted by a leather masked individual with a distorted voice named z.187 this shockumentary takes a look at real life death and violence caught on film.

Nataly Fish

Journal de ma tête

Journal de ma tête

Quelques minutes avant de tuer son père et sa mère de sang froid, Benjamin Feller, un jeune homme de 18 ans sans antécédents, envoie son journal intime par la poste à son professeur de français ; il y explique et confesse son acte. L'enseignante se retrouve interrogée par les autorités et se trouve bientôt confrontée à ses propres doutes..

Nataly Fish

Prénom: Mathieu

Prénom: Mathieu

Les années 1980, en Suisse. Mathieu, 17 ans, est le seul rescapé d'un tueur en série. Blessé, traumatisé, il essaie de reprendre pied. Grâce à une incroyable mémoire et l'aide d'un policier intuitif, l'adolescent réalise le portrait-robot de l'agresseur. Mais pour Mathieu, rien n'est fini pour autant

Nataly Fish

堂本光一 すべてはステージのために
Alien Reefs

Alien Reefs

Coral reefs are believed by many to have the highest biodiversity of any ecosystem on the planet. A lot of the life found here can seem very alien at first, they occupy less than 1 percent of the ocean floor but yet are home to more than 25 percent of all marine life. Warm water reefs typically come to mind when thinking of the Pacific Ocean and th..

Nataly Fish

Storm Party

Storm Party

Many outlaws are gathered at the front line of the Japanese Army in a shock troop.

Nataly Fish

Terror Tales from the Female Vampires

Terror Tales from the Female Vampires

The malevolent Horror host Jeffrey Macabre presents the tale of a coven of vampires, utilizing the internet to lure their victims to their death. With students at the local college disappearing, it is up to two quirky college students to stop the vampires from taking over the world.

Nataly Fish

Janur Kuning

Janur Kuning

Nataly Fish



A documentary highlighting some of the oddest, strangest and more grotesque examples of human behavior. Included are a tour of the Grand Guignol theater in Paris, a man who sticks long needles through his body, reindeer being castrated, and footage of lesbians and strippers.

Nataly Fish

The Importance of Being Uncomfortable: Gualtiero Jacopetti

The Importance of Being Uncomfortable: Gualtiero Jacopetti

The documentary's main focus is on the works and some controversial episodes from personal life of Gualtiero Jacopetti, one of the originators of mondo films, also called "shockumentaries".

Nataly Fish

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