
Running Wild: One Man's Quest to Save the Wild Mustang

Running Wild: One Man's Quest to Save the Wild Mustang

Dayton Hyde’s destiny leads him on a dramatic journey through the West, from rodeos, conservation battles, and wild horse rescues to award-winning books, personal heartbreak and new-found love.

Nataly Fish



Malana, a remote village in the Himalayas, isolated from outside civilization for thousands of years has been fostering a primitive existence in harmony with nature and a unique model of democracy of consensus. They have also been producing some of the best quality hashish in the world. A real life story of transition, this ancient civilization bei..

Nataly Fish

Un día más

Un día más

A female teacher from Leon travels to Madrid to take an exam, the result of which will determine whether she returns to her ordinary life or takes up a new one.

Nataly Fish

Una Dias, MI Cabellos

Una Dias, MI Cabellos

A stop motion nightmare from quarantine times

Nataly Fish

Un Giorno Donna

Un Giorno Donna

Nataly Fish

Free Entry

Free Entry

Betty and her friend V have a major project: the open-air music festival, Sziget Festival held every summer on one of the Danube islands in Hungary. Instead of money the teenagers have a stash of grass waiting for a buyer. Food? Nothing wrong with the leftovers from other people’s plates. Tent? Why bother when you can sleep under the stars. Sleep..

Nataly Fish

To Write Love on Her Arms

To Write Love on Her Arms

Un biopic sur l'auteure Renée Yohe et son combat contre la drogue et la dépression.

Nataly Fish

Car Crash

Car Crash

Médecin de renommée mondiale, le Docteur Kim voit sa vie basculer lorsqu’il est témoin d’un accident de la route coûtant la vie à sa fille. En état de choc, il se réveille inexplicablement 6h plus tôt, et comprend rapidement qu'il va devoir revivre en boucle ces quelques heures fatidiques. L’homme se lance alors dans une course effré..

Nataly Fish



One day two people turn up at the office of the advertisement company "FIGA.RO". They are a beautiful girl and a young man, quoting Montaigne. In a short time the couple take hostage the businessman Ivan. He is the owner of the company and its windows face the building housing special services.

Nataly Fish

Baek Ya

Baek Ya

Won-Gyu, un steward constamment en transit, revient à Séoul après deux ans d'absence. Tae-Joon est un coursier qui passe son temps à arpenter la ville en moto. Ils se sont fixés rendez-vous sur Internet mais n’ont que quelques heures à partager. Les deux hommes se rapprochent et passent la nuit ensemble. Peu à peu, les raisons du retour de..

Nataly Fish

The World of Simon Carmiggelt

The World of Simon Carmiggelt

Eight newspaper-columns by Dutch writer Simon Carmiggelt were turned into a film in honor of his 70st birthday.

Nataly Fish

Nick and the Jade Tree

Nick and the Jade Tree

Nick is a caterpillar boy who, having overcome the taboo of the swamp, becomes a butterfly and, regardless of difficulties, strives for his dream - the Magic jade tree, where all the most beautiful butterflies of the world live. Dangerous trials, fun adventures, new friends and, of course, first love await Nick on his way.

Nataly Fish



A young hairdresser enters into the modeling world while fearing retaliation from her puritanical mother and stalker ex-boyfriend.

Nataly Fish

Heart and Her Children

Heart and Her Children

Story of the early maturity of a boy, which confirms the old pedagogical truth that life, joy and trouble that man carries with himself, are best teachers.

Nataly Fish



A re-edit of the film "Rumah dan Musim Hujan" (2012) by its producers. A provocative demolition of traditional family values, the film tackles a wide range of issues, from gay secrets to marital infidelity. After a dinner to mark the end of Ramadan, we follow three siblings through the rest of the night. Ragil looks after his dad, a doddery patriar..

Nataly Fish

Un jour d'été

Un jour d'été

La mort accidentelle d’un adolescent lors d’un match de football bouleverse le quotidien d’une petite ville et en particulier celui de Sébastien, son meilleur ami, qui, entre incompréhension et rage, doit apprendre à faire le deuil.

Nataly Fish

Un cow-boy pour Noël

Un cow-boy pour Noël

Holly Jensen vit à Chicago avec Adam, un brillant avocat. Comme Adam doit aller New York à la veille de Noël, Holly décide de s'y rendre en car pour y passer le réveillon avec ses parents. Lorsque le car tombe en panne en cours de route, Luke, un cow-boy texan assis à côté d'elle, décide de louer une voiture et de l'accompagner...

Nataly Fish

Semaan Bil Day'ia

Semaan Bil Day'ia

Documentary about a village with one inhabitant.

Nataly Fish

People and the Nile

People and the Nile

The construction of the Aswan dam as seen by those who took part in it: engineers, workers, Egyptians, and Soviets.

Nataly Fish

One Last Hug

One Last Hug

"One Last Hug" chronicles a three day summer camp for children learning to cope with the death of a loved one. With the guidance of trained professionals, grieving children as young as seven years old learn that their feelings are normal, and that by talking about them they can begin to heal. A testament to the healing power of shared sorrow, One L..

Nataly Fish

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