
The Hard Way-Annapurna South Face

The Hard Way-Annapurna South Face

The first ascent of Annapurna's treacherous south face by members of a Chris Bonnington-led British expedition.

Nataly Fish



Dima Gavrilov's new solo concert immerses us in the life of a lonely adult guy who continually stumbles upon the imperfections of this world. At the end, a couple of jokes about sex.

Nataly Fish

Mr. XXX-Kisser

Mr. XXX-Kisser

Oh Dong-sik is the completely rigid character who has always led a text-book life. Dong-sik is threatened by loan sharks when his mother signs up for a private loan in order to advance Dong-sik’s father’s promotion into the principal position. Dong-sik decides to become the best insurance seller in his newly transferred insurance sales team, bu..

Nataly Fish

The Love Affair of Rainbow

The Love Affair of Rainbow

The son of a wealthy man married a peasant’s daughter against his family’s objection . When he became a successful author, his wife felt belittled and fearsome as their social status gap had widen . Thus she willingly accepted his sister’s proposal to change her appearance so as to match his current status...

Nataly Fish

The Man Who Found Himself

The Man Who Found Himself

Alfred E.Green silent family relationship romantic melodrama

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Is Your Mama a Llama?

Is Your Mama a Llama?

Part of the Scholastic Video Collection, "Is Your Mama a Llama?... and More Stories About Growing Up" brings 5 classic coming-of-age story books to life on the screen. 1- Is Your Mama a Llama? (by Deborah Guarino, illustrated by Steven Kellogg, narrated by Amy Madigan) 2- "Leo the Late Bloomer" (by Robert Kraus, illustrated by Jose Aruego, narrat..

Nataly Fish

Doug en mission spéciale

Doug en mission spéciale

Sur les traces de Kevin l'oiseau, Alpha, Omega et Beta tentent d'empêcher Doug de les rejoindre en lui confiant de drôles de missions...

Nataly Fish



A high school student must decide whether to leave for college or stay at home with her mentally disabled parents.

Nataly Fish

Der Aufreißer

Der Aufreißer

A man who awakens in a woman's apartment being questioned by her pre-teen daughter regarding his intentions towards her mother.

Nataly Fish

La Reine de Noël

La Reine de Noël

Entre les objets qu'elle fabrique pour décorer le magasin de cadeaux où elle travaille et ses victoires au concours annuel de biscuits faits maison, Ashley a la réputation d'être la reine de Noël. Jusqu'au jour où elle rencontre Ben, le fils du patron, qui devient son co-équipier et compte bien moderniser l’image du magasin…

Nataly Fish

Le menu de Noël

Le menu de Noël

Pour les fêtes de Noël, la cheffe Scarlett Bridges doit réinventer son menu sous peine de devoir fermer son restaurant. Elle part suivre un stage de cuisine pour trouver l’inspiration et découvre que le chef n’est autre que James Guidry, son ancien rival de l’école de cuisine…

Nataly Fish

Plan Confiné.e.s

Plan Confiné.e.s

Quand leur projet de se confiner ensemble lors de l'épidémie de COVID-19 tombe à l'eau, les amis se retrouvent soudain coupés les uns des autres, et du monde.

Nataly Fish

Love Hurts

Love Hurts

Un père, récemment séparé, apprend de son fils comment séduire à nouveau alors que le fils lui-même tente de conquérir la fille de ses rêves.

Nataly Fish

Calino s'endurcit la figure

Calino s'endurcit la figure

There is one joke in this slapstick from Jean Durand's comedy unit at Gaumont: Calino wants to win a boxing match, and decides that he needs to toughen up one part of his body: no glass jaw for him! So he subjects his chin to various punishment, all of which he endures with no sign of discomfort.

Nataly Fish

Pickup on 101

Pickup on 101

An elderly wanderer, a sexy young girl running away from home and a folk singer looking for stardom hitch-hike their way cross-country, trying to get to California.

Nataly Fish

Le mari de ma boss

Le mari de ma boss

La veille de la Saint-Valentin, Claire sort avec ses amies et se laisse séduire par Brian. Elle découvre peu après que c’est le mari de sa chef. Sa situation devient inextricable lorsque sa chef est assassinée et que Claire est désignée comme la principale suspecte.

Nataly Fish



A beauty expert, a drug dealer, and a bungling revolutionary end up in the grips of an extremist group after meeting on a plane to Lebanon.

Nataly Fish

Quand on sera grand

Quand on sera grand

Simon, la trentaine, issu d'une famille de juifs séfarades, partage sa vie entre son métier de journaliste à Tabac Magazine, sa copine Christine avec qui il n'arrive pas à avoir d'enfant et ses amis Fabrice, Léa et Roché. Côté famille, il a quelques comptes à régler avec son père psy, mais il prend surtout soin de sa grand-mère qui perd..

Nataly Fish

A Totally Different Me

A Totally Different Me

At 21, Chris Birch was a typical, burly, rugby playing lad with a girlfriend and a job in a bank, but after a stroke everything changed. Today Chris looks different, sounds different and has a completely different life - he is a gay, image conscious hairdresser interested in fashion and interior décor. Chris has lost touch with some former friends..

Nataly Fish

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