
Fatal Dive to the Titanic: Truth and Lies

Fatal Dive to the Titanic: Truth and Lies

How Stockton Rush's deadly dive to the fabled Titanic wreckage in the Titan submersible became a cautionary tale about the risks of innovation.

Nataly Fish

Buffet Titanic

Buffet Titanic

Based on a short story of Ivo Andrić, famous Yugoslav Nobel Prize winner, this film is set in Sarajevo during WW2. Mento is a humble, poor Jew who runs a caffe. Stjepan is a man of unknown background, with no social or psychological dimension, who joined Nazis to leave any sort of trace behind himself.

Nataly Fish

Titanic Town

Titanic Town

Belfast 1972: The politically naive Bernie is trying to bring up a normal family in less than normal surroundings. Her best friend is accidentally shot dead by the IRA, and her neighbours are constantly raided by the army. In this climate of fear she stands up and condemns the murders. Criticising both factions, her call for a ceasefire is interpre..

Nataly Fish

Titanic 2000

Titanic 2000

The luxury liner Titanic 2000 has set sail on its maiden voyage, and one of the passengers is the vampire Vladamina. Vladamina is searching for a woman she can turn into a vampire queen, and frustrated rock groupie Shari looks to be a perfect target. As various people get seduced and/or killed as the liner continues on its doomed voyage, Shari must..

Nataly Fish

Titanic Waltz

Titanic Waltz

Based on a play by Tudor Mușatescu, Titanic Vals is the essence of Romanian genius in comedy, with amazing performances and the beautiful absurd of the quotidian.

Nataly Fish

Deathstalker IV: Match of Titans

Deathstalker IV: Match of Titans

It begins as a contest of strength the challenge of competition luring fighters from far away to a hilltop castle. Deathstalker leads the combatants but only to discover that the winners are disappearing one by one. Now, in his last and greatest battle, Deathstalker must defend his remaining comrades, his life, and his newfound love in battle again..

Nataly Fish

Words of the Titanic

Words of the Titanic

Readings from the diaries, accounts and letters of its passengers and crew tell the story of the Titanic, which sank 100 years ago today on its maiden voyage. The cast includes Richard E Grant, Roger Allam, Anna Madeley, James Wilby and Claudie Blakley, alongside relatives of those who were on board. Charles Dance narrates.

Nataly Fish

Last Year Titanic

Last Year Titanic

Director Andreas Voigt interviewed people of different ages and social backgrounds about their experiences after the fall of the Berlin Wall. He paints an important picture of this historic period in German history, filled with radical social and economic change and insecurity. Last Year Titanic was shot from December 1989 through December 1990 —..

Nataly Fish



This documentary explores the incredible history of the Titanic. From the crew to its final hours, Titanic chronicles this incredible story like never before. Get ready for Titanic.

Nataly Fish

Titanic : anatomie d'un géant

Titanic : anatomie d'un géant

14 avril 1912, le Titanic sombre dans les eaux glacées de l'Atlantique Nord. Mais au-delà du célèbre naufrage, il est une aventure bien plus méconnue, et pourtant tout aussi incroyable que son destin légendaire : sa construction. 110 ans après la tragédie, ce documentaire revient sur la genèse du plus mythique paquebot de tous les temps. J..

Nataly Fish

Romulus et Rémus

Romulus et Rémus

Ayant eu deux jumeaux du dieu Mars, la belle vestale Rhea Silvia, craignant les foudres de son oncle Amulius, le tyrannique roi d'Albe, les abandonne dans un berceau sur le cours d'une riviere. Les deux nouveau-nes, Romulus et Remus, identifies par une simple plaque de bronze gravee, sont allaites et soignes par une louve, jusqu'au jour ou le berge..

Nataly Fish

Titans of the Earth

Titans of the Earth

It has never a camera crew managed as close to document the social behavior of excavators in the wild: The Birth of the small crawler excavator is simply sensational and worth seeing. The film by Oliver Seiter captures the aesthetics of animal documentaries a masterly and transports you to a world of art who wanted you so never see.

Nataly Fish

Clash of the Titans

Clash of the Titans

Titanenkampf is a 1916 German silent science-fiction film written and directed by Joseph Delmont.

Nataly Fish

Cinematic Titanic: Rattlers

Cinematic Titanic: Rattlers

Something is very wrong in the Southwestern desert! It starts when rogue rattlesnakes attack two young boys, and it goes downhill from there. The local authorities summon herpetologist Dr. Tom Parkinson to investigate why the snakes are being such jerks. With the help of photographer and fledgling feminist Ann Bradley, the two of them embark on a ..

Nataly Fish

Titanic: And The Band Played On

Titanic: And The Band Played On

From the moment the ship sank, a series of powerful myths grew up around the Titanic. Perhaps the most potent of all was that of the band standing on deck, bravely playing on until the last lifeboat had left and there was no hope of escape. For the first time, Titanic: The Band Played On tells the story of those unsung heroes who were about to play..

Nataly Fish

The Sinking of Titania

The Sinking of Titania

Titania, a clumsy adolescent, sits in the tub, on the top of the plug-hole, the entrance to a murky world full of filth, bugs and hazards, which connects her to all the ass-holes in the world. Elements of this world now hover like Ghosts on the surrounding tiles, while Mimi Minus ruminates on the impossibility of love.

Nataly Fish

Amazing Titanman

Amazing Titanman

Nataly Fish

Titania, Titania, or the Night of the Stand-Ins

Titania, Titania, or the Night of the Stand-Ins

Never miss a satire if you'd like to have a wider view of the 60's or 70's (and maybe the 80's) Eastern Europe. Both the regime and behavior of people are pilloried, with many-many hints that show deeper details of the correlation of the two. And the creators didn't miss to have some words about the West and it's part of this history. But don't sit..

Nataly Fish

The Unsinkable Titanic

The Unsinkable Titanic

On April 10, 1912, the RMS Titanic embarked on its maiden voyage, sailing from Southampton, England, to New York City. One of the largest and most luxurious passenger liners at the time, the Titanic was also equipped with watertight compartments, which led many to consider the ship unsinkable; an anonymous deckhand famously claimed that “God hims..

Nataly Fish

Unsinkable: Titanic Untold

Unsinkable: Titanic Untold

The true story of rushed investigations, political interference, and the grasp for corporate accountability woven amongst heart wrenching flashbacks of the Titanic disaster as it unfolded.

Nataly Fish

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