
Intérieur d'un Couvent

Intérieur d'un Couvent

Des femmes sont enfermées contre leur gré dans un couvent du XIXe siècle, dirigé de main de fer par le prêtre confesseur. Cloîtrées, les recluses supportent mal l'abstinence qui leur est imposée par la mère supérieure. Elles s'abandonnent entre elles au libertinage pour fuir cette autorité.

Nataly Fish

Beyond The Wall

Beyond The Wall

Ali, aveugle, tente de se suicider lorsqu'il est interrompu par le concierge de son immeuble. Il est informé que la police recherche une femme qui s'est enfuie et s'est cachée quelque part dans l'immeuble. Petit à petit, Ali découvre que la fugitive, Leila, se trouve dans son appartement. Après avoir participé à une manifestation ouvrière q..

Nataly Fish

Au-delà des grilles

Au-delà des grilles

Pierre, un homme recherché par la police française pour le meurtre de sa maîtresse, débarque clandestinement dans le port de Gênes en Italie. Aidé par Cecchina, une petite fille, il fait bientôt la rencontre de la mère de celle-ci, Marta...

Nataly Fish

Northeast Happiness: The Mountain Cannon Rises to the Wall

Northeast Happiness: The Mountain Cannon Rises to the Wall

Xie Guangkun is transformed into Yang Erzheng, a poor and unruly villager in Liaoxi Township. He is recognized as the village's "bad guy", having lost his wife at an early age and raised his daughter alone

Nataly Fish

Beyond the Walls

Beyond the Walls

This 1985 Spanish film reveals one of the many terrible aspects of 16th century Spain, still plagued by the radical Christian Inquisition, one of a plethora of difficulties Spaniards faced at the time. Spanish super star Carmen Maura plays a nun who agrees to a selfless scam, a fake stigmata, only to avoid separation from her lover, another nun. ..

Nataly Fish

The Invisible Wall

The Invisible Wall

June 27, 1980: a DC–9 flying over the Tyrrhenian Sea breaks up mid-air and crashes near the Italian island of Ustica, killing all 81 people on board. The official version blames the "structural failure" of the plane, but a young journalist smells a cover-up and starts fighting to break free the truth from the 'invisible wall' of lies built by pol..

Nataly Fish



Laci is a 16-year old gypsy boy, who lives off casual jobs. One day, he gets picked up from the streets along with a small group of workers for a construction job. He has to participate in the completion of a wall, that surrounds a series of tenement buildings. The film follows the various stages of the construction as Laci helps out the other work..

Nataly Fish

Derrière les murs

Derrière les murs

Auvergne, 1922. Suzanne, jeune romancière, décide de s’isoler à la campagne pour écrire son nouveau livre. Mais peu à peu des visions et des cauchemars font leur apparition tandis que de mystérieuses disparitions de petites filles sèment le trouble dans le village...

Nataly Fish

Démolition d'un mur II

Démolition d'un mur II

La scène représente la chute d’un pan de mur dans une usine.”Trois ouvriers démolissent un mur en présence d’Auguste Lumière. Titre issu du Catalogue des vues - Première Liste. Dans ce catalogue qu'il a remis à Georges Sadoul en 1946, Louis Lumière a annoté les vues qu'il s'attribuait dont celle-ci. En raison de l'existence de deux ..

Nataly Fish

Hors les murs

Hors les murs

Paulo, un jeune pianiste, rencontre Ilir, un bassiste d'origine albanaise. Aussitôt, c'est le coup de foudre. Du jour au lendemain, Paulo quitte sa fiancée pour s'installer chez Ilir. Le jour où ils se promettent de s'aimer pour la vie, Ilir quitte la ville et ne revient plus.

Nataly Fish

Wall, The Wall

Wall, The Wall

Murat is a dedicated construction worker building a gargantuan wall for a boss whom none of the workers has ever seen. After the departure of his colleague, Ali, and his relocation on the other side of the wall imposed by Yavuz, the boss' right-hand, Murat sinks into a whirlwind of tension that leads him to struggle to meet the man he works for.

Nataly Fish

Beyond the Wall

Beyond the Wall

In September 1974, at the Bösebrücke border crossing between East and West Germany, Heike and Ulrich Molitor, along with their two little children, are caught trying to escape to the West. As a punishment the parents are presented with a terrible decision: they will be permitted to leave for West Germany with their seven-year-old son Klaus, but t..

Nataly Fish

Riki-Oh: The Wall of Hell

Riki-Oh: The Wall of Hell

In the late 1990s, society is descending into ecological collapse and totalitarianism. Saiga Riki-Oh, a mysterious man with a six-pointed star on his fist, finds himself at the privately-owned Tokyo State Prison. Serving a term of three years due to assault, his first offense, Riki-Oh openly antagonizes The Four Emperors, four powerful prisoners th..

Nataly Fish

Kiss through the Wall

Kiss through the Wall

Kesha, a young magician assistant, is desperately in love with a young journalist Alisa. He is ready to do everything possible to conquer her.

Nataly Fish

Flies on the Wall

Flies on the Wall

My Larsen is a documentarian in her early thirties. Self-centered and assertive, she likes to challenge and provoke her surroundings. She takes on an unusual assignment to make a film about the conservative township of Ravnsborg, but she learns there is a dark side to life in this small town. Someone is trying to cover up a terrible secret and they..

Nataly Fish

Le Mur

Le Mur

La terrible vie, pleine de sevices et d'humiliation, des enfants prisonniers du penitencier central d'Ankara.

Nataly Fish

Varg Veum - The Writing on the Wall

Varg Veum - The Writing on the Wall

Varg Veum is no longer working as a private investigator. He's got a permanent job as a teacher, and has calmed down his life, enjoying the domestic bliss with his new girlfriend Karin, but the idyll doesn't last long. Veum gets a brutal meeting with the past, when "The Knife" is released from prison, determined to take revenge on those who got him..

Nataly Fish

The Wall

The Wall

A modern HK Cinema throwback to eighties triad dramas. Jordan Chan is Cho, a recently released ex-con who was imprisoned when he took the heat for a killing performed by his childhood buddy Dik (Patrick Tam). Now free, Cho only wants to be rid of the triad life, but finds himself inexorably drawn back in when Dik reappears. Dik is now a top triad l..

Nataly Fish

Open the Wall

Open the Wall

A lighthearted look at the opening of the border crossing of Bornholmer Straße in Berlin from the point of view of the confused border guards.

Nataly Fish

Prison Walls of Abashiri  2

Prison Walls of Abashiri 2

Deux condamnés tout juste libérés de prison trouvent une boule verte remplie de diamants et tentent de prouver qu'ils ne l'ont pas volée.

Nataly Fish

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